Elite: General talk

06 Jan 2022, 8:27am
And this 'first person shooter' part is... questionable. Those pigeon-brained AI folks pose completely no danger. What's the most correct word for 'running towards their groups of reinforcements and wiping them out in a minute'? I guess, 'FDev FPS AI'.
06 Jan 2022, 9:13am
WaioraReturning after a year. Any point getting odyssey? From what ive seen it looks like a AI shooter meme and doesnt affect general gameplay in any way.

ED:O can be seen as a completely distinct from Horizons. Pretty much the only element that affects Horizons is Odyssey Settlements, their missions and trade opportunities. They are very small so their effects are minimal but could be frustrating to someone that is OCD over their BGS control if they can't do anything about them.

The Bad:
The FPS combat gameplay is remarkably basic. It really feels like Quake III Arena without the powerups or competent netcode. The AI are terrible, the settings repetitive (10 different building types each with ~3 variations), and the sense of fulfillment negligible. The only thing about it even remotely 'worth it' is the payout. It makes very good credits but not as good as Horizons meta earning.

Exobiology is a waste of time. I mean games in general can arguably be called this ofc, but they are supposed to be entertaining at the least. In its current state it is literally running around to click on fancy looking rocks 3x for little to zero payout. There is no challenge unless you artificially make one for yourself by things like "I wonder if I could do it in a Cutter so I have to park 10km away?" type bs.

The grind math is really bad. I mean FDev said "oh, you like grind do you? Hold my beer". Unlocking the Engineers is I'd guess 50 hours long. Moving the Elite goalpost to Elite:5 just eliminates any sense of accomplishment there too (proud you got Triple Elite are you? Well, now it's meaningless, quadruple the grind for just a couple of skins nobody cares about, and you know they're just going to kick the can again later on so what's the point?).

Finally, the performance. It takes the game that runs perfectly fine on your computer, halves the FPS , adds glaring pop-in, removes anti-aliasing, but darkens everything so you can't see it anyways. This isn't just for the new boring Planet gen stuff either. I literally can't play Horizons gameplay in ED:O VR because general performance hit everywhere means the framing is crazy bad. Runs perfectly fine in Horizons.

The Good:
Carrier and Station internals. While still glaringly basic (30000 stations, but three layouts wanh wahhhh) it is neat to walk around inside them for about 5 minutes. FC internals are coming and this may help with the Engineering grind as you might be able to just buy the items from players.
The ED:O missions. Bugs aside, there are a diverse array of missions to do. Many have some semblance of complexity/decision making involved (do I go full murder hobo, or stealth? How do I deal with getting caught, etc...).

In conclusion: IMO it is not worth the $40 ask. I got it as a lifetime pass holder and I'm still disappointed. I can't imagine paying fresh money for this and being happy with it. If you don't get it you won't miss it. It is the definition of "Parasitic Gameplay". There should be no FOMO here. The only way you'll notice ED:O exists is if you 'own' a System completely: All stations are your faction's. All other Factions are lockdown. Yet, their inf keeps moving because somebody is selling 50 Onionhead to a settlement you can't see. Other than this single example you won't notice it at all. If you do get it, it'll just be this artificial mountain of nothingness to climb because reasons? Your call.
06 Jan 2022, 9:33am
Well, said Burstar. But you completely missed the new and improved UI

*ducks and hides
06 Jan 2022, 11:46am
Not Burstar True Story

The Bad:
The FPS combat gameplay is remarkably basic. It really feels like Quake III Arena without the powerups or competent netcode. The AI are terrible, the settings repetitive (10 different building types each with ~3 variations), and the sense of fulfillment negligible. The only thing about it even remotely 'worth it' is the payout. It makes very good credits but not as good as Horizons meta earning.

Yea that's a valid write-up. This is something that stood out in the first surface combat instances. Personally the basic-ness I can stomach, if I want a more fulfilling experience, I just go elsewhere, no biggie. The one thing that absolutely drives me up the wall is weapon reloading that insists on registering new mag inside the gun only after the entire reload animation has run through. If you start sprinting with a few milliseconds left in the whole animation, when you intuitively think reloading is complete - guess what, the gun's still empty.

Normally I wouldn't find this an issue, because mechanically it's a pretty easy way to develop weapon reloading. What drives me nuts here is that the reloading itself feels unreasonably long to begin with, thus there is a very noticeable interruption in the overall flow.
06 Jan 2022, 1:19pm
Not Burstar True Story
WaioraReturning after a year. Any point getting odyssey? From what ive seen it looks like a AI shooter meme and doesnt affect general gameplay in any way.

ED:O can be seen as a completely distinct from Horizons. Pretty much the only element that affects Horizons is Odyssey Settlements, their missions and trade opportunities. They are very small so their effects are minimal but could be frustrating to someone that is OCD over their BGS control if they can't do anything about them.

The Bad:
The FPS combat gameplay is remarkably basic. It really feels like Quake III Arena without the powerups or competent netcode. The AI are terrible, the settings repetitive (10 different building types each with ~3 variations), and the sense of fulfillment negligible. The only thing about it even remotely 'worth it' is the payout. It makes very good credits but not as good as Horizons meta earning.

Exobiology is a waste of time. I mean games in general can arguably be called this ofc, but they are supposed to be entertaining at the least. In its current state it is literally running around to click on fancy looking rocks 3x for little to zero payout. There is no challenge unless you artificially make one for yourself by things like "I wonder if I could do it in a Cutter so I have to park 10km away?" type bs.

