ZentzlbWell it sounds like you dont know too much about gankers or what happened with CODE. But keep it up, its always nice when someone advertises their ignorance in such a public way.
"There are plenty who say they do so but only camouflage their selfish needs to dominate others due to their inadequacies in RL." Yes, all gankers are sociopaths and terrible people IRL. The only solution is playing in solo mode. You hit the nail on the head bud.
Nah, I'll play in any Mode I deem fit, thats what this game allows me and that's what I'll do. And regarding advertising ignorance you do have quite the experience yourself from what one could read. Plus some little lie about you not being part of The Code and some stuff that you can't leave them or are still showing in their Roster and so forth. I mean you could at least put some effort into things like that now and then

ZentzlbYou are kind of missing the point of this game.
That single sentence fits on you more then anyone. And with that I'll move on to greener pastures. Sayonara.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:13am