Elite: General talk

today, 5:18pm
And what if dinosaurs simply used Thargoids as transport, used and are still using, they ride them like humans ride horses, and the dino asteroid was someone's failed flying test? Now they want to return to the planet they previously inhabited, only to encounter us already there.
today, 5:40pm
SalmoneaBy the way, you can see that Fdev are English. Cocijo hangs over France

It's orbiting, so it may hang over any other country on its way now... What really perplexes me though is the fact that we have guns, but don't have knives in a British game.

duh... ok, but in that time it made me smile
today, 5:40pm
Sasquatches (or "Squatches") are advanced, interdimensional beings who were nearly wiped out by the Thargoids, and who had been reduced to a few pockets of resistance after the Third Goid-Squatch War.

One group of squatches fled to Earth where they discovered cute little lizard creatures living happily. Squatches observed that the happy little lizards loved eating little bugs, so they began bio engineering and artificially evolving the little lizards into huge, terrible lizards powerful enough to eat the goid bugs. The goids discovered this and launched a preemptive strike to wipe out the dinos before the squatches could finish creating the goid-eating dino weapons.

I thought this was all common knowledge.
today, 8:52pm
Hmm, tin foil, this looks to be

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