Elite: General talk

15 May 2021, 10:06am
Effie Trinket
LionHeart GBI just made triple elite for the second time o7

ps first time was on xbox afew years ago

Impressive o7

Okay, that's great, 3 times full Elite, fantastic!... Show off!
I'm on Xbox and restarted the ED:H but I'm still a multiple Elite veteran, just, can't prove it, my Commodore computer won't speak to any modern device.
Still, I'm enjoying all these new features. Fantastic sim this Elite.
16 May 2021, 10:02am
hi , anyone here have button Ghosting with a sailtek x55/56 HOTAS Throttle ?
Randomly dropping into silent running / carho hatch opens / thruster boost and landing gear lowering ?just need to know if im alone , i picked up a second hand x55 yesterday and after it starting up for poweed down again, then when i got it to stay on , im button ghosting , nearly cost me my VETT as it dropped into silent running while i was in combat .. HELP !! lol
16 May 2021, 10:35am
Ryno1154hi , anyone here have button Ghosting with a sailtek x55/56 HOTAS Throttle ?
Randomly dropping into silent running / carho hatch opens / thruster boost and landing gear lowering ?just need to know if im alone , i picked up a second hand x55 yesterday and after it starting up for poweed down again, then when i got it to stay on , im button ghosting , nearly cost me my VETT as it dropped into silent running while i was in combat .. HELP !! lol

I did - then plugged it into a USB 3 port and it behaved.

Others have suggested a powered USB hub.
16 May 2021, 10:56pm
Ryno1154hi , anyone here have button Ghosting with a sailtek x55/56 HOTAS Throttle ?
Randomly dropping into silent running / carho hatch opens / thruster boost and landing gear lowering ?just need to know if im alone , i picked up a second hand x55 yesterday and after it starting up for poweed down again, then when i got it to stay on , im button ghosting , nearly cost me my VETT as it dropped into silent running while i was in combat .. HELP !! lol

don't wanna scare you, but it happened to me when the main throttle harness started giving up after roughly 1000h of playing Elite

I had to just buy a new HOTAS eventually
16 May 2021, 11:57pm
Not sure how to create a new message, or if this is how we do it. I guess we Just keep posting to one thread.. sorry, i'm new.

Is there any possibility to find a star that has been named after you. In 1999 My wife named a star after us, and I of course know it's not going to be in the game as our name, but I was wondering if it would be possible to figure out what star this may be if I have the exact coordinates.

Cygnus RA 20h 35m 29s D 38 Degrees 38'

I'm sure this has been asked on here before.. and if so pardon my newbieness.

17 May 2021, 12:25am
SwizzlestickNot sure how to create a new message, or if this is how we do it. I guess we Just keep posting to one thread.. sorry, i'm new.

Is there any possibility to find a star that has been named after you. In 1999 My wife named a star after us, and I of course know it's not going to be in the game as our name, but I was wondering if it would be possible to figure out what star this may be if I have the exact coordinates.

Cygnus RA 20h 35m 29s D 38 Degrees 38'

I'm sure this has been asked on here before.. and if so pardon my newbieness.


20 35 29, 38 38 in aladin.u finds the star, however I'm not enough of an expert to simulate the movement through the sky and see if it exists in Elite. I'm also not sure if it was in a catalog at the time Elite was created. If so, it could be in the game and you'd be able to find it provided you could simulate where it would be in 3307.

Star Catalog ID (Tycho-2): TYC 3153-965-1
Star Catalog ID (Guide Star): 03153-00965

From the catalogs I've seen in the game, I don't think your exact star is in there, but the procedural system might have generated something very close.

Last edit: 17 May 2021, 12:48am
17 May 2021, 1:12am
Thank you so very much... Do you have any idea as to what would be the name of even something in that area?
17 May 2021, 5:41pm
SwizzlestickThank you so very much... Do you have any idea as to what would be the name of even something in that area?

all this talk is cool. Did you try to contact Frontier? or Google/BING/ KAYAK /REDDIT your star?
19 May 2021, 7:06am
Hi all,
I've been playing ED for about a month or so and am finally getting the hang of things. I outfitted my Asp Explorer for combat and thought I'd try my hand at earning some combat merits for the federation. My ship isn't fully decked out, but mostly A-rated and some key engineering.

