They announced a new paintjob for the Beluga...
...I expect to see a LOT of them being re-christened "Nemo" in the near future...

SGT-AndersonMy carrier Spaceball One Dfm-200 (V7Q-B8W) Will be Heading to Colonia Today Departing From Miphifa System any CMDRs are welcome aboard it has all services apart from outfitting soo u can bring several ships on the journey will be making stops to things like the collection of wonders among things
Departure Time 20:00 GMT +02:00 Time Zone
NickMarichgreetings everyone! new addition to this community, rather enthusiastic about it. is there a Inara Nexus Discord server? if not I highly would like to see one to be made :>
Veronica Vayle
Hello, welcome to Inara.
Edit: Inara Nexus as such doesn't have its own Discord, but there's a link button to the site's Discord further down this page.
NickMarichVeronica Vayle
Hello, welcome to Inara.
Edit: Inara Nexus as such doesn't have its own Discord, but there's a link button to the site's Discord further down this page.
I searched for it, It doesn't seem I can find it... would you perhaps know the link?
DirnivirNickMarichVeronica Vayle
Hello, welcome to Inara.
Edit: Inara Nexus as such doesn't have its own Discord, but there's a link button to the site's Discord further down this page.
I searched for it, It doesn't seem I can find it... would you perhaps know the link?
its on the right