RotwhylrDadebluntsI have a question for all the people complaining about gankers killing people and what not, and ignoring that they teach new players not to stick around in populated areas without a proper ship.
Why dont YOU do something about it.
Make a PvP build, go to starter systems or hotspots, start defending people.
Well, for starters you have the catch-22 that the gankers tend to hang out in the very systems that noobs need to go to in order to build a "proper ship". Also, at the point that a noob has invested time, effort, credits, and materials into buying and building and engineering a "proper ship", I don't think I would call them a noob. Still plenty green, but they should be savvy enough by then that I wouldn't worry about them catching a gank.
As was ArtifactHunter mentioned, yeah, there are people who defend noobs. But you know what? It's not my job to go fix every broken thing out there.
Serious question: what is the fun in seal-clubbing? Why build a finely tuned and exhaustively engineered FDL, master FA-off, etc, and then attack players with nowhere near the means or knowledge to pose even a remote threat?
Exactly — the issue isn't a lack of a response from more experienced players, but instead the sheer amount of people that get a rise out of making people miserable, and even for experienced players, it's significantly harder to get out of a player interdiction than it is a bot interdiction.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:16am