I approached a security operations points and --- bam! the second I come out of cruise, I immediately get targeted with a thermal attack that wipes out my class A overcharged shield, followed by a missile volley that disabled critical modules.

This really wasn't fun. However, I realized afterward that these were rated class 4 threats.

I have a few questions:
* Do all the security ops/control planets have the same level of difficulty? is it determined by the balance of forces seen on the forces menu?
* Since my ship is apparently dog $h%t, and there is zero chance to even attempt to strategize or maneuver, what do you need to actually survive out there?

Someone please tell me this part of the game is not as unbalanced as it looks!

Here's a link to my ship build . Any advice? - https://s.orbis.zone/evdh

PS - Also looking for a Wing or group to do some community goals once I get this figured out
19 May 2021, 7:28am
Hi Slinky, welcome 07

For combat experience you may consider the resource sites in planetary rings around the bubble. Until your ship is fully battle hardened avoid Hazardous Resource Sites (HazRes), concentrate on any of the other types with priority to High Res. In those the System Security patrol in strength and all you need to do is assist them.
General rules are:
Don’t start the fight, wait for the Security ships to fire the first shots then join in.

Do not open fire until your scan has completed and labelled the target as ‘wanted’ - even if security are shooting at them your ship needs to confirm wanted status or you will get an ‘assault’ fine or a murder bounty

Watch your fire, don’t tag the wrong ship, or you will immediately become a target for System Security and any other bounty hunters.

This is a great way to get combat experience and plenty of credits. With enough situational awareness you can do this with a modestly engineered Sidewinder, giving you high reward for very little re-buy if things go pear-shaped on you.
19 May 2021, 7:37am
Slinky2390Hi all,
I've been playing ED for about a month or so and am finally getting the hang of things. I outfitted my Asp Explorer for combat and thought I'd try my hand at earning some combat merits for the federation. My ship isn't fully decked out, but mostly A-rated and some key engineering.

I approached a security operations points and --- bam! the second I come out of cruise, I immediately get targeted with a thermal attack that wipes out my class A overcharged shield, followed by a missile volley that disabled critical modules.

This really wasn't fun. However, I realized afterward that these were rated class 4 threats.

I have a few questions:
* Do all the security ops/control planets have the same level of difficulty? is it determined by the balance of forces seen on the forces menu?
* Since my ship is apparently dog $h%t, and there is zero chance to even attempt to strategize or maneuver, what do you need to actually survive out there?

Someone please tell me this part of the game is not as unbalanced as it looks!

Here's a link to my ship build . Any advice? - https://s.orbis.zone/evdh

PS - Also looking for a Wing or group to do some community goals once I get this figured out

tbh, i've never done any security operations missions, but i'll agree that your ship is quite weak for combat. I'd recommend this (https://s.orbis.zone/evdu) as an improvement, cos the engineering is all available early on, and you've already got the ship and some modules engineered.
19 May 2021, 8:05am
Others may have other opinions, but I think that combat isn't a best activity to perform on an Asp.
19 May 2021, 8:15am
MeowersOthers may have other opinions, but I think that combat isn't a best activity to perform on an Asp.

i agree but its not too bad against smaller lower rank opponents. vulture would be better.

how ever you can put rail guns on an asp and they are all on the face so not too bad. you would need a few heat sinks and a beastly powerplant
19 May 2021, 9:00am
MeowersOthers may have other opinions, but I think that combat isn't a best activity to perform on an Asp.

I agree, but i was working with what I could lol
19 May 2021, 2:00pm
Low level Res Extraction Sites in a high security systems might be a good choice to earn combat credits.

You can pick up max bounty credits while being protected like you're in a wing by system security. Then you can get into something a little more combat comfortable for a low price like say.. a Python, which is one of the best ships to start out with because you can retrofit a Python to be combat, hauler, and/or great mining ship. Just need to switch out modules for the task you're going for.

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