Elite: General talk

24 Nov 2020, 1:22am
Amata LireinEh, ME:A was not the first game to suffer from a rushed release due to publisher pressure and will most likely not be the last.

Another game that I loved in the first few hours until the bugs took over too much was "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines". Holy shit, those first hours were sooooo cooooool...

IMO that game still has the best scripted level ever in form of the "Ocean View Hotel". I've yet to experience something that gets even close to that.

And then of course there were the awesome characters, like Jeanette and Theresa Voerman. If you ever played the game you know why those two are extremly fascinating characters.

Yes. Two very interesting characters. Definitely two of the more interesting characters in a very well-written cast.

There are certainly two of them, that's for sure.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:02pm
24 Nov 2020, 7:45am
Amata Lirein<--- is still convinced that Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game of the franchise (though only after patch V1.08)

Proof that the game got really good with that patch (and EA just ruined it with a rushed release even though BioWare said "We still need to iron some details out!"):

About ME im waiting for the remastered trilogy. My social life, already compromised due to covid, will be lost forever...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:02pm
24 Nov 2020, 8:58am
Amata Lirein<--- is still convinced that Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game of the franchise (though only after patch V1.08)

Proof that the game got really good with that patch (and EA just ruined it with a rushed release even though BioWare said "We still need to iron some details out!"):

My face is tired.


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:02pm
24 Nov 2020, 9:08am
Ryan Murdoc
Amata Lirein<--- is still convinced that Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game of the franchise (though only after patch V1.08)

Proof that the game got really good with that patch (and EA just ruined it with a rushed release even though BioWare said "We still need to iron some details out!"):

My face is tired.

That was one of the first things they fixed.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 9:08am
Grecale80About ME im waiting for the remastered trilogy. My social life, already compromised due to covid, will be lost forever...

Between that and Cyberpunk 2077 people will become true Otakus in no time.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 10:18am
Silver Taffer

Even though I was (am) a Simon and Garfunkle fan, and still have the vinyl album of ‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters’ (somewhere), I totally agree with that! Saw it performed live at the Alexandra Palace gig a couple of years back .......... electrifying!

A Simian & Garfunkle fan...


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 11:00am
Ryan Murdoc
Amata Lirein<--- is still convinced that Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game of the franchise (though only after patch V1.08)

Proof that the game got really good with that patch (and EA just ruined it with a rushed release even though BioWare said "We still need to iron some details out!"):

My face is tired.

I'm wondering if ED's avatar faces will become more expressive when Odyssey drops. The facial rigging seems to be ready, but the current animations make very little use of it. The current loop is: look bored, roll eyes, squint sideways, repeat...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 12:02pm
Amata Lirein<--- is still convinced that Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game of the franchise (though only after patch V1.08)

Proof that the game got really good with that patch (and EA just ruined it with a rushed release even though BioWare said "We still need to iron some details out!"):

About ME im waiting for the remastered trilogy. My social life, already compromised due to covid, will be lost forever...

I really enjoyed ME trilogy, but played ME-A as long as 3 original games combined, probably a little bit longer, and those I played a lot, specially endings of each game.

I am waiting for ME4...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 2:20pm
While there is at least some discussion about music to listen to combat, here's a bit of my music taste, for Thargoid hunting, CZ's, and the like.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 12:03pm
24 Nov 2020, 7:41pm
I'm gonna start by clarifying that I only read part of the discussion so some things I mention might have been talked about in some way or form. With that out of the way...

sees people "talk" about ganking ("gankers bad")
laughs in EVE player

Granted EVE is on a whole different level and while I do have my position on the matter I'll leave that up for debate. Fact remains that coming from there people saying "gankers bad" seem even more like ridiculous cry babies who have no idea how to deal with the game and only wanna play certain aspects of it aka Farmville. That said I do see the camping starter zones being an issue so I want to correct the statement to "a-holes bad" which is common sense among beings with 2+ braincells I hope.

The main counter argument I get with stuff like this is "yeah but EVE is the dark side alley where thugs try to get each other while they wait for actual innocent bystanders to rob" or something along those lines. Yes but actually no. EVE and its community might have that reputation but even there people are nice and more so than in Elite (at least in my experience) you get people messaging you afterwards about genuinely improving.

So to me the real problem here seems to be less with the ganking in general but the a-holes going seal clubbing and the Farmville care bears playing a game with PvP aspects and then crying about losing and/or combat logging.
The last could be solved the EVE way without changing Elite by simply implementing the log-off timer of a couple minutes that EVE slaps on every player who was in a fight in any way or form (if that is possible with how Elite is coded Idk). How you solve the rest I don't really know myself but please at least point fingers at the right (wrong?) people instead of going "gankers bad" "part of the game bad".

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:02am
24 Nov 2020, 8:01pm

"You just have their best interests at heart." As far as I am concerned it is in everyone's best interest. Id much rather be fighting lawfuls with engineered ships than clubbing noobs.

That is really the primary point.  If you would rather be fighting lawful's, there is absolutely no reason to be clubbing newbs in the first place.  Clubbing newbs does not HELP your desired role in any way.  And spare the me the tired "I am just trying to motivate them to 'git gud' speech."  Trying to say that a ganker serves any purpose in encouraging players to engage in PvP is like saying that an effective marketing tactic for a guy running a dojo is to run around punching people in the face and then telling them they should join his dojo to learn self defense.  

Approaching newbs with actual encouragement and assistance, helping them to rack up successes in the game, encouraging them to learn new tactics, etc is much more likely to encourage new players to embrace PvP.  Smacking them down in a completely one-sided fight and harvesting the salt is not going to encourage them to do anything other than, leave the game/switch to solo/pg.  Legitimate PvP'ers should be denouncing the griefer/ganker as a dishonorable player, refusing to associate with them, declaring yourself to be apart from them.  Even "bad guys" who engage in piracy and other forms of PvP should be denouncing gankers as beneath them.  

