Elite: General talk

02 Mar 2021, 11:15am
Mary QuinnI think we need to be capable of post screenshots in the gallery without sharing them automatically in the community gallery.
At this time, each screenshot I post in the gallery is shared, and all screens doesn't need to.
And I've the same question about clogging the gallery without uninteresting screens, so I join your in your quest for answers!

Pretty sure they regularly archive everything so I would post away.
02 Mar 2021, 11:57am
Mary QuinnAt this time, each screenshot I post in the gallery is shared, and all screens doesn't need to.

As I've seen, many logbook authors use third-party image hosting services to keep all the random stuff away from glorious photos. Had the same question with my first posts and resolved it that way. Works good so far.

You can check up the image links for "HD photos" and compare them with image links to small screenshot pieces.
02 Mar 2021, 11:52pm
Hope everyone has a good day. Wishing you well
03 Mar 2021, 12:37pm
Fox781Hope everyone has a good day. Wishing you well

I've a nice day, I can work with my colleagues in the same office! That's a great day
Hope you having a nice day too
03 Mar 2021, 2:49pm
im doing a expedition towards sag a in my fc. problem is i didnt pack enough tritium. how difficult is it to mine in order to fill up the fuel reserve for my tank?
03 Mar 2021, 3:31pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenkoim doing a expedition towards sag a in my fc. problem is i didnt pack enough tritium. how difficult is it to mine in order to fill up the fuel reserve for my tank?

when I flew back from Colonia in an ASP I was doing some serious system scanning on my way and 1 out every 5/6 systems there was Tritium
03 Mar 2021, 3:52pm
I heard that a strange violation of physics occurred when transporting ships loaded with cargo in a FC.

The jump & travel range wasn't decreased nor was fuel cost to jump increased.

So, 1nce you find your Tritium mining spot & fill your FC fuel tank, load the ships you bring along with you with Tritium, & then transfer it from them to your FC along the way as needed. So, several Type 9, etc. filled with Tritium should extend your FC range.

I welcome any corrections, not having a FC myself.
03 Mar 2021, 4:01pm
Synthya WylderI heard that a strange violation of physics occurred when transporting ships loaded with cargo in a FC.

The jump & travel range wasn't decreased nor was fuel cost to jump increased.

So, 1nce you find your Tritium mining spot & fill your FC fuel tank, load the ships you bring along with you with Tritium, & then transfer it from them to your FC along the way as needed. So, several Type 9, etc. filled with Tritium should extend your FC range.

I welcome any corrections, not having a FC myself.

You can't fill more than one ship (per account). The cargo transfers into the ship you switch too. this means you can bring an extra T9 worth of fuel with you but then you're stuck using that T9 until you can unload it.
03 Mar 2021, 4:18pm
Synthya WylderI heard that a strange violation of physics occurred when transporting ships loaded with cargo in a FC.

The jump & travel range wasn't decreased nor was fuel cost to jump increased.

So, 1nce you find your Tritium mining spot & fill your FC fuel tank, load the ships you bring along with you with Tritium, & then transfer it from them to your FC along the way as needed. So, several Type 9, etc. filled with Tritium should extend your FC range.

I welcome any corrections, not having a FC myself.

You can't fill more than one ship (per account). The cargo transfers into the ship you switch too. this means you can bring an extra T9 worth of fuel with you but then you're stuck using that T9 until you can unload it.

True, I stand corrected. Thanks!
03 Mar 2021, 6:53pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenkoim doing a expedition towards sag a in my fc. problem is i didnt pack enough tritium. how difficult is it to mine in order to fill up the fuel reserve for my tank?

100-200t per hour depending on where you mine, how good are you at mining and least but not last what RNGeasus will give you.
04 Mar 2021, 8:04pm
Evening! As many of you may know, next Friday marks the sixth anniversary of Terry Pratchett's death. Fdev honoured his passing with a station, Pratchett's Disc in HIP 74290. In his memory I'm taking my Corvette there, with a lilac (purplish anyway) paint job and the ship ID changed to GNUTP. I'll be there around 2000 UTC. Whether you go there in Open, Private or Solo, raise a glass to a man who would have loved this game if he'd survived.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/lxgwr9/gnu_terry_pratchett/

Last edit: 04 Mar 2021, 9:20pm
04 Mar 2021, 8:26pm
Joe TenebrianEvening! As many of you may know, next Friday marks the sixth anniversary of Terry Pratchett's death. Fdev honoured his passing with a station, Pratchett's Disc in HIP 74290. In his memory I'm taking my Corvette there, with a lilac (purplish anyway) paint job and the ship ID changed to GNUTP. I'll be there around 2000 UTC. Whether you go there in Open, Private or Solo, raise a glass to a man who would have loved this game if he'd survived.

I may drop by in passing... I'll rename my T-10 "The Colour of Magic" for the occasion!
05 Mar 2021, 4:01am
Joe TenebrianEvening! As many of you may know, next Friday marks the sixth anniversary of Terry Pratchett's death. Fdev honoured his passing with a station, Pratchett's Disc in HIP 74290. In his memory I'm taking my Corvette there, with a lilac (purplish anyway) paint job and the ship ID changed to GNUTP. I'll be there around 2000 UTC. Whether you go there in Open, Private or Solo, raise a glass to a man who would have loved this game if he'd survived.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/lxgwr9/gnu_terry_pratchett/

I'm in Colonia, so wont make it, but I love the idea.
My type 10 is named Nanny Ogg already, but that's in the bubble.
So I'll raise a glass of something all the same and rename the ship I have out here.
05 Mar 2021, 5:57am
05 Mar 2021, 7:12am
From this video I understood that weapons as such will not be very necessary in the Odyssey. The firefight was just for atmosphere apparently. Since two people just ran past a crowd of NPC. All that is needed are first-aid kits. )))
But maybe I'm too strict.

o7 CMDRs

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