Elite: General talk

26 Dec 2023, 11:38pm
Jays HawkHow do you play to enjoy ED?

Believe me, you would find enough bacterium and fonticulua while flying from one invaded/alert system to another, you don't have to fly Ks LYs away to find them.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2023, 1:29am
27 Dec 2023, 2:27am
Shg56Believe me, you would find enough bacterium and fonticulua while flying from one invaded/alert system to another, you don't have to fly Ks LYs away to find them.

I'm not even that far away from the bubble yet but still see a lot of planets with first footfall tag. I don't bother scanning those because Vista's first discovery bonus is multiple times higher than their base payout.

Also, for some reason I like the feeling of being alone out there (although I did install the concourse bar and a human ATC voice to make the carrier feel more alive).

I'm wondering if there's a squadron of carrier nomands like me. Might be fun to watch each other's carrier bookmark move around in the galaxy map. I know there's the DSSA, but that's for carriers staying put for a year, not for those that keep moving.
27 Dec 2023, 2:41am
Sakashiro... Also, for some reason I like the feeling of being alone out there...

Same here. I've been holding off on having an exploration carrier because I like the risk of losing all the saved data if I make a mistake. It makes me pay more attention to things if I have to limp back to a shipyard for hull repairs. Using a carrier, I'd probably go to a spot and then explore 25LY around the carrier with the asp before jumping ahead in the asp to scout out the next carrier jump point.
27 Dec 2023, 12:47pm
Carriers in ED is FD version of tamogotchi toy which requires constant attention and maintenance. It can jump but can't scoop except to mine what a surprise...

Last edit: 27 Dec 2023, 3:49pm
27 Dec 2023, 5:28pm
Vasil VasilescuUsing a carrier, I'd probably go to a spot and then explore 25LY around the carrier with the asp before jumping ahead in the asp to scout out the next carrier jump point.

That is pretty much what I'm doing now, using a Krait Phantom for scouting, a Courier for scanning life forms, and a Cutter for mining. I explored without a carrier twice (Sagittarius A* with a Sidewinder and Beagle Point with a Courier) but the endless jumping made it very boring, except at the very end, finally docking and selling the data. As Shg56 said, the carrier requires constant attention, so if you stop playing, the upkeep will slowly drain your savings. It gives me a reason to log in, which is fine.
27 Dec 2023, 7:12pm
Sakashiro[As Shg56 said, the carrier requires constant attention, so if you stop playing, the upkeep will slowly drain your savings. It gives me a reason to log in, which is fine.

At 25 million a week upkeep, you can go for a year without logging in as long as you have 1.3 billion in reserve. Even if the carrier is decommed, you get the full price less 250 mil back. So yeah, carrier maintenance is essentially the game's only major money sink, and (to a lesser extent) a way to purge carriers that are not often used. If not spending 1.3 billion a year carrier maintenance, then what? I suppose someone could buy and upgrade 2 cutters every year. Or maybe 20 chieftains.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2023, 11:01pm
28 Dec 2023, 3:52pm
Meanwhile, in the Bubble.

No wonder they're "losing" the war when this is their Hydra pilots.
28 Dec 2023, 4:33pm
Kasumi GotoMeanwhile, in the Bubble.

No wonder they're "losing" the war when this is their Hydra pilots.

Easiest hydra kill opportunity ever. Must be new bug i assume? I havent murdering big aliens for a while.
28 Dec 2023, 4:35pm
Easiest hydra kill opportunity ever. Must be new bug i assume? I havent murdering big aliens for a while.

I assume it is a bug or some funky thing related to the silly connectivity issues of open play. Because that Hydra also seemed to be stuck in perma exertion, and the highlighted heart at least would not take any damage.
28 Dec 2023, 4:44pm
Yikes. Not easiest after all.
28 Dec 2023, 4:49pm
Kasumi GotoNo wonder they're "losing" the war when this is their Hydra pilots.

Maybe it is due to cmdr's combat rank the lower the easier to kill, another thing cmdr is not subtargeting the heart and hardly shooting any ammunitions. Could also be X-mas gift from FD if there is a such thing.
28 Dec 2023, 4:52pm
As far as I know, the Thargoids don't have any handicap measures for low-ranked pilots. Most likely it's a bug of NPC behaviour in planetary gravity fields. Remember ships bashing the ground and then reaching a few metres altitude only to drop again? Maybe something like that.
28 Dec 2023, 5:18pm
First time I’ve seen that at all, and the thing was definitely bugged. Wouldn’t take any damage, and while those peashooters are terrificly bad against a Hydra, they still should have done something. Not to mention the fact that it was constantly firing… without any kind of target. Though I was not tempted to cross the stream of fire to find out if it was damaging.

(There is definitely also no “low combat rank pilot” AI thing going on. That alt was ranked Competent when I went into AX CZs first and there was definitely no grace offered by anything, be that Cyclops or Basilisk. Anything else you barely even see in them, and Basi spawns are not that frequent either.)

I also still hate gauss. Terrible fixed weapon design. Charged shots that cannot be held to fire until you’re ready to pull/release the trigger, but you also need pinpoint accuracy. Blergh.
28 Dec 2023, 5:38pm
MeowersAs far as I know, the Thargoids don't have any handicap measures for low-ranked pilots.

How do you explain that low ranks are killing thargoids intercepts in hundreds than?
28 Dec 2023, 9:41pm
How do you explain that low ranks are killing thargoids intercepts in hundreds than?

A Cyclops is not difficult to kill. Once you have even just the very basics of AX down, they are a fairly trivial opponent to beat(and the swarm is actually a greater threat).

Or you can just build an Anaconda with six shard cannons and literally remove any skill from the equation that the Cyclops presents by blasting it in the face and overpowering the active heart health regen.

… and the swarm is also completely absent in planetary encounters. The most popular of invasion AX content for the “Joe Average” casual crowd. Which applies to every player and not just the ones with low combat rank.

Also, where’s your data to back up this “Low combat rank players are killing hundreds of interceptors”?

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