Elite: General talk

02 Dec 2021, 2:05am
PratiganHi, I do not know what I am missing here, but I can't see any more any station facilities on system map. Carriers facilites seems to be there?

Been that way for a couple months now, slop -over from one of the EDO patches
02 Dec 2021, 2:40am
Check and see if there are filters?
06 Dec 2021, 10:12am
Hey there,
does anyone have a clue, why my Carrier Market Data is no longer available on inara? Equipment is displayed correctly. ????
06 Dec 2021, 10:53am
Mobius_11804Hey there,
does anyone have a clue, why my Carrier Market Data is no longer available on inara? Equipment is displayed correctly. ????

Is your carrier market still open? Mine closed itself whilst I was asleep!
06 Dec 2021, 3:07pm
Mobius_11804Hey there,
does anyone have a clue, why my Carrier Market Data is no longer available on inara? Equipment is displayed correctly. ????

Please open your fleet carrier management screen, so the record of your fleet carrier will be in the journal. Then, it should be assigned to you after your journal import (as you have set already) and update daily, including the market data. But, also please disable the black market on your fleet carrier - there is currently a bug on Frontier's end where the black market is overriding the regular market in their data provided and this is currently the only workaround.
06 Dec 2021, 4:58pm
Aaaah disabling the Black Market dir the Trick, thx Artie
08 Dec 2021, 4:42am
Of course the Market Network requirement for the trade badge had to go up before I imported... *sigh*
09 Dec 2021, 12:23pm
I built a dedicated gaming computer and only play ED (on steam), on it. does anyone know if i upgrade to windows 11 will it run better, worse or same. i am including specs just in case it matters as i am new to building computers..

3.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-9700
512 kilobyte primary memory cache
2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
12288 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (8 total)

49064 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM2' has 16384 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM2' has 16384 MB

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 [Display adapter]

Bus Clock: 100 megahertz
10 Dec 2021, 10:01pm
Hello, if i engineer a 3c multicannon and change to a higher class after, will the upgrade carry over?
10 Dec 2021, 10:04pm
StavrosHello, if i engineer a 3c multicannon and change to a higher class after, will the upgrade carry over?

10 Dec 2021, 10:08pm
StavrosHello, if i engineer a 3c multicannon and change to a higher class after, will the upgrade carry over?


so is it worth waiting to upgrade a higher class weapon or is just as easy to do it again?
10 Dec 2021, 10:55pm
StavrosHello, if i engineer a 3c multicannon and change to a higher class after, will the upgrade carry over?


so is it worth waiting to upgrade a higher class weapon or is just as easy to do it again?

You engineer the module you bought, not the slot it goes in. You can store the module for use in other ships when it comes time to upgrade, but IMO I would engineer the 3C MC and not upgrade to the Huge one. The Huge MC is slow firing and runs out of ammo too fast for my tastes. You're better off with something else in a class 4 slot. My preference for PVE is beam laser.
10 Dec 2021, 11:19pm
Beam Laser at a class 4 Slot i use too, with Termal Vent Option is good, so you can cool down during firing (several weapons).. or maybe a Plasma Acellerater, but you must have enough power resources for it (thermal loading is heavy too). with plasma slug ammo as option nearly unlimited ammo..

Last edit: 10 Dec 2021, 11:32pm
10 Dec 2021, 11:50pm
On my Mamba I have a class 4 MC with high capacity and corrosive shell. Haven't yet run out of ammo with it, but even if you do, small calibre ammo synthesis requires only grade 1 raw materials that can be found everywhere. And the synthesis cost for class 4 high-cap is the same as for a small MC, so with the big one you literally get more bang for the buck.
11 Dec 2021, 1:09am
Hi again
I've got another question.
I picked up five tons tritium from a poor pirate soul, who was unlucky enough to cross my path.
Nö to my question, ist there any way to donate these five tons to a carrer fiel depot, or do i have to sell them off and buy new ones?

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