Elite: General talk

12 Dec 2024, 1:17pm
Lets kill last titan, i want to play smt else but cant deny the rewards.
15 Dec 2024, 2:39am
15 Dec 2024, 3:18am
That would be a nice joke if those free FDS are C grade.
15 Dec 2024, 10:05am
Still very good if they gave C grade tho. Good for combat ships or any non-exploration ships especially with pre engineered modifications.
15 Dec 2024, 10:26am

This is the way. At least for most players right now.
15 Dec 2024, 7:54pm
< not part of that group, evidently. Because despite the rewards I have no interest in crossing over my RP to bash a Titan which I have not yet and will not be doing, at the very least for this initial set but possibly also for any that follow (even on my alt which I use for AX stuff, my main - this account - serves more for things like evacs).

Also still annoyed about how the inbox message from Thursday is all like "You can still rescue captives from the Titan!"... but there's zilch to reward players who engage in non-violent gameplay except ubiquitous credits with no purpose. You only get it for the same old, boring "Shoot stuff" (and by boring I just mean it is the most obvious, straightforward and always-done approach in games partly because it is the easiest and stuff about lowest common denominator, blah blah).
yesterday, 8:25am
yesterday, 9:24am
yesterday, 9:52am
Allow me to drop some quotes…

TANNER: ‘We’ as in the human race, yes. My point is that surely the aliens have had plenty of opportunity to study us by now. If what you’re saying is true, and the Thargoids are abducting millions of people… well, there’s a grander plan here than research. One that we need to figure out.

SEO: They’re harvesting us.
Not food. Not fuel. It’s more accurate to say the Thargoid race has a purpose for us. One which is giving me some real shitty dreams.
Yes. And the people inside are important to the next phase of Thargoid invasion. I’m sure of it.


Make of this what you will…
yesterday, 10:48am
RawnuWhat do we make of these claims that Taranis is emitting strange signals/sounds? Was anyone near that place to verify? Someone else also did a spectogram analysis of the signal. So maybe, just maybe, FDev is cooking something and not just having us have a victory lap.

Yes there's been sounds every time I was collecting Meta-Alloys among the ruins of two Titans. Assumed it was some automated machinery producing stuff for nothing. Of course these could be something else as well.
yesterday, 10:34pm
By the way, you can see that Fdev are English. Cocijo hangs over France
today, 3:14am
SalmoneaBy the way, you can see that Fdev are English. Cocijo hangs over France
It's orbiting, so it may hang over any other country on its way now... What really perplexes me though is the fact that we have guns, but don't have knives in a British game.
today, 3:20am
It was apparently over Japan a couple hours ago. So wherever it ends up when it explodes... well, I don't know enough to make any guesses or estimates. I doubt any place that the rubble might rain down on is going to be particularly happy, and some of it will end up knocked off the orbital trajectory by the explosion (if we ignore the space magic keeping the existing debris fields relatively together and not drifting apart slowly). I'm not sure if the damage would be better or worse if the pieces landed in an ocean, depending on their size I guess.

... and that assumes the whole thing doesn't dunk itself into the planet and sets off a mega nuke down there which will probably raze every building on the surface with the shockwave. Or at least those on the same half of it.
today, 7:17am
Discuss: did FDev want to give players the option not to bomb Cocijo into meltdown by starting the Titan "hum", burrying that strange picture in the soundwaves? But if they really are "players shape this game", why do this on a Sunday afternoon, knowing that it'll take a day or so that someone catches, and probably another day or two until YouTube, Reddit etc. starts forming an opinion on it – all the while speeding up Cocijo's destructing on Monday. No, the Titan was supposed to fall, this was the script for starting the next phase of the conflict and driving the colonization question. If "we" really had a choice, FDev would have allowed the Titan to live until Tuesday evening UTC and started the humming on Saturday. Because within two to three days, the player base can make interesting choices (see how quickly Mother Gaia's influence dropped after that Reddit post on Triton). But you need a few days for that and the time was too short in this case.

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