Synthya WylderI checked Eve Online out before I decided to buy E:D.
I clearly recall a saying by 1 group: "We're not here to ruin the game. We're here to ruin YOUR game."
Yeah, that's the same group Mittani was the head of back then. No idea if he still is. That group goes by the name "GoonSwarm" btw.
Anyway, that action was one of the very few occasions CCP actually handed out a ban (IIRC it was 6 months?). GoonSwarm went livid because of that because it also meant that Mittani got kicked out of the player council that works with the Devs to improve the game. He just a) got voted in and b) managed to achieve the most votes as well, making him council president.
The carebears (and other victims of GoonSwarm) celebrated that on the forums for weeks.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:03am