Elite: General talk

28 Feb 2021, 8:39pm
Rickchapthere are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc

There's simply no stations out there, not in the inhabited "bubble", so people are equipping long-range explorer ships with Auto Field-Maintenance Units, or using carriers.

p.s. Ah, sorry, thought it was a novice's question. Anyway, there's nobody to do commerce with when far away from inhabited space, so any stuff except exploration stuff will affect jump range.

Last edit: 28 Feb 2021, 8:50pm
28 Feb 2021, 11:15pm
Amata Lirein
RickchapI have a question about exploring vessels. I have an explorer build cutter because of all the stuff it can carry (and I like my stuff). I am Half way through the build and only now do I wonder if building a large explorer ship is good practice. I am aware of imagining that there are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc as I venture out of the bubble..... In your experience would you stay with a medium ship build? My Krait is doing wonderful as a fighter/ explorer but would like something bigger with better jump range.

what are your thoughts commanders?

You might find this chart helpful here

thanks, that is helpful to look at. I was looking for a chart like that about jump range.
28 Feb 2021, 11:20pm
Amata Lirein
Tengri Umai
TvleoWhats with all the attacking on sight at Deciat? I'm trying to leave the engineer and people start lighting me up. One of my friends is getting constantly attacked trying to leave the station in Aasgay. He also had problems at Deciat.

It's called ganking. Mostly happens in systems with a lot of players (CG, engineers systems etc).

^This. Gankers hang around in systems where they know prey will come through, Deciat is propably #1 on that list as Felicity is the first stop for almost everybody who's getting started with engineering (because everybody loves an increased jumprange), meaning their fully engineered A-rated PvP-built combat ships will guarantee them a "victory" as their "opponents" are most likely Cobra Mk IIIs that just left the starter zones...

Do they get anything out of it? I've just jumped back into this game after a year half off and I don't remember there ever being this much pvp hostility outside of the cqc arena.
28 Feb 2021, 11:25pm
Amata Lirein
Tengri Umai

It's called ganking. Mostly happens in systems with a lot of players (CG, engineers systems etc).

^This. Gankers hang around in systems where they know prey will come through, Deciat is propably #1 on that list as Felicity is the first stop for almost everybody who's getting started with engineering (because everybody loves an increased jumprange), meaning their fully engineered A-rated PvP-built combat ships will guarantee them a "victory" as their "opponents" are most likely Cobra Mk IIIs that just left the starter zones...

Do they get anything out of it? I've just jumped back into this game after a year half off and I don't remember there ever being this much pvp hostility outside of the cqc arena.

Gankers are basically trolls with guns. They prey on weaker targets and when they complain they just respond that their victims just need to "git gud". It's the reason why private groups like Mobius and solo play have become quite popular.


I think Yamiks might a rather on-point 1min video about the state of Solo, PG and Open:

01 Mar 2021, 1:03am
Rickchapthere are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc

There's simply no stations out there, not in the inhabited "bubble", so people are equipping long-range explorer ships with Auto Field-Maintenance Units, or using carriers.

p.s. Ah, sorry, thought it was a novice's question. Anyway, there's nobody to do commerce with when far away from inhabited space, so any stuff except exploration stuff will affect jump range.

oh yes.. I am fairly new but haven't been too outside the bubble to know what I don't know. So, size of ship does not matter as much as I thought (jump range and being prepared with items like repair limpets and AMFU's sound smart.

01 Mar 2021, 6:04am
Rickchapthere are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc

There's simply no stations out there, not in the inhabited "bubble", so people are equipping long-range explorer ships with Auto Field-Maintenance Units, or using carriers.

p.s. Ah, sorry, thought it was a novice's question. Anyway, there's nobody to do commerce with when far away from inhabited space, so any stuff except exploration stuff will affect jump range.

oh yes.. I am fairly new but haven't been too outside the bubble to know what I don't know. So, size of ship does not matter as much as I thought (jump range and being prepared with items like repair limpets and AMFU's sound smart.


