Elite: General talk

25 Jan 2021, 8:14am
Not sure if the discussion wouldn't be better suited for General talk but I'll add my 2 cents to it...

Leaving the game mid combat should be punished. Maybe not exactly always with an instant ban as there can be misinterpretations (I've been in that situation myself) but at the very least with a rebuy screen. For that the timer is too short. I think I already mentioned this a while ago. EVE has a 5-10 minute timer depending on whether it was PvE or PvP.

Now let's assume this is done and run through a couple things...

The player in question actively in some form tries to escape death by quitting the game mid fight in any way. Won't work because waiting there even 5 minutes gets you killed.

The player has a one time internet issue and dcs. Happened once. Not by his fault that the player is greeted with a rebuy screen but if they can't afford that that's on them tbh.

The player generally has a bad internet connection and dcs because of that maybe not for the first time. Clearly that's an issue the player should know about and absolutely not play Elite with. In cases of suspected CL, Frontier sends you an email in which they even state that you are to make sure your connection is stable. Again, a deserved rebuy screen.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 8:23am
How would the game differentiate pvp and pve? What if you are doing pve in a wing of friends, you perhaps accidentallly shoot one of your friends and dc? Or should a rebuy screen happen any time you are in a dangerous zone regardless of whther it is pvp or not? That would make guardian sites a pain, as if you want to grind some of the componenets you would have to drive off site every time you relogg otherwise you would presumably lose the srv.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 8:33am
How would you lose that ship or SRV without being shot at? The rebuy screen is something that would happen because you are not in the game and can't shoot back or run but your ship remains in space free to kill. If you're bounty hunting in a HazRes with friends your friends can protect you. In a Guardian site you shouldn't really log out while being shot at by drones.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 8:38am
When you go to log out, regardless of whether or not there are drones in the area, the game makes you wait the 15 seconds.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 8:55am
5 minutes would be annoying in that that's true. There would have to be a a compromise. I think getting stuck in stations also creates a timer so it's probably a good idea to lower the time you have to wait. 1 and 2 minutes maybe. As for driving off site... how far is off site? It's been a while since I did guardian sites. If it's just outside the ruins where you probably parked your ship I don't really see the problem. The difference between PvP and PvE would be in whether a player is hostile to you. The game should be able to tell the difference there.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 9:00am
Thats the thing, me and my friend tested this; regardless on whether or ont you are in a wing, even if you are the only ones in the area, it will make you do the cool down. Wing doesnt turn off friendly fire. And as to the guardian sites, yes... you have to drive to you ship to go out of the "danger", but this would take farming technology components twice as long, which i guess you could live with.... But it doesnt discredit the other scenarios.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 9:32am
The fact that it currently gives you a cool down in that wing scenario is something to consider but it should be possible to change that criteria. In fact it has to be changed because right now Elite doesn't make a difference between PvE and PvP as far as I know. Guardian sites are most likely the same but while I can understand it may seem tedious to people it's not like it would mean flying to Hutton orbital to be able to log out or something silly like that.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:49am
25 Jan 2021, 9:44am
There are so many little things that have been requested and sit around fo years that put in perspective, setting up a system that can differentiate between pvp and pve would massive relative to anything else they have done on community request. For example, there is still no option in controls for a button to switch relative mouse on or off when you turn flight aasist on or off. One would think this could be implemeted wuite well and it would make people that play on mouse and keyboard, have an easier life. Yets this hasnt been implemented after 4 years when it was brought up.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 9:50am
25 Jan 2021, 9:47am
Niccoll DysonHello does anyone know when you can give people in yu squadron the wingman, senior wingman, and veteran roles on your squadron? It justs says "requirements: must be at least days active" But that doesnt tell me anything, and I couldnt figure out a way to specify how long it had to be for each role.

Hello, it's was a bug. You should see the numbers there now.
25 Jan 2021, 9:52am
I come from Freelancer Discovery server and there was a golden rule of NOT logging out from any sort of interaction, which was a "credit cleaning offense up to banning character".


The same server ENFORCED role-playing basics and limited killing spree to very handful of factions (terrorists, agent cells, outright hostility in reputation), unless there was an outright war between certain factions/superpowers with certain rules of engagement, too.

This is why I am in huge criticism of PVP on Elite: Dangerous, because in most (of my) cases there was no piracy but jolly player-killing given there is no active reputation system which sets you hostile to authorities if you pirate too much (on Discovery, reputations were enforced). Where I come from, pirates couldn't attack you but had to interact with you first, pulling a demand - if these were fulfilled, you couldn't be shot as a trader. That is, unless you failed to fulfill demands (such as running away or prolonging the encounter). Trick is, trader also had to engage into interaction if he or she didn't want to give pirate reason card just to butcher him (lack of response was negative response, due to thumb rule). Another reason is the fact Engineering puts certain people in huge disadvantage, while on Discovery Freelancer no such mechanic existed and only your skills gave you advantage in combat. On Elite, you are just rotflstomped should you consider respond to combat invitation.

I pirated on Discovery Freelancer for years before I got Elite: Dangerous and those were golden times: running away from authority players, surprising traders in least expected places, having rush of adrenaline while passing with loot through the hostile pirate territory...  Same I cannot say for Elite: Dangerous sadly, because there is little to no interaction from either side (at least talking from experience on Xbox), with PKers flying around without a single word... but that is my own opinion as sort of habit taken from different game which played by different rules.

