Elite: General talk
26 Nov 2020, 9:08am
Besides I honestly can't be bothered to scroll through 60+ posts and comment on everything I may want to comment on and probably already have before.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:13am
This is a valid discussion
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:16am
Conflict zone killing isn't ganking either because entering a CZ implies consent.
Technically I've never been ganked because the only time my ship was destroyed was in a CZ that was part of a community goal. Fair and square, no complaints.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:18am
XeknosRotwhylrSakashiroWhy can't we just be friends?
Btw, after yesterday's livestream with Cow and the Pilot, I was wondering, what's the big deal with combat logging? I know task killing is a terms of service violation; I'm talking about c-logging via menu, with the cooldown. I hear people say that it's a cowardly thing to do, but why? If someone is in a cardboard ship and realizes they have zero chance to survive a confrontation, why are you expecting them to bend over and take it in the rear? It seems a tiny bit hypocritical to me when gankers demand not to be judged by their playstyle choice but then judge c-loggers as cowards. Certainly we can agree that c-logging is no more cowardly than seal clubbing and no more immersion-breaking than pressing Ctrl-B, no?
I think it is funny when non-consensual PvPers (seems like an easier grouping than trying to split hairs on what technically qualifies as a gank) justify themselves by saying "the game allows it, therefore it is a valid play style", and then turn around in the next breath and criticize people for using the menu logging option that is built into the game.
You want to be careful using that term, also. Comparing PvP to something like rape is both disingenuous and, frankly, deeply offensive.
Being temporarily inconvenienced in a video game is not at all comparable to a horrific and traumatic event.
I'm not comparing it to rape. I'm trying to find an expression that encompasses a PvP encounter to which one side literally does not consent, particularly in light of the largely fruitless attempts to have agreement over what constitutes ganking or griefing. The term "non-consensual" is not owned by one set of people, and has legitimate uses outside the context of sexual assault. See also: non-consensual medical intervention, non-consensual monitoring or surveillance, etc.
Do you have a better way to describe that kind of encounter? Also, do you have any thoughts on the point I was trying to make?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:18am
RenraikuThat is a very specific scenario and precludes intent on spoiling someones day. This is not what I was discussing, nor do I recall using that as my point of reference. I will indulge you, however my PvP intention is not necessarily to reduce progress.
I will skip on reasoning as it is a perspective.
If we are in conflict I am bad for you and you are bad to me. If I have conflict with you but you don't have with me - just one is bad.
It is as simple as that.
The reasoning do not matter whether you try to follow your agenda with bgs, bounty hunting, pirating. Bad actions are always bad actions.
So for example: So far no one from Leren's reapers nor the guys from the coalition that took Carcosa from the nameless was bad towards me.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:32am
RenraikuRight. So you can see where not all unprovoked attacks are bad.
I can see what you meant but they are still bad, regardless. Being bad actor vs bad actor can be considered neutral looking it from outside. Naturally, if just one of the actors have bad intention, it looks bad again from an outsider perspective.
And you may notice that I didn't said I was not bad towards you or the other guys as I cannot be certain about that.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:25am
26 Nov 2020, 9:35am
SakashiroPiracy isn't ganking because even weak ships are given a fair chance to avoid destruction by handing over cargo.
Conflict zone killing isn't ganking either because entering a CZ implies consent.
Technically I've never been ganked because the only time my ship was destroyed was in a CZ that was part of a community goal. Fair and square, no complaints.
Piracy is funny grey area that could technically be viewed as ganking but is usually accepted as genuine part of a game because of the cargo. Which is also why I don't understand how the lack of a cargo makes a similar event so much worse for some people.
Also if this was meant to comment on my post a minute ago I said CG (community goal) not CZ. Say there's a CG that wants you to kill thargoids in an area so you go there to specifically hunt the people of which you know they are flying ships that cannot do anything against your proper pvp ship. While you're right that CZ isn't ganking, the CG scenario is.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:37am
The game distinguishes the actions differently from your moral code of good and bad.
Destroying you legally = good
Destroying you illegally = bad
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:46am
I think it is funny when non-consensual PvPers (seems like an easier grouping than trying to split hairs on what technically qualifies as a gank) justify themselves by saying "the game allows it, therefore it is a valid play style", and then turn around in the next breath and criticize people for using the menu logging option that is built into the game.
You want to be careful using that term, also. Comparing PvP to something like rape is both disingenuous and, frankly, deeply offensive.
Being temporarily inconvenienced in a video game is not at all comparable to a horrific and traumatic event.
I'm not comparing it to rape. I'm trying to find an expression that encompasses a PvP encounter to which one side literally does not consent, particularly in light of the largely fruitless attempts to have agreement over what constitutes ganking or griefing. The term "non-consensual" is not owned by one set of people, and has legitimate uses outside the context of sexual assault. See also: non-consensual medical intervention, non-consensual monitoring or surveillance, etc.
Do you have a better way to describe that kind of encounter? Also, do you have any thoughts on the point I was trying to make?
I'd argue that PvP in Open is *always* consensual simply by virtue of both parties being present in Open Play. As I said earlier, simply clicking Open could be construed as consent to the consequences thereof. And getting potentially blown up by another commander is a consequence.
The conversation changes, of course, if both commanders are part of a Private Group that specifically outlaws PvP, but no rule is in place for Open.
We can also argue that Frontier may need to do a better job of communicating the risks one takes when clicking that Open Play button...
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:50am
Asahi LorenzoOk I'm relatively new to ED. So far all the things I've done have been motivated by my wanting better ships, engineering modules and weapons, um putting my name on systems. So I work for credits and go exploring looking for the undiscovered.
For the 'pro-gankers' here - what do you get from ganking? Is it just a 'fun' thing to do? Is it breast-beating? Am really curious.
The majority of people are normal and are motivated by those same things. What people are really seeking is to do those things with others, and having flown with others there's nothing quite like EDing in a group.
Meanwhile, ganking serves no purpose other than having fun stopping the progress of others. That's it. Nothing else. They're the same kind of people that will team kill you in a HC CoD match. They log in to do nothing other than to cause grief.
I was ganked as a new player at a Res site trying to parasite off NPC's to make enough credits to get out of my Sidewinder. The ganker was an FDL. When I finally got into my second ship, an Adder to mine, I got ganked by ANOTHER fucking FDL from the station on my way to Borann. I think a lot of it stems from bored players being bored when the game becomes stagnant and that's been a thing for ED for awhile.
As for pirating. Not ganking whatsoever. I've been pirated before and the experience was awesome. Felt like a true MMO at the time. The comms were threatening and hilarious at the same time. I was happy to dump a portion of my LTD for the effort.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:51am
In particular, look at the writing about piracy, hey i am nice, i will copy and paste it here..
A pirate can make a living hunting vulnerable ships near Nav Beacons or Resource Extraction points, forcing them to dump their cargo or tearing straight into their cargo hatch. The most daring pirates can extort other commanders or use limpet drones to extract cargo straight from their target’s hold, and sell the loot at a local Black Market.
So, thats pretty clear I think. Piracy is not ganking, It's daring!
Can we get that taken off the table now, and move back onto other concerns.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:57am
Aleksander MajjamAsahi LorenzoOk I'm relatively new to ED. So far all the things I've done have been motivated by my wanting better ships, engineering modules and weapons, um putting my name on systems. So I work for credits and go exploring looking for the undiscovered.
For the 'pro-gankers' here - what do you get from ganking? Is it just a 'fun' thing to do? Is it breast-beating? Am really curious.
The majority of people are normal and are motivated by those same things. What people are really seeking is to do those things with others, and having flown with others there's nothing quite like EDing in a group.
Meanwhile, ganking serves no purpose other than having fun stopping the progress of others. That's it. Nothing else. They're the same kind of people that will team kill you in a HC CoD match. They log in to do nothing other than to cause grief.
I was ganked as a new player at a Res site trying to parasite off NPC's to make enough credits to get out of my Sidewinder. The ganker was an FDL. When I finally got into my second ship, an Adder to mine, I got ganked by ANOTHER fucking FDL from the station on my way to Borann. I think a lot of it stems from bored players being bored when the game becomes stagnant and that's been a thing for ED for awhile.
As for pirating. Not ganking whatsoever. I've been pirated before and the experience was awesome. Felt like a true MMO at the time. The comms were threatening and hilarious at the same time. I was happy to dump a portion of my LTD for the effort.
This would be accurate if dying in this game actually reset a significant amount of progress. It really doesn't. You get your entire ship as it was back for 5% of its cost regardless of engineering and most cargo isn't valuable or rare enough to be considered a huge progress. This is not EVE where it all goes up in flames and disappears forever which I think people tend to forget.
And again I would make a difference between ganking and seal clubbing because that's not just killing you while you're unprepared or misequipped, that's deliberately bullying a clearly new and thus far inferior player which is below all standards.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 9:58am
There's no such thing as "non-consensual PvP" for players -- you opted into PvP by playing in open. Characters usually don't consent to getting blown up outside of combat zones and what not, but what can you do? It's a dangerous world.
Likewise, you could argue that PvP is additional content and therefore "good" (not in the moral sense) for players. One character shooting another without a bounty is morally "bad", which is what Epi seems to be getting at, but again, so what? It's a dangerous world.
Then there's of course the issue of immersion: A person shooting anyone in sight is very erratic behaviour for a character in a dangerous universe -- you don't stand to gain much and take the risk (which should arguably be bigger) of losing assets and reputation. A pirate asking for part of your cargo makes much more sense because they actually get something out of it.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 10:00am
RenraikuMy apologies, I retract my last comment.
The game distinguishes the actions differently from your moral code of good and bad.
Destroying you legally = good
Destroying you illegally = bad
As I said it is point of view

It is not a moral code. I just gave you a third perspective how it looks from outside.
Two sides with or without conflict/reasoning and the outsider.
The two sides can be either good or bad toward each other. The outsider may make a reasonable conclusion, in the case of no conflict side vs conflict side will most likely paint the latter as bad.
Which is exactly what is the situation we get with ganking and griefing.
My moral code in game is different thing. My interest go first > I will not fire first shot. If first overrides second.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am
26 Nov 2020, 10:03am
KalenarWe need to be careful to avoid conflating the player's and character's perspective here.
There's no such thing as "non-consensual PvP" for players -- you opted into PvP by playing in open. Characters usually don't consent to getting blown up outside of combat zones and what not, but what can you do? It's a dangerous world.
Likewise, you could argue that PvP is additional content and therefore "good" (not in the moral sense) for players. One character shooting another without a bounty is morally "bad", which is what Epi seems to be getting at, but again, so what? It's a dangerous world.
Then there's of course the issue of immersion: A person shooting anyone in sight is very erratic behaviour for a character in a dangerous universe -- you don't stand to gain much and take the risk (which should arguably be bigger) of losing assets and reputation. A pirate asking for part of your cargo makes much more sense because they actually get something out of it.
I mean there's still materials dropping but I see what you're getting at.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:26am