Elite: General talk
06 Oct 2021, 10:31am
Perhaps there are some non-combat ways to go about it to but brewing those seems a little more loosey-goosey, perhaps gathering some kind of intel good from across the galaxy and delivering them to the reporter for leverage? Harvested from secret site/signal sources or some other thing? Could thematically be intel on members/locations/transactions and stuff.
Is the 'Ambassador Rochester' in the story piece Jupiter Rochester?
06 Oct 2021, 12:17pm
Thallia ThornI'm quite a fan of it! I hope it'll develop into a CG. Perhaps one where the current location of the Joker's deck is revealed and ambushed, and then Commanders have a choice to either conflict zone to get through defences to expose them or defend their identities and keep them secret.
Perhaps there are some non-combat ways to go about it to but brewing those seems a little more loosey-goosey, perhaps gathering some kind of intel good from across the galaxy and delivering them to the reporter for leverage? Harvested from secret site/signal sources or some other thing? Could thematically be intel on members/locations/transactions and stuff.
Is the 'Ambassador Rochester' in the story piece Jupiter Rochester?
No, it's actually his brother, the former Federal Ambassador to the Empire Jordan Rochester. He and Princess Aisling Duval were engaged at one point (quite the scandal), she's propably the princess mentioned in that GALNET-article.
Jupiter Rochester's shenanigans dealt a huge blow to the Rochester clan's influence inside the Federation.
06 Oct 2021, 2:08pm
Thank you Amata

09 Oct 2021, 10:00pm
10 Oct 2021, 5:02am
10 Oct 2021, 8:57pm
Aunty SledgeHas anyone received their Yuri Grom Seeker Missile Racks?
Not yet... I keep checking my 'Stored Modules'. If I remember right they get listed there and you can either collect them or have them transported. CG module rewards are often some days after the event is over and after you collected any money.
11 Oct 2021, 12:40pm
SmalooAunty SledgeHas anyone received their Yuri Grom Seeker Missile Racks?
Not yet... I keep checking my 'Stored Modules'. If I remember right they get listed there and you can either collect them or have them transported. CG module rewards are often some days after the event is over and after you collected any money.
They are now available on the megaship.
11 Oct 2021, 10:45pm
Aunty SledgeSmalooAunty SledgeHas anyone received their Yuri Grom Seeker Missile Racks?
Not yet... I keep checking my 'Stored Modules'. If I remember right they get listed there and you can either collect them or have them transported. CG module rewards are often some days after the event is over and after you collected any money.
They are now available on the megaship.
Yippee! :o)
12 Oct 2021, 9:20am
Last edit: 12 Oct 2021, 9:48am
12 Oct 2021, 12:01pm
C. ColemanIs it just me or did Frontier change the amount and respawn of tier4 raw materials in Horizons? I was farming at HIP 36601-C1A area for the materials and was only able to get between 45 and 75 of any tier 4 raw material at any of the locations where I normally was able to completely fill up each. They also did not respawn even after leaving the planet and returning or logging out and back in. I also notice that my controller had strange changes and had to reset my controller. Seems they did some secret changes that I have not been able to find in any update post.
I've just been farming mats there myself in Horizons, and didn't have any problems filling up at a single site.
For the record, I went to the following signals this time around, and all were pretty good spots (flat, not too much other geography getting in the way):
C1A (Polonium) - Bio signal 6
C1D (Ruthenium) - Bio signal 3
C3B (Tellurium) - Bio signal 5
14 Oct 2021, 8:29pm
Fossiliinot sure, however i think yesterday i found some missile racks in my stored module and then i moved them to my fc
I like your avatar. ^_^
14 Oct 2021, 10:07pm