Elite: General talk

15 Feb 2021, 4:21pm
Rat Catcher

It is probably a 'male' thing to play in open because, stuff...

Haha, nail on head.

You see it on every ED platform, it is hilarious.  You would think from all the macho this and that, that is thrown about on all these platforms,  that playing in open is a cock measuring sausage fest.  "I have played in open since the dawn of time" blah blah blah. *yawn*

Underlying issues maybe?

The reality is playing in open, is indifferent to the others, with precautions.  No pun intended.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
15 Feb 2021, 4:25pm
SakashiroTechnically it's not ganking if it happens in the context of a combat CG.

You are right for encounters in CZ, but jumping in and out of CZ to just shoot hollow triangles in a wing of 4 definitely is.

Shooting someone on return from a CZ before they can hand in their combat vouchers is valid CG gameplay IMHO. The same goes for shooting ships that carry CG-related cargo. Unlike ganking, these actions have a purpose as they affect the CG results.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
15 Feb 2021, 5:53pm
I'm simple man, I see CG, I will do it in open. I accept any risk, for you this people are gankers. For me they are just enemies/terrorists/whatever else. 1 player will farm bonds, other will kill players, which collect bonds.
Additional rewards for playing in open during CG? No. COMMUNITY goals should be doable only in open, no in safe harbour of solo and PG
But ofc. I agree, that crime system needs rework. Other problem is gap between unengineered and engineered ships. But they are only 3 positions from list "what should be done in other way", and no way for it.

Remember, that any CG is grindfestival.
"collect as many bonds, as you can and claim it". IMO killing opponents before they claim bond it is valid gameplay too. Destroy ship with broken modules, and 30% hull indeed is dickmove, but it is war CG

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:05pm
HeilriderI'm simple man, I see CG, I will do it in open. I accept any risk, for you this people are gankers. For me they are just enemies/terrorists/whatever else. 1 player will farm bonds, other will kill players, which collect bonds.
Additional rewards for playing in open during CG? No. COMMUNITY goals should be doable only in open, no in safe harbour of solo and PG
But ofc. I agree, that crime system needs rework. Other problem is gap between unengineered and engineered ships.

Remember, that any CG is grindfestival.
"collect as many bonds, as you can and claim it". IMO killing opponents before they claim bond it is valid gameplay too. Destroy ship with broken modules, and 30% hull indeed is dickmove, but it is war CG

sadly that is nonsense. I got ganked by 2 different players who sent apologies afterwards... neither where my baddies in the CG... so no CG is a gank fest. Play solo in CG to get CG done.

I play in open when I want to float around and see what's happening, if I want to get something done then I play solo... cause GANKERS no other reason!

most ED streamer play in PG or SOLO cause why - GANKERS. I bet even the GANKERS go solo or PG when they need to farm some credits etc...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:13pm
Shooting someone on return from a CZ before they can hand in their combat vouchers is valid CG gameplay IMHO. The same goes for shooting ships that carry CG-related cargo. Unlike ganking, these actions have a purpose as they affect the CG results.

I doubt that people who just reset instances to kill other CMDRs have some reasoning to support a side in a CG. Preventing contribution is less effective than actually contributing to the opposing side. What actually happens is that they are driving more people in SOLO/PG.  I've been doing yesterday CZ in open... I didn't die but I was close twice. So, I know what's actually going on there. If you are alone you should be always looking behind your back.  

HeilriderI'm simple man, I see CG, I will do it in open. I accept any risk, for you this people are gankers. For me they are just enemies/terrorists/whatever else. 1 player will farm bonds, other will kill players, which collect bonds.
Additional rewards for playing in open during CG? No. COMMUNITY goals should be doable only in open, no in safe harbour of solo and PG

This is your opinion. Others have different opinion ... Only Frontier can fix the status quo, but they appear to not have a spine for this.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:14pm
though thinking out loud - it could be fun loading up a Type 9 with 100 million in cargo and publicly announcing your route and getting either players to fly wing for you and get the Gankers to come and gank you. That could be fun - apart from the instance!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:16pm
HeilriderI'm simple man, I see CG, I will do it in open. I accept any risk, for you this people are gankers. For me they are just enemies/terrorists/whatever else. 1 player will farm bonds, other will kill players, which collect bonds.
Additional rewards for playing in open during CG? No. COMMUNITY goals should be doable only in open, no in safe harbour of solo and PG
But ofc. I agree, that crime system needs rework. Other problem is gap between unengineered and engineered ships. But they are only 3 positions from list "what should be done in other way", and no way for it.

