Elite: General talk

15 Feb 2021, 10:41pm
Rho TefnutetFDev won't make separate Solo/PG and Open, let alone restrict mechanics for PG/Solo mode. Firstly, that would be very bad for firm's rep that involves a lot of issues that basically roll into categories of "breaking initial promises to offer exactly the same content to all platforms and modes". It's not just about group of players who want to stay in PG/Solo, but could be taken under purposeful restricting content that is widely available with bought product - which in some countries can be considered a serious crime. This is why there are NO bonuses for Open, due to the fact it would be breaking initial equality between the modes.

But also, the issue comes from the fact that a lot of players play PG/Solo not because they don't want to avoid PVP, but because it's the only technical way to enjoy ED. There are issues with the ISP, very high ping between clients given P2P connection or internet being strained in certain place, data limitations (that's a thing in some countries) or - the rarest one - lack of subscription that only limits console players to Solo.

There is yet another issue. Anyone who played any actual MMO knows that servers must have a lot of infrastructure to contain players. Majority of the infrastructure of Elite: Dangerous is likely Stellar Forge, so to unload stress onto the servers FDev decided to go P2P connection without much server involvement. However, that brings me to the problem from the previous paragraph: that decision strains on people who want to play Open, but they are technically incapable to do that.

That's why we are in dead point.
I can think, what I want, but any changes are impossible. Buuut...I heard, than in very, very early days frontier promised offline mode, not solo, and they changed it into solo online mode, so I'm rly not sure about their promisses.
PS:Timezones, can be very hard, but possible to counter, other mode not Just saying, because your points are valid.
And yes, you are talking about important thing- crossplay. Sad, that we haven't it.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2021, 10:51pm
16 Feb 2021, 3:39pm
TheCephMurder...daily it warms my heart and i humbly take all your effort and also...aahh Bullshit...., cram these cannons right up your hindholes, you rainbow farting carebears.

[the rest of the post...]

just watching your Video, you do not sound scary, actually you sound allright!... (ruined impression :-) )

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Feb 2021, 3:47pm
16 Feb 2021, 3:41pm
TheCephMurder...daily it warms my heart and i humbly take all your effort and also...aahh Bullshit...., cram these cannons right up your hindholes, you rainbow farting carebears.

[the rest of the post...]

Feel free to discuss here, but without insulting other players. Thank you.
16 Feb 2021, 3:46pm
artie...where are you buddy, i need to murder you too and put it on video...i feel like you all dont deserve to be in open play, then again i understand if you solo or group...having to share a galaxy with me is not fun. NEVER FORGET , im not stuck here with you, you are all stuck here with me....check some of it at youtube.com/cephalos81 for your daily dose of murder
16 Feb 2021, 4:15pm
TheCephartie...where are you buddy, i need to murder you too and put it on video...i feel like you all dont deserve to be in open play, then again i understand if you solo or group...having to share a galaxy with me is not fun. NEVER FORGET , im not stuck here with you, you are all stuck here with me....check some of it at youtube.com/cephalos81 for your daily dose of murder

are you doing the opposite of what Teddy Roosevelt said: " Speak loudly carry a small *ick"
16 Feb 2021, 4:24pm
TheCephMurder...daily it warms my heart and i humbly take all your effort and also...aahh Bullshit...., cram these cannons right up your hindholes, you rainbow farting carebears.

[the rest of the post...]

Feel free to discuss here, but without insulting other players. Thank you.

"Rainbow farting carebears" made me laugh.
16 Feb 2021, 4:33pm
*sigh* Guys, it's the guy Artie banned at least twice already so far...

16 Feb 2021, 4:39pm
I do hope I was not the only other person who realised xD
16 Feb 2021, 4:42pm
Everyone deserves a third chance.
16 Feb 2021, 4:54pm
"Rainbow farting carebears" made me laugh.

Yeah, under different circumstances and when used as a joke it's quite funny.
But as others already discovered, there is a history and thus my one and only warning...
16 Feb 2021, 5:28pm
SakashiroEveryone deserves a third chance.

Third time is usually the charm, right?
16 Feb 2021, 5:34pm
Amata Lirein*sigh* Guys, it's the guy Artie banned at least twice already so far...


Yeah, I noticed that & pointed it out awhile ago.

1 of them I already 'Ignored'.

Looks like this doppelgänger is following in the same footsteps.
16 Feb 2021, 5:47pm
Ah, that cringy dude.
16 Feb 2021, 8:53pm
Rho Tefnutet
HeilriderI can think, what I want, but any changes are impossible. Buuut...I heard, than in very, very early days frontier promised offline mode, not solo, and they changed it into solo online mode, so I'm rly not sure about their promisses.

FDev were not able to give offline mode, because we're speaking about 1:1 galaxy which amount of data no PC or console would hold, hence constant connection. There is a reason why you need a very powerful computer for Europa Universalis 4 or Hearts of Iron 4, because all stuff that happens is not the graphics but PC itself making AI thinking for 240 nations - the similar would apply to BGS, I'd risk, and while it wouldn't do stuff every second, take into account the way bigger scale given there's over 50,000 inhabited systems with at least five factions each. Offline mode would be impossible unless it would contain maybe 1000 systems with fixed economy... so offline ED would be a wholly new game, what would not be profitable for FDev.

No, it's not a technical limitation. It's absolutely possible to run a game like Elite on a bog standard machine. The comparisons to HoI4 and Europa Universalis are grossly misplaced, those games do not work in the slightest like an offline Elite would.

Not implementing an offline mode was a design choice. FDev chose the multiplayer over the singleplayer and as a result abandoned an offline mode. People need to stop being so stuck up about this. FDev explored the possibility and decided against it, that happens all the time in software development.

There is also a major difference between not keeping promise about the offline mode (which was mostly technical limitation) and taking away something from any of three modes available to the players. Open, PG and Solo are equal in terms of BGS, economy, rewards and so on. If one mode would have better bonuses - or worse, got some content cut available one certain mode - that would meet with a very negative feedback from the people who prefer this and not the other mode, in some cases even ending in customer rights court. And like I said in the other post, there is a lot of reasons why people use PG/Solo and not Open while playing Elite: Dangerous. If such a decision to restrict certain mechanics to Open Mode happened, FDev would lose a lot of customers who prefer other things than PVP - and a lot of people seem to forget that BGS is not only PVP, but also PVE mechanic.

If you try to take game devs to a customer rights court because of a balancing issue, you'll get laughed at. Some people will be pissed and 80% of the playerbase probably won't notice for quite a while.
16 Feb 2021, 9:48pm
Rho Tefnutet
Rebecca HailIf you try to take game devs to a customer rights court because of a balancing issue, you'll get laughed at. Some people will be pissed and 80% of the playerbase probably won't notice for quite a while.

Content access =/= balancing issues.

You're not blocked from accessing the content. You choose to not access it.

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