Elite: General talk
09 Apr 2024, 7:13pm
But what’s keeping the fluids in those cups when they’re not closed, or pizza boxes on the ‘ground’? I dunno about that one.
And as for why we can’t walk in our ships, the reason is just not implemented in the game. And looking at some of the… ahem, ‘features’, of that other space game which does have walkable ship interiors, I’m not sure it’s a can of worms Frontier are willing to touch for the current iteration of Elite. (But I would gladly be proven wrong.)
09 Apr 2024, 7:22pm
Kasumi Goto
But what’s keeping the fluids in those cups when they’re not closed, or pizza boxes on the ‘ground’? I dunno about that one.
Clear sippy cup lids and grease that leaked through the cardboard.
10 Apr 2024, 6:46am
13 Apr 2024, 1:46am
UramakiI have a question... why do you think some stations need centrifugal foce to create gravity (plausible, real life physics concept) while others like the small ones, don't need it yet can still have all the same functionalities and gravity as the others?
I ask this because this morning I thought I had found the reason why we cannot walk in our ships.
I thought... " damn, that's because we don't have the tech to do so!" while thinking about rotating stations.
But then the idea crashed when thinking about small stations....
If you have any thought about this please feel free to share!
Not being to walk on ships because the technology isn't there is odd for space-born races.
What if I want to pee on my way to Colonia?
What if I want to go to sleep on my ship, probably rub one out before some z's?
What if I've got to get out out of the chair to do some ship maintenance?
13 Apr 2024, 6:05am
Vasil VasilescuKasumi Goto
But what’s keeping the fluids in those cups when they’re not closed, or pizza boxes on the ‘ground’? I dunno about that one.
Clear sippy cup lids and grease that leaked through the cardboard.
Apparently there actually is an open top cup that astronauts use. It is all based on surface tension.
19 Apr 2024, 10:03pm
01 May 2024, 11:27pm
02 May 2024, 2:10pm
I'd love some real world recommendations from our Elite Dangerous community. Maybe some things do well with Elite while others not so much. Perhaps my two considerations are spot on. Just kinda want someone to chime in and say "yep, I use [this/that] and have no issues since day one" or say "had [this] and it was a PITA, but got [that] and love it".
14 May 2024, 8:16pm
IndyAnyone have any VR setup/brand recommendations? I'm considering the Valve Index. The Vive Pro is also in the running. However, both price-points are on the high side of reasonable (for what is purchased).
I'd love some real world recommendations from our Elite Dangerous community. Maybe some things do well with Elite while others not so much. Perhaps my two considerations are spot on. Just kinda want someone to chime in and say "yep, I use [this/that] and have no issues since day one" or say "had [this] and it was a PITA, but got [that] and love it".
Valve Index has been treating me well with ED, especially after I got a basic HOTAS and could ditch peeking-at-the-keyboard-to-find-keys gameplay. I have no experience with any other HMDs though, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.
15 May 2024, 12:08pm
ojraskValve Index has been treating me well with ED, especially after I got a basic HOTAS and could ditch peeking-at-the-keyboard-to-find-keys gameplay. I have no experience with any other HMDs though, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.
I appreciate the recommendation. I've borrowed a headset in the past and was really impressed with the VR experience in Elite Dangerous.
I have a comfortable HOTAS setup as well; it does make a big difference for gameplay, IMO.
Thanks again!
15 May 2024, 12:31pm
IndyAnyone have any VR setup/brand recommendations? I'm considering the Valve Index. The Vive Pro is also in the running. However, both price-points are on the high side of reasonable (for what is purchased).
I'd love some real world recommendations from our Elite Dangerous community. Maybe some things do well with Elite while others not so much. Perhaps my two considerations are spot on. Just kinda want someone to chime in and say "yep, I use [this/that] and have no issues since day one" or say "had [this] and it was a PITA, but got [that] and love it".
You have to understand that full VR haven't been implemented while playing on foot, we have a boxed FOV which is ennoying, when flying, nothing beats a good headset in this game.
What I appreciate with the Pico is its lenses, they have a very large sweet spot, so most of the time you don't need to turn your head to read which in a game like DCS is particularly important.
Lenses are Pancake type, no funny circles there, like with good spectacles, you got 4320 × 2160 (2160 × 2160 per eye) and a refresh rate of 70 or 90Hz with a 105° FOV.
The only thing it lacks compared to sets 3 X its cost is a larger FOV but 105° is enough.
I don't remember the name but I use a cable pluged to the main and I don't have any issue with battery life, it's worth it.
Last edit: 15 May 2024, 12:47pm
21 May 2024, 6:23pm

Edit: Nope, ARX are more expensive here. Very strange.
Last edit: 21 May 2024, 6:33pm