Remember, that any CG is grindfestival.
"collect as many bonds, as you can and claim it". IMO killing opponents before they claim bond it is valid gameplay too. Destroy ship with broken modules, and 30% hull indeed is dickmove, but it is war CG

Yeah, yeah. It's all good on paper. But some CG is just unplayable. For example AX CG. When people are flying in dedicated anti xeno ships and there several wings of gankers. You can't fight PvP suited ship with AX weapons. So what? You will need another PvP wing that will be guarding AX one? Where the hell I will get so many friends? And I dont think that this people really care about RP, background and lore of the game, CG goal or immersion. "Supporters of thargoids", lol. It's just another type of seal clubbing. Easy kills. Nothing more.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:36pm
Shooting someone on return from a CZ before they can hand in their combat vouchers is valid CG gameplay IMHO. The same goes for shooting ships that carry CG-related cargo. Unlike ganking, these actions have a purpose as they affect the CG results.

I doubt that people who just reset instances to kill other CMDRs have some reasoning to support a side in a CG. Preventing contribution is less effective than actually contributing to the opposing side. What actually happens is that they are driving more people in SOLO/PG.  I've been doing yesterday CZ in open... I didn't die but I was close twice. So, I know what's actually going on there. If you are alone you should be always looking behind your back.  

HeilriderI'm simple man, I see CG, I will do it in open. I accept any risk, for you this people are gankers. For me they are just enemies/terrorists/whatever else. 1 player will farm bonds, other will kill players, which collect bonds.
Additional rewards for playing in open during CG? No. COMMUNITY goals should be doable only in open, no in safe harbour of solo and PG

This is your opinion. Others have different opinion ... Only Frontier can fix the status quo, but they appear to not have a spine for this.

Making CG's an open event only will never happen.  FDev has made it clear they want this game to be playable without requiring multiplay/open/PVP.  Any solution must account for this if it is to be taken seriously, like it or not.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:44pm
having the ability to influence events that happen in open while being essentially immortal and untouchable is broken.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:38pm
15 Feb 2021, 6:53pm
They are community goals. Playing them lone wolf style kinda is against the idea. I have no understanding for people crying about getting attacked by wings of gankers when entering any CG alone not to mention COMBAT CGs. Wings exist for a reason. The elite "community" has a huge lot of individual crying care bears who are surprised that other things exist than trading, exploring an wrecking paper NPCs

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:40pm
15 Feb 2021, 7:01pm
Actually you influence events by doing stuff, not by preventing others doing stuff.

If it was a PvP game we would have persistent instances where all involved would be able to join once the event start and unable to re-enter if dead or left it for some reason.

What it actually is is a PvE game with a PvE stuff to do and an wishful implementation of PvP. (Note: I am not even talking about balance , ship handling and so on. It is just how the game is designed. PvP have Zero impact. If you do just PvP you contribute with nothing to the events.)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:40pm
15 Feb 2021, 7:20pm
well I am having a blast trying out different weapon configs on ALL RIGHT GUV? Seeker Missiles with a rail gun for sniping it's good though running out of AMMO after 1 or 2 kills is not so good. Just about to try an all cannon set up....

mostly it seems to be PVPers (gankers) mostly crying carebare (as we all play solo...  ) for there are no NOOBs for me to flex my prowess over - ahh didums

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:40pm
15 Feb 2021, 8:35pm
EpisparhActually you influence events by doing stuff, not by preventing others doing stuff.

If it was a PvP game we would have persistent instances where all involved would be able to join once the event start and unable to re-enter if dead or left it for some reason.

What it actually is is a PvE game with a PvE stuff to do and an wishful implementation of PvP. (Note: I am not even talking about balance , ship handling and so on. It is just how the game is designed. PvP have Zero impact. If you do just PvP you contribute with nothing to the events.)

This game is a Open MMO Space SIM. There have been MMOs in the past that do not have PvP modes/events but have open area so you can PVP is you want. ED is like that just the whole game is Open or Co-Op if you play in PG or you can play SOLO the nice thing is the game modes are all connected so you push the game forward no matter what mode you play on.

There are active PvP squads that like to protect people doing CG problem is getting into the right instance people need help in. You never know what server you're logging into. Fuel rats have this problem it's why you have to add people on friends list and drop wing beacon to link up.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2021, 8:40pm
15 Feb 2021, 8:48pm
Elite certainly isn't an MMO. specifically on the massive part it fails hideously. It's an online game, but not an MMO
15 Feb 2021, 8:58pm
Igneel PrimeElite certainly isn't an MMO. specifically on the massive part it fails hideously. It's an online game, but not an MMO

This is from the game wiki - Elite Dangerous is a space flight simulation game developed and published by Frontier Developments. Piloting a spaceship, the player explores a realistic 1:1 scale open-world representation of the Milky Way galaxy, with the gameplay being open-ended. The game is the first in the series to attempt massively multiplayer gameplay, with players' actions affecting the narrative story of the game's persistent universe, while also retaining a single-player mode.

MMO - just means massive multiplayer online which Elite falls under
just because the player base is not as big as you'd like doesn't stop it from being a MMO.

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