Elite: General talk
03 Aug 2021, 8:12am
SakashiroPeople seem to enjoy playing SC even in its unfinished state, and it's hard to argue with that.
I went to Deciat last night, and the place was a wasteland. The writing is on the wall for ED. Skipping Odyssey's beta was a mistake that the game might not recover from.
I play both and SC is fun. It definitely isn't finished but it is a good deal of fun. A lot more difficult learning curve than Elite but once you start getting the hang of it, it's definitely got a unique style to it. Effective teamwork is significantly more rewarding in SC than in ED for one thing. Not just in credits or profitability but enjoyability. For example, in Elite, if you want to really go for combat, get an FDL and outfit it with a bunch of fixed guns to rip others apart with. In SC, get the biggest combat ship you can, get a bunch of players to get in and crew all the different turrets and such, and watch as you and your friends fly in and become an unstoppable unified wrecking machine! Turreted weapons in ED take way to much of a damage nerf to make multi-crew very viable. SC makes you want to jump in your friends ship and crew it. And I do mean "want" as in I don't feel like I "need" to crew their ships, but I genuinely want to do it. ED makes you need your own ship. ED could fix this by allowing players to own one of the 2 battlecruisers (Farragut or Majestic) as those things are large enough having a full player crew really makes sense for those. But I don't ever see that happening.
Deciat was a wasteland? No gankers there? Now that's a warning sign. That's like seeing a Waffle House actually close. I wouldn't say ED can't recover from this but it will take serious effort. The question is, is FDev willing to put in said effort? Because it's going to take more than simply making it run smoothly now.
03 Aug 2021, 8:22am
You joke but have you actually played SC? It becomes really obvious as to why it's taking so long to develop. The attention to detail in even the smallest things is astonishing. It really goes beyond what is necessary. But that makes it all the more understandable as to why it's still in Alpha.
Yes I joke, and no, I haven't played SC, from what I've seen and read it will possibly never get "finished" due to feature creep. However if it is playable in that state does in ever need to get the "finished" tag?
I came back to the bubble to start my Odyssey adventure from here, but now I'm back I'm holding off buying until I believe it will run well. Even with that I'm not interested in the on foot shooter game-play, it was the planet graphics, alien life and possibility of EVA and the Neil Armstrong step that I was keen for.
I think Sakashiro is right about EDO beta.
03 Aug 2021, 8:58am
Mr SloppyEven with that I'm not interested in the on foot shooter game-play, it was the planet graphics, alien life and possibility of EVA and the Neil Armstrong step that I was keen for.
SC has the better planet graphics. Flying down to a planet surface is really a different and IMO better experience than in ED. Since ships in SC have very well modeled interiors, it really does have that "Neil Armstrong" appeal. Landing your ship on a surface, climbing out of you seat, making your way through the ship to open the door to actually step out of your ship on a new planet you have never been on before..... it's hard to put into words but it really is awesome. SC also has alien races and even alien ships that players can acquire. EVA is also a thing.
The sad thing about SC and ED is look back to the kickstarter interviews with Braben talking about all the cool and unique aspects he wanted to put into Elite. You could see how excited he was to work on the game and make it all happen. Ship interiors and the features they bring with them, EVA'ing, planet exploration, etc.... Virtually everything he dreamed we would one day be able to do in ED was actually put into SC. It's just all confined to a single system instead of the 400 billion systems we have in Elite. SC will have more system eventually but I believe it's only planed to have around 70 at max. But considering what all can be done in a single system, having only a dozen would still seem like a lot.
03 Aug 2021, 9:45am
03 Aug 2021, 10:02am
SakashiroI remember a video somewhere on YT showing a player disembarking from a ship on a planet surface in SC, and outside there was a storm. Visibility was bad, and sand was blown against the helmet. Could have been a scene from "Alien". The closest thing to weather in EDO is an occasional dust cloud here or there.
Yep. This is a thing in SC. And they even have the audio down well on it. Walking out into a hail storm that's blowing sideways, you will hear audio change as you turn around. Face into it and you hear it hitting your helmet. Walk back into your ship to seek shelter and the sound of the wind hitting you dies down just like in real life when you get out of the heavy wind. Their next update expands on atmospheric effects.
04 Aug 2021, 7:22am
SakashiroBtw, I haven't been to Hutton Orbital yet...
Hutton Orbital's journey has one enormous advantage: after doing it, every single in-system flight feels short.
04 Aug 2021, 7:58am
I've been to Hutton Orbital too. It took me about around 1 hour
04 Aug 2021, 8:38am
Rayman.As a half explorer, getting somewhere there is short for me. After visiting beagle's point and Salome's reach it took me a few hours to return to the bubble but for me it was like 30 minutes.
I've been to Hutton Orbital too. It took me about around 1 hour
Fast is best.
04 Aug 2021, 12:44pm