Elite: General talk

05 Apr 2021, 8:31am
Daiyousei7You should look up sneaky and his crossplay

Well, if he uses a female Holo-Me, of course his butt looks like mine. There are only two butt shapes in the game after all.

Actually it's my daughter's bum really! She designs the holo-me's in our family!

05 Apr 2021, 9:13am
Looking good!
05 Apr 2021, 7:34pm
SakashiroLooking good!

And here we are in Odyssey... soooo pretty... and Dangerous! My Daughter flies a purple Cutter on cargo missions.
05 Apr 2021, 7:39pm
Awesome suits, I like it. Even if I'm into more baggy military style.
And the proportions are well too. Horizons gives you... too narrow butt.
05 Apr 2021, 8:00pm
MeowersAwesome suits, I like it. Even if I'm into more baggy military style.
And the proportions are well too. Horizons gives you... too narrow butt.

And here we are together in Odyssey!
05 Apr 2021, 8:13pm
Those pictures looked pretty darn SFW to me ;-P
06 Apr 2021, 3:19am
06 Apr 2021, 11:21am
Howdy cmdrs o7

could active writers for the logs and bios send me a friend request? looking for inspiration, ideas and see how to write, am looking to get very active on inara

take care cmdrs o7
06 Apr 2021, 9:49pm
a bit of nostalga:

06 Apr 2021, 9:54pm
06 Apr 2021, 9:57pm
Sir Sprocketta bit of nostalga:


David Braben on German TV in 1988:


Holy crap I wish I understood German because I bet that’s a really cool interview
06 Apr 2021, 10:07pm
Sir Sprocketta bit of nostalga:


David Braben on German TV in 1988:


Ooooh... 0:38: A Competition Pro... those joysticks were truely unbreakable XD
07 Apr 2021, 8:37am
and celebs getting grumpy playing ED
07 Apr 2021, 3:07pm
An interesting spoof. Well done until his comments after the explosion where you could hear the Madden game from the original clip.
07 Apr 2021, 9:44pm
The Proactive Detection Bureau has been set up by the Federal Intelligence Agency to scan civilian communications for signs of terrorist activity.

How perfectly Orwellian.

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