Elite: General talk

13 Mar 2021, 12:57pm
Hello everybody.

New topic, new RANT!

WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?
Fortifying a system ONLY requires the target of 100%. Any percentage after 100% is a WASTE! A waste of TIME when this wasted time is Much Needed Fortification in other systems.
I am sick to death of having to Fortify the Systems that constantly get missed because of others NOT understanding that anything above 100% is an absolute waste of time.
We lose systems that are missed more than twice. I Fortify these systems the best I can because a lot of CMDR's don't understand that 101% is it, that's is.

If a system is 100% Fortified, we've done our job. There's nothing else to be done.
If that same system comes under attack and undermining takes place, there's nothing we can do. We've Fortified that system 101%. Using program materials to further fortifying the same system is a waste of time. The only way to stop a Fortified system from being undermined is to attack the Aggressors in 1-1 fighter combat.

Here's an Actual example of just 1 System of many;
Target Trigger: 5037
Total Delivered: 118285
I mean, WTF? Do you know how many other systems can be Fortified with this INSANE overly 2,348% can be Fortified? At least, AT LEAST 20 other systems can be Fortified.
When you add up the Other systems that are insanely over Fortified, the whole of the faction can be easily Fortified and as a power, we can start to expand.
As it stands right now, we are seriously, unnecessarily fighting just to keep the systems we currently control.

It's exactly the same with Undermining. 101% is all that is needed.

I always play in open and I am yet to see another Fortifying Cmdr in my travels. I know, most Fortifying CMDR's play in safety in solo but you know what, I fly a Type 9 Heavy Fortification spec 650 cargo or when needed I use an unarmed Python, Fortification spec 250 for the medium Fortification Stations. I'm on my own, in OPEN!

When you have stopped sucking your thumbs and are ready to do what is actually needed, leave a comment or find me in Cubeo, Chelomey Orbital, where I work from. I live in a close by system in an upper class station with trees n rivers outside my Windows. After 36 yrs living and working within the Elite Galaxy (for real), I deserve the finer things in life, just don't have the lady by my side though. (I don't know how to love anymore. Wish I had a lady by my side mind you. Even a Lone Wolf gets lonely.)

This is a very disfunctional faction and I'm very VERY surprised we've lasted this long but we have the ability, THE ABILITY TO BE MUCH MORE.
What we need is structure:
A) A team of Fortification Pilots to hit the 101% (only 101%) Trigger Target of every single controlled system. Be proud n work together, come out of Solo and let's fly together in groups of 4 teams to different locations, north south east and west.
B) A team of ELITE Fighter patrol pilots to stay in the constant undermined systems to protect those systems from being successfully undermined.
C) A team of a few scouts to find PROFITABLE systems for our faction to expand into.

If we work together, I mean TOGETHER, not hiding in Solo, Fortification will be a breeze and we can spend time, protecting those systems from being constantly undermined and expand in the Future. Right now, we are stale.

I'm Cmdr Uveal Pepper (UvealPepper) A lone wolf.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:05pm
13 Mar 2021, 1:09pm
Good morning (or afternoon depending on where you live)!  Hope everyone is doing well on this fine Saturday.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:05pm
13 Mar 2021, 1:36pm
CMDR UvealPepper9326WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?

Because CMDRs do not care for PP but just to get access to a module.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:05pm
13 Mar 2021, 1:47pm
CMDR UvealPepper9326WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?

Because CMDRs do not care for PP but just to get access to a module.

This ^^^

If Module Shopping was removed to Tech Brokers, or some other unlock, the only players doing PP would be those interested in it.
Why do 4 jumps to drop off a bunch of leaflets when a single will do the job?

It is the way of the game - offer sweeties for a mundane task and the simplest, low-effort, route will be found.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:05pm
13 Mar 2021, 2:37pm
CMDR UvealPepper9326Hello everybody.

New topic, new RANT!

WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?

Because the vast majority of players doesn't give a flying fuck about powerplay and whether their current activity makes sense on a strategic scale or not.

They want the module, some cash and stop caring as soon as they achieve their goals.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:06pm
13 Mar 2021, 2:45pm
10 out of 11 ain't bad.  What do I mean by that?  If I overfortify a system for say, AD, to make my getting prismatic shields easier, then I will perhaps make the dedicated followers of AD upset, BUT I should be making the dedicated followers of the other 10 powers happy.  10 out of 11 ain't bad.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:06pm
13 Mar 2021, 2:57pm
Let's say, errand running lone wolf.

CMDR UvealPepper9326I deserve the finer things in life, just don't have the lady by my side though. (I don't know how to love anymore. Wish I had a lady by my side mind you. Even a Lone Wolf gets lonely.)

Get this situation in your own hands!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:06pm
13 Mar 2021, 3:48pm
That's mean

horny bat incoming

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Mar 2021, 4:06pm
13 Mar 2021, 5:21pm
Aleksander MajjamOkay guys. If your character had a theme song, what would it be.

I'm expecting an answer from Sappho too.  :D

This would be my commanders theme song hahaha
13 Mar 2021, 5:29pm
13 Mar 2021, 5:46pm
Rebecca Hail
CMDR UvealPepper9326Hello everybody.

New topic, new RANT!

WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?

Because the vast majority of players doesn't give a flying fuck about powerplay and whether their current activity makes sense on a strategic scale or not.

They want the module, some cash and stop caring as soon as they achieve their goals.

And why should they really? All boosting a Power's status does is shuffle their position in Galactic Powers screen. I'm pretty sure nobody gives a f about Grandma Torval and her mining lasers of doom yet we've still had to look at her rotting skull for years now.
13 Mar 2021, 6:12pm
yet we've still had to look at her rotting skull for years now.

That just made me burst out laughing, Burstar. After reading everything I could find on the so-called Mining Lance, I can conclude that it is a strong contender for the very worst of the power play modules.
13 Mar 2021, 6:17pm
Rebecca Hail
CMDR UvealPepper9326Hello everybody.

New topic, new RANT!

WHY OH WHY do so many CMDR's Fortify a system to 400% more or less?

Because the vast majority of players doesn't give a flying fuck about powerplay and whether their current activity makes sense on a strategic scale or not.

They want the module, some cash and stop caring as soon as they achieve their goals.

And why should they really? All boosting a Power's status does is shuffle their position in Galactic Powers screen. I'm pretty sure nobody gives a f about Grandma Torval and her mining lasers of doom yet we've still had to look at her rotting skull for years now.

That's exactly my sentiment. Powerplay is a mediocre idea, badly implemented, at least imo.
13 Mar 2021, 6:43pm
Rebecca HailThat's exactly my sentiment. Powerplay is a mediocre idea, badly implemented, at least imo.

Not just badly implemented... It's easily abused by players who will squeeze every bit of advantage from wherever they can. I guess FDev are in need of some people who know that part of player psychology: bet they thought about wings of commanders fighting on respective power-provided weapons, but (classic!) we have people galloping from one camp to another grabbing everything they can. Anyway, it's not going to change soon, because what we have with this materials and engineering part of game looks even worse and illogical.
13 Mar 2021, 7:50pm
Aleksander MajjamOkay guys. If your character had a theme song, what would it be.

I'm expecting an answer from Sappho too.  :D

This would be my commanders theme song hahaha

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