Size really doesn't matter here, bc your main activities outside will be jumping and scooping. Maybe FSS/DSS-scanning too, if you want/find something of interest. So it's all about having decent jump range and carrying a big fuel scoop. And if big Anaconda can jump as far as relatively small DBX, she's good for it too.

p.s. Done a ~9.5k ly trip on a Fer-De-Lance with smth about 17ly jump range and 8t fuel tank. It was... funnypainful.
01 Mar 2021, 2:16pm
Amata Lirein
RickchapI have a question about exploring vessels. I have an explorer build cutter because of all the stuff it can carry (and I like my stuff). I am Half way through the build and only now do I wonder if building a large explorer ship is good practice. I am aware of imagining that there are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc as I venture out of the bubble..... In your experience would you stay with a medium ship build? My Krait is doing wonderful as a fighter/ explorer but would like something bigger with better jump range.

what are your thoughts commanders?

You might find this chart helpful here

Super needs to be updated with the new FSD info :-(. Phantom and DBE are both much more competitive now.
01 Mar 2021, 3:24pm
I'm having a problem, I have a bounty that in the system it's for I can't remove it, what do I do
01 Mar 2021, 3:40pm
UndulateImp143I'm having a problem, I have a bounty that in the system it's for I can't remove it, what do I do

Find an Interstellar Factors using the filters on your Galaxy Map (or here on Inara) and as long as you do not have any notoriety they will remove the bounty from your head - at a price, of course It doesn't have to be the same system the bounty was incurred in.

If you do have any notoriety points (check your right hand UI panel) they decay at (I think) one point per hour in game. Note they do not decay whilst you are logged out, only when you are logged into the game. So in that case land at the station with the IF and go cook dinner, take the dog for a walk, whatever
01 Mar 2021, 6:40pm
Silver Taffer
UndulateImp143I'm having a problem, I have a bounty that in the system it's for I can't remove it, what do I do

Find an Interstellar Factors using the filters on your Galaxy Map (or here on Inara) and as long as you do not have any notoriety they will remove the bounty from your head - at a price, of course It doesn't have to be the same system the bounty was incurred in.

If you do have any notoriety points (check your right hand UI panel) they decay at (I think) one point per hour in game. Note they do not decay whilst you are logged out, only when you are logged into the game. So in that case land at the station with the IF and go cook dinner, take the dog for a walk, whatever

I think notoriety takes 2 hours per point - but otherwise your advice is excellent!
(I'l check when my replacement HOTAS arrives and I feel the urge to detonate a few civilians for mats)
01 Mar 2021, 6:43pm
@rat catcher: thanks, I wasn’t 100% sure of the one hour interval and hoped someone, such as your good self, would set me straight if I got it wrong
01 Mar 2021, 9:30pm
Silver Taffer@rat catcher: thanks, I wasn’t 100% sure of the one hour interval and hoped someone, such as your good self, would set me straight if I got it wrong

I just hope my memory is as good as I think it is! Always happy to jump to the aid of a Silverback, of course

Being a little bit used to wearing notoriety I essentially stopped noticing it, but am clean currently so will blow up an innocent trader for science in the next day or so.
01 Mar 2021, 11:02pm
1 level notoriety decay in 2h.
02 Mar 2021, 7:30am
Need advice re. posting photos in Logbook, which I've never tried writting, but would like to.

Is it appropriate to upload uninteresting in-game cockpit, Cmdr portraits etc. shots here in the Gallery under "Misc" and "Personal/Self-promotion", or some external hosting site would be more welcomed, to avoid clogging Inara's gallery?
There'd be a few shots every now and then, not daily by dozens.

Thank you in advance!
02 Mar 2021, 8:03am
I think we need to be capable of post screenshots in the gallery without sharing them automatically in the community gallery.
At this time, each screenshot I post in the gallery is shared, and all screens doesn't need to.
And I've the same question about clogging the gallery without uninteresting screens, so I join your in your quest for answers!

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