And before you ask, yes, Discovery relied on PVP + PVE as roleplaying server with 24/7 PVP interaction (which wasn't combat only), but it was way smaller AND everyone had to obey strict roleplay regulations. Piracy and Trading were most worth it due to high value of ores... but at the same time there was no dynamic economy and each region had demand on certain resources until certain special events. Unlike on ED, there were no bounties from killed NPCs either (those were given by other players upon registering on certain boards) and trading was the only reasonable way to earn credits to your different characters.

Oh, and something that I'd love ED had: credits piracy -  on Discovery it couldn't be ridiculous like 4x times of cargo value however. But in the end, you don't know how much it would change on Elite: Dangerous if you just could ask trader for credits or use Recon Limpet for hacking NPC and Commander bank accounts.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2021, 10:06am
25 Jan 2021, 10:19am
Niccoll DysonHello does anyone know when you can give people in yu squadron the wingman, senior wingman, and veteran roles on your squadron? It justs says "requirements: must be at least days active" But that doesnt tell me anything, and I couldnt figure out a way to specify how long it had to be for each role.

Hello, it's was a bug. You should see the numbers there now.

Thank you!
25 Jan 2021, 11:19am
Ah, Freelancer Discovery... That brings back so many fond memories. I'd love to see something like you described in ED, but it's probably infeasible outside of Private Groups (which is fine, don't get me wrong -- I don't think the majority of players enjoy RP too much).
26 Jan 2021, 8:29pm
Nkizo BaxterI come from Freelancer Discovery server and there was a golden rule of NOT logging out from any sort of interaction, which was a "credit cleaning offense up to banning character".


The same server ENFORCED role-playing basics and limited killing spree to very handful of factions (terrorists, agent cells, outright hostility in reputation), unless there was an outright war between certain factions/superpowers with certain rules of engagement, too.

This is why I am in huge criticism of PVP on Elite: Dangerous, because in most (of my) cases there was no piracy but jolly player-killing given there is no active reputation system which sets you hostile to authorities if you pirate too much (on Discovery, reputations were enforced). Where I come from, pirates couldn't attack you but had to interact with you first, pulling a demand - if these were fulfilled, you couldn't be shot as a trader. That is, unless you failed to fulfill demands (such as running away or prolonging the encounter). Trick is, trader also had to engage into interaction if he or she didn't want to give pirate reason card just to butcher him (lack of response was negative response, due to thumb rule). Another reason is the fact Engineering puts certain people in huge disadvantage, while on Discovery Freelancer no such mechanic existed and only your skills gave you advantage in combat. On Elite, you are just rotflstomped should you consider respond to combat invitation.

I pirated on Discovery Freelancer for years before I got Elite: Dangerous and those were golden times: running away from authority players, surprising traders in least expected places, having rush of adrenaline while passing with loot through the hostile pirate territory...  Same I cannot say for Elite: Dangerous sadly, because there is little to no interaction from either side (at least talking from experience on Xbox), with PKers flying around without a single word... but that is my own opinion as sort of habit taken from different game which played by different rules.

And before you ask, yes, Discovery relied on PVP + PVE as roleplaying server with 24/7 PVP interaction (which wasn't combat only), but it was way smaller AND everyone had to obey strict roleplay regulations. Piracy and Trading were most worth it due to high value of ores... but at the same time there was no dynamic economy and each region had demand on certain resources until certain special events. Unlike on ED, there were no bounties from killed NPCs either (those were given by other players upon registering on certain boards) and trading was the only reasonable way to earn credits to your different characters.

Oh, and something that I'd love ED had: credits piracy -  on Discovery it couldn't be ridiculous like 4x times of cargo value however. But in the end, you don't know how much it would change on Elite: Dangerous if you just could ask trader for credits or use Recon Limpet for hacking NPC and Commander bank accounts.

CODE role plays as pirates, and it makes perfect sense for them to engage bounty hunters in res sites that are literally blowing up other pirates. Krash was not in a paper ASP, they were in an engineered corvette fit for combat, and they were in open.

Its funny that you are trying to defend combat logging by arguing a lack of RP but the vast majority of combat logs are committed by CMDRs in engineered, large combat vessels in res sites and CZs where PVP is supposed to happen.
26 Jan 2021, 10:15pm
ZentzlbIts funny that you are trying to defend combat logging by arguing a lack of RP but the vast majority of combat logs are committed by CMDRs in engineered, large combat vessels in res sites and CZs where PVP is supposed to happen.

You connected two unrelated things from two unrelated posts and that's where my discussion with you ends.

Last edit: 26 Jan 2021, 10:21pm
27 Jan 2021, 7:57am
Igneel PrimeLeaving the game mid combat should be punished. Maybe not exactly always with an instant ban as there can be misinterpretations (I've been in that situation myself) but at the very least with a rebuy screen. For that the timer is too short. I think I already mentioned this a while ago. EVE has a 5-10 minute timer depending on whether it was PvE or PvP...

I would seriously entertain this line of thinking if the MP in ED wasn't so bad. As it stands a supposed Combat Log could just as likely be desync or a game crash, or game/interplayer DC.

Even if these issues were all reliably fixed, the idea of punishing someone for leaving a GAME without being certain of their reason(s) is a risky business model. Especially when the combat itself was likely not initiated by the logger in the first place. For example: if my kids were interdicted 30 seconds before bedtime they're logging off one way or another and for the game to punish them after the fact leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth except for the interdictor whom I'm certain will get over it.

If combat logging didn't render you invulnerable then you have 15 seconds to kill them and if the attacker can't within that timeframe then that's on them. It does though and that's really the issue imo.

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