The grind math is really bad. I mean FDev said "oh, you like grind do you? Hold my beer". Unlocking the Engineers is I'd guess 50 hours long. Moving the Elite goalpost to Elite:5 just eliminates any sense of accomplishment there too (proud you got Triple Elite are you? Well, now it's meaningless, quadruple the grind for just a couple of skins nobody cares about, and you know they're just going to kick the can again later on so what's the point?).

Finally, the performance. It takes the game that runs perfectly fine on your computer, halves the FPS , adds glaring pop-in, removes anti-aliasing, but darkens everything so you can't see it anyways. This isn't just for the new boring Planet gen stuff either. I literally can't play Horizons gameplay in ED:O VR because general performance hit everywhere means the framing is crazy bad. Runs perfectly fine in Horizons.

The Good:
Carrier and Station internals. While still glaringly basic (30000 stations, but three layouts wanh wahhhh) it is neat to walk around inside them for about 5 minutes. FC internals are coming and this may help with the Engineering grind as you might be able to just buy the items from players.
The ED:O missions. Bugs aside, there are a diverse array of missions to do. Many have some semblance of complexity/decision making involved (do I go full murder hobo, or stealth? How do I deal with getting caught, etc...).

In conclusion: IMO it is not worth the $40 ask. I got it as a lifetime pass holder and I'm still disappointed. I can't imagine paying fresh money for this and being happy with it. If you don't get it you won't miss it. It is the definition of "Parasitic Gameplay". There should be no FOMO here. The only way you'll notice ED:O exists is if you 'own' a System completely: All stations are your faction's. All other Factions are lockdown. Yet, their inf keeps moving because somebody is selling 50 Onionhead to a settlement you can't see. Other than this single example you won't notice it at all. If you do get it, it'll just be this artificial mountain of nothingness to climb because reasons? Your call.

Pretty much what i concluded with researching it. Dont get me wrong I love true FPS games like quake iii arena, but you can only shoot AI, i hardly consider that a shooter after playing q3 for nearly 2 decades.

Everything else seems like an alternative sub par grind compared to what is available in horizons. Personally i didnt think its worth $40 either, even if it was $10 i would have been 50/50 on buying it, for what it seems to offer the game.

Leaves the players scratching their heads wondering who came up with these ideas, spent all that time working on it, made it through testing and quality control and actually got released with that price tag? -_-
06 Jan 2022, 5:03pm
WaioraLeaves the players scratching their heads wondering who came up with these ideas, spent all that time working on it, made it through testing and quality control and actually got released with that price tag? -_-

Quality control......... yeah not sure that was even a thing here......
06 Jan 2022, 10:25pm
WaioraLeaves the players scratching their heads wondering who came up with these ideas, spent all that time working on it, made it through testing and quality control and actually got released with that price tag? -_-

Quality control......... yeah not sure that was even a thing here......

The player base is the QA/QC department.
06 Jan 2022, 10:36pm
The player base is the QA/QC department.

The player base are testers. QA/QC is entirely different thing from which testing is just a tiny portion.
06 Jan 2022, 10:57pm
The player base is the QA/QC department.

The player base are testers. QA/QC is entirely different thing from which testing is just a tiny portion.

Either way they have no internal checks for anything.
07 Jan 2022, 2:43am
KurakilThe player base is the QA/QC department.

If the player base was permitted to be the QA/QC department, players like the one who found that taking the settlement smoke effect out over doubled his frame rate would have fixed the game by now.
07 Jan 2022, 2:53am
KurakilThe player base is the QA/QC department.

If the player base was permitted to be the QA/QC department, players like the one who found that taking the settlement smoke effect out over doubled his frame rate would have fixed the game by now.

Like QA/QC departments I have worked in before, no one ever listens because of course management knows better.
07 Jan 2022, 3:48am
KurakilLike QA/QC departments I have worked in before, no one ever listens because of course management knows better.

Yeah. I know a lot of people hate the guy but I think Elon hit the mark when he mentioned one of the biggest problems with corporations today is they are taking people with business management degrees and experience exclusively in management to head their companies. As a result, you get bosses whom it hasn't really clicked in their head as to what the company actually does. For example, look at the Boeing 737-max fiasco. That project was headed up by CEO Jim McNerney. First Boeing CEO without a background in Aviation. His whole career since the 70's was purely in management for various companies at senior levels. It becomes extremely unsettling the more you read into what the investigation of the MAX project uncovers.
07 Jan 2022, 11:08am
KurakilLike QA/QC departments I have worked in before, no one ever listens because of course management knows better.

Yeah. I know a lot of people hate the guy but I think Elon hit the mark when he mentioned one of the biggest problems with corporations today is they are taking people with business management degrees and experience exclusively in management to head their companies. As a result, you get bosses whom it hasn't really clicked in their head as to what the company actually does. For example, look at the Boeing 737-max fiasco. That project was headed up by CEO Jim McNerney. First Boeing CEO without a background in Aviation. His whole career since the 70's was purely in management for various companies at senior levels. It becomes extremely unsettling the more you read into what the investigation of the MAX project uncovers.

Certainly true and why most AAA game companies make trash for the past 10-15 odd years, it switched from games being made by passionate developers to money driven cash cows, with people who make decisions never playing the product . And the majority of consumers dont show restraint, and refuse to use the only leverage we have over what they provide by not swiping $50 every time something is hyped.
07 Jan 2022, 11:35am
WaioraLeaves the players scratching their heads wondering who came up with these ideas, spent all that time working on it, made it through testing and quality control and actually got released with that price tag? -_-

Quality control......... yeah not sure that was even a thing here......

Gaming for some years were like this: we are the quality control and ONLY THEN patches kick in... Maybe.

They are very small so their effects are minimal but could be frustrating to someone that is OCD over their BGS control if they can't do anything about them.

Also this. Thankfully FDev