Elite: General talk

21 Oct 2021, 1:57am
SalmoneaI found it again. So this is gateway to the thargoid home universe. Its gateway to the Raxxla truth.

Okay. That was something new for me to see. A rip in space? I didn't know that was something in this game.
21 Oct 2021, 6:30am
Since I'm on Horizons anyway, I think I'll join Drew Wagar's "o7 Tour".
21 Oct 2021, 7:41am
SakashiroSince I'm on Horizons anyway, I think I'll join Drew Wagar's "o7 Tour".

I think he left the game.

If looking for more stuff to see, I have prepared a player journal with a lot of unknown things: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LckN0B-Un-KEXS3p8F27O9p1atK9M5_xtxDDm9P2htk/edit?usp=sharing
21 Oct 2021, 7:42am
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

Join elite red squad a few ps4 players on there

player journal here: Lot of things people never see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LckN0B-Un-KEXS3p8F27O9p1atK9M5_xtxDDm9P2htk/edit?usp=sharing
21 Oct 2021, 9:49am
SakashiroSince I'm on Horizons anyway, I think I'll join Drew Wagar's "o7 Tour".

I think he left the game.

If looking for more stuff to see, I have prepared a player journal with a lot of unknown things: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LckN0B-Un-KEXS3p8F27O9p1atK9M5_xtxDDm9P2htk/edit?usp=sharing

He's doing a farewell tour
21 Oct 2021, 12:31pm
I doubt Drew will leave the game. He will be around always, but is actually quiting producing content. So, if he is going on farewell tour and you have a time, I think it would be good experience.
21 Oct 2021, 2:45pm
Knightwolf 1785
SalmoneaI found it again. So this is gateway to the thargoid home universe. Its gateway to the Raxxla truth.

Okay. That was something new for me to see. A rip in space? I didn't know that was something in this game.

Thargoid interceptor left this space portal behind when you atack him few seconds before his hyperjump. Its looks like a portal to diferent universe. I think they really could be interuniversal. If Raxxla discovered some gateway to diferent space, it was probably some thargoid technology. And it could be similar to this.
21 Oct 2021, 3:31pm
22 Oct 2021, 8:42am
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

HI, Im a ps4 solo player for many years.......there are tons of things you and your friend can do in the Bubble or in Colonia............however if you are out in deep space exploring there is not much you can do apart from exploration
22 Oct 2021, 8:48am
Random thought, because I just brought Star Realms to other talk:

Cooperation between Frontier and Wise Wizard LLC to develop a standalone spin-off to Star Realms set in Elite: Dangerous setting to feature Empire, Alliance, Federation and Independents.

Like its original counterpart, each faction would excel in its own field (like Alliance would be counterpart of Trade Federation from SR: authority and money generation) - although with a major twist with Independents who, while being counterpart of The Blobs (damage dealing), would also act more like colorless Mercenary Cruisers and temporarily align (as the game is based about deck-building and effects ignited by presence of same faction/color cards) with any other faction - likely at price of less damage dealing.

Of course, there would also be a one or two Thargoid cards put in, but taking effects as soon as they enter the Trade Row like event cards - already giving me ideas that we could have e.g. Famine or Boom events.

I also think that Station cards (the ones that are horizontal in SR) would be replaced by Systems cards - with a different quirk that instead of being destroyed and put back into the owner's deck, they would be captured into the opposite player's deck, what would pay a nice homage to ED's BGS.
22 Oct 2021, 9:00am
SalmoneaI found it again. So this is gateway to the thargoid home universe. Its gateway to the Raxxla truth.

It looks very interesting, I wonder what it is....
has anyone ever scanned it?
23 Oct 2021, 7:16am
Hello there.
23 Oct 2021, 7:37am
23 Oct 2021, 7:46am
An event that is now at EGM 559, can you get some more customization there, not just modules?
23 Oct 2021, 12:48pm
SalmoneaI found it again. So this is gateway to the thargoid home universe. Its gateway to the Raxxla truth.

It looks very interesting, I wonder what it is....
has anyone ever scanned it?

Its unable to scan it.

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