Elite: General talk

13 Aug 2021, 12:07am
MeowersBut sometimes that expression... haves its effect.

True. Which is why my current profile image has the open mouth.

I wish there were more expressions and poses available. Like in CP2077's camera mode. But there are so many more important issues to fix right now, I won't even ask for that.
13 Aug 2021, 12:12am
SakashiroWhich is why my current profile image has the open mouth.
Yeah. It could be interpreted differently, depending on head tilt, camera angle, random animations, etc.

Same model, almost the same expression, different results (well, as I think, sometimes I'm sh*t bad at reading expressions)

SakashiroI wish there were more expressions and poses available. Like in CP2077's camera mode. But there are so many more important issues to fix right now, I won't even ask for that.
Yup. Same opinion here. Would be great to see them, but not at cost of fixing the rest of this game.

p.s. I remember your post about making Asian eyes in character editor. That's some determination

p.s.2. Also I found a bug with skin colour. Your skin will look much darker than it actually is, if you enter the game with your character on foot and on station. If you log out in a ship and then log in and disembark, the colour will be okay.

Last edit: 13 Aug 2021, 12:21am
13 Aug 2021, 1:21am
Meowersp.s. I remember your post about making Asian eyes in character editor. That's some determination

Umm yeah, that's an obsession of mine. My husband is Taiwanese and doesn't understand why I like these types of eyes so much. But he's not complaining about it either. He just sometimes shakes his head when he sees me editing those pictures.

Meowersp.s.2. Also I found a bug with skin colour. Your skin will look much darker than it actually is, if you enter the game with your character on foot and on station. If you log out in a ship and then log in and disembark, the colour will be okay.

That's interesting. I noticed that bug but couldn't pin down the cause. Good to know!
13 Aug 2021, 6:57am
Hey Hutton Mug Shot Gang

SakashiroI wish there were more expressions and poses available.
Try taking a picture while getting shot at for an extra expression. I would love to see what you can make out of it
13 Aug 2021, 8:48am
GryphnnTry taking a picture while getting shot at for an extra expression. I would love to see what you can make out of it

I think I just found someone willing to shoot at me.
13 Aug 2021, 8:50am
With that, it will be your last expression
13 Aug 2021, 12:56pm
SakashiroDeciat and ShinDez are now low threat zones in Inara's security report. That tells you something about the state of the game.

I wish they would enable crossplay, the galaxy would be a little more populated once odyssey and horizons merges.
13 Aug 2021, 1:24pm
Nick Nova
I wish they would enable crossplay, the galaxy would be a little more populated once odyssey and horizons merges.

Chances are, they hope us horizons players getting bored when everybody jumped to odyssey...
13 Aug 2021, 1:25pm
Sooo... FDev featured this gem in today's "Commanders' Creations"... and I it!

Python ftw!
13 Aug 2021, 1:57pm
GryphnnTry taking a picture while getting shot at for an extra expression. I would love to see what you can make out of it

I think I just found someone willing to shoot at me.

Sometime the bodies fly few dozen meters above the ground before they fall down.
13 Aug 2021, 4:19pm
suppose i should redo my selfie
13 Aug 2021, 4:51pm
Dirnivirsuppose i should redo my selfie

Yeah me as well. I'm just waiting on FDev to finish fixing the graphics issues.

Last edit: 14 Aug 2021, 8:43pm
13 Aug 2021, 6:02pm
Amata LireinSooo... FDev featured this gem in today's "Commanders' Creations"... and I it!

Show more >>

Python ftw!

This one is great, too.
14 Aug 2021, 6:46pm
Dirnivirsuppose i should redo my selfie

Yeah me as well. I'm just waiting on FDev to finish the fixes the graphics issues.

i literally forgot to do it. i was on elite at the time. smh.
14 Aug 2021, 7:01pm
well. finally arrived at citi gateway in oddessy, should be interestin i hope

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