And again, I will point out that it makes no difference to me one way or the other.  As much as I enjoy the positive interactions with commanders in ED, I can find that just as readily in Mobius PG than I am likely to find it in Open.  Since I play PvE, my enjoyment is not dependent on others in the game.  I would think that the PvP members, specifically, would be more apt to focus on ways to actually encourage players to play in Open and engage in legitimate PvP, weird how it seems that is just not the case.

And I am not painting all PvP players with a broad brush, but between the toxic ganker/griefer community and the apologists for those same members, and adding in the PvP'ers that tolerate/condone that antisocial behavior,  and then adding in the "legitimate PvP groups" that use loaded terms like carebears, and you are all your own worst enemy when it comes to the game.  I have never seen a worst set of ambassadors to a specific and minority version of gameplay in any game, although I imagine there are more toxic games that I have just not taken part in.

The reality, unfortunately, is that there are simply not enough of you. PvP is a very vocal minority of ED and that is me being generous.  If we subtract the toxic ganker/griefer crowd, it gets even smaller.  So, I get why it is that most of you are loathe to denounce the more toxic of your crowd but the fact is that it makes you your own worst enemy.  

What your crowd should have been lobbying FDev for, from the very beginning, was an actual PvP flag.  Let those that want to engage or who want to be engaged by other players declare themselves openly.  At least that way, it would have been possible to actually address some of your other complaints.  For instance, setting the PvP flag could have removed the ability to turn crimes on, so that unscrupulous PvP'ers couldn't use that shady tactic.  FDev could have increased the menu log timeout for players with that flag set to make it last longer.  FDev could have implemented an increased timeout for lost net connections in conjunction with that flag to combat CLogging. It might have even improved instancing as they could have implemented likely instancing between PvP'ers in the game to make it more likely to encounter other PvP players.

But, every time that suggestion has come from the PvE crowd, all I hear from PvP'ers is "carebear."  Forget how it might benefit your gameplay, obviously, we can't do anything at all that would detract from the ability of gankers to club seals.  

Technically, at least some of the issues could have been addressed already.  Much like Mobius created an extremely large group of players for PvE, it was certainly possible for the PvP community to do the exact same thing for PvP.  That would have, in all likelihood, handled the instancing issues that are so prevalent.  And it would have focused PvP players on other players that were there for that same purpose.

So, I will again impart my own opinion.  Play the game the way you want to and don't fall for any BS from any other player that suggests that you should play in a different way than you actually enjoy.  The secret to really enjoying ED is to play your own way, make your own path and don't let anyone else get in your way.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:02am
24 Nov 2020, 8:03pm
Oh, I used to play EVE as well, and truth be told: EVE-players kind of earned themselves that reputation for good reasons (Mittani-Gate anyone, when the leader of the largest player group in game tried to get a specific player ganked so often that he would commit suicide in RL (yes, that happened)?)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:03am
24 Nov 2020, 8:34pm
Amata LireinOh, I used to play EVE as well, and truth be told: EVE-players kind of earned themselves that reputation for good reasons (Mittani-Gate anyone, when the leader of the largest player group in game tried to get a specific player ganked so often that he would commit suicide in RL (yes, that happened)?)

While that is true and definitely not one of the shining moments of it, it was a single case extreme and doesn't in any way represent the general nature of the game. On the note of committing suicide over internet pixels (without meaning to play down what happened)... EVE players are also known for getting carried away like that and escalating in the real world over a video game. That is a separate problem and has nothing to do with PvP of any form in itself.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:03am
24 Nov 2020, 8:40pm
Amata LireinOh, I used to play EVE as well, and truth be told: EVE-players kind of earned themselves that reputation for good reasons (Mittani-Gate anyone, when the leader of the largest player group in game tried to get a specific player ganked so often that he would commit suicide in RL (yes, that happened)?)

This is awful

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:03am
24 Nov 2020, 8:43pm
I checked Eve Online out before I decided to buy E:D.

I clearly recall a saying by 1 group: "We're not here to ruin the game. We're here to ruin YOUR game."

Regardless, I play for my own reasons, among them, to get as close as I'm able to exploring & experiencing the galaxy & have fun while doing it, in as close to reality as possible since I'm way too old in RL to be able to do it physically.

All the above suggestions sound great... but for 1 reason or another, have yet to be implemented by FDevs.

E:D already does have a means to avoid the 'ganker-player' types: Solo or Private Group. Limiting & flawed as those may be, they do work, & I can confirm with my limited time & experience in the game. With the exception of exceedingly rare & isolated instances, I've played in Solo or Private Group, & will continue to do so. I've yet to be 'ganked'.

Just for speculation, if say, the 'ganker-types' were limited just to Anarchy systems, & players could (& in most cases, can) route around them, they'd find in very short order just how few in numbers & unpopular their play-styles are.

I've held off commenting on this recently, but I felt compelled to point all this out & have no wish to further fueling what seems a timeless, ongoing & never-ending debate.

'Ganker-types' do as they are. No objections or excuses along the lines of 'Gut Gud' are possible when one takes into account, it's your game, as in, each player deserves to have fun playing, & that means, all types, including PvPers, 'Gankers' & even 'Care-Bears'. If anyone doesn't like or approve of others' play-style, there's no need or even right to engage them.

End of today's "Synthya Sermon". That is all. End transmission.

We now return to your regularly scheduled program in progress.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:03am

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