Elite: General talk

23 Mar 2021, 9:52am
EpisparhI walk a different path. I prefer to know how to do anything and have assets in place for it. It pays over time because I constantly have this change of heart towards different activities not to mention the excitement when you find an actual opportunity from time to time.

Sure. It's a matter of taste and approach, and it's definitely good to have a possibility to do something different if you want to, not to be constrained by predefined set of activities. But I guess it's a part of whole fundamental idea of ED.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:06pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:11am

Yes, pre-order is pointless. I usually buy close to release ... as I did yesterday with EDO.

I would go even further to say it's worse than pointless. You give them your money early, which gives them more liquidity and allows them to invest and make money off it, with little to no benefit. You risk wasting your cash in the hopes the company will give you something you might like at a quality level you might find acceptable. Every day the number of companies willing or able to fulfill their promises gets lower as the importance of reputation loses out to economic pressures and dishonesty becomes more and more mainstream.

You may have your reasons to buy early access or pre-orders: The money is neglible to you, you like or trust the company enough that you want to help them (like say, with a gofundme?), or most likely for the incentives the company provides for you like special skins or whatnot, so it is a personal opinion issue. I'm of the opinion that I've been burned too many times to fall for pre-order bs anymore. Show me exactly what I'll be getting and then, maybe, I'll buy it. Until then, the hype is yawnsauce.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:20am
Sir SprockettNow I hear about not buying into pre-orders and that they are a bit of a scam - looking at Star Citizen, which I have not bought into and it looks likely I will not for the foreseeable future  - was I a bit of a Noob buying into Odyssey?

I don’t think you’re losing out are you? If you want to get involved in this month’s beta and pay the premium price - maybe that’s a bit of a con. I don’t believe there is enough time to really change the game based on player response before release. If you’ve only paid the normal price then whether you do it now or on release doesn’t make any difference does it? You’re still going to buy it.
The smart money would be to wait until the 1st sales and it has been patched and some player concerns addressed but I won’t be doing that.
Star Citizen is a permalpha. ED: O can’t afford to be. FDev have such a big team working on it. They’re more likely to release in Cyberpunk state than delay again.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:21am
Sir Sprockettchanging the Subject slightly

I bought a pre-order of Odyssey over Christmas - my reasoning was at the time that the game had already given me my monies worth in E:D Horizons and that i wanted to be in on the action from the start.

Now I hear about not buying into pre-orders and that they are a bit of a scam - looking at Star Citizen, which I have not bought into and it looks likely I will not for the foreseeable future  - was I a bit of a Noob buying into Odyssey?

You think Odyssey might be a scam?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:23am
Sir Sprockettlooking at Star Citizen, which I have not bought into and it looks likely I will not for the foreseeable future

Because it might be still incomplete in the foreseeable future.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:26am
well I am a newer gamer - coming into it at 45yrs old and only primarily play 2 games, this E:D and a free to play title (which has a terrible cash grab policies in place) that i only play it as a free to play player - but being fairly decent, player do all right.

E:D is 1st game that i have bought since DOOM back in the days. I have had hours of enjoyment from this imperfect game, but then its imperfections make for interesting aspects. I think I agree with Epi when buying into it way too early and should have bought it this week or last. I love the community aspect of E:D and just depth of ships, modules, weapons, play styles, fun, beauty, SIZE the flight model, the Stella Forge simulation; i feel this game has got some legs (excuse the pun) and I can easily see this game survive long into the future...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:27am
You think Odyssey might be a scam?


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:30am
Sir SprockettI can easily see this game survive long into the future...

Let's hope it can. ED is different from popular commercial models of "planned project lifetime".

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:34am
Sir SprockettI can easily see this game survive long into the future...

Let's hope it can. ED is different from popular commercial models of "planned project lifetime".

also it is a Computer living representation of our galaxy - that alone is awesome - that is also getting updated with our IRL known knowledge - which again is brilliant. When I show my none gaming friends the ED Galmap their jaws slightly drop!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:43am
Sir SprockettNow I hear about not buying into pre-orders and that they are a bit of a scam - looking at Star Citizen, which I have not bought into and it looks likely I will not for the foreseeable future  - was I a bit of a Noob buying into Odyssey?

I don’t think you’re losing out are you? If you want to get involved in this month’s beta and pay the premium price - maybe that’s a bit of a con. I don’t believe there is enough time to really change the game based on player response before release. If you’ve only paid the normal price then whether you do it now or on release doesn’t make any difference does it? You’re still going to buy it.
The smart money would be to wait until the 1st sales and it has been patched and some player concerns addressed but I won’t be doing that.
Star Citizen is a permalpha. ED: O can’t afford to be. FDev have such a big team working on it. They’re more likely to release in Cyberpunk state than delay again.

It is alpha. I hope they will make a beta where the game will be in complete state and open it for everyone. This can boost close to release sales.
The diff between Pre-order and alpha access is a cup of my favorite coffee... Which I cannot visit.
The Pre-order bonus is some suit skin but the price will be same as after release. I would not expect any sales in first 6 - 12 months.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 10:46am
...and I'll just wait the final release. Got many things to do up here, in space, anyway.

(of course unless they implement something that can impair my experience)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:05pm
23 Mar 2021, 11:22am
I'll be walking all over the alpha and show off my space legs.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:06pm
23 Mar 2021, 11:34am
SakashiroI'll be walking all over the alpha and show off my space legs.

Fixed it for you.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:06pm
23 Mar 2021, 11:37am
They're called space legs in Elite.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:06pm
23 Mar 2021, 11:40am
I cant wait for next Monday !

To land and stand on another world.

To look up and see the stars as no one else ever has.

To leave my foot prints where no Tigger has ever gone before.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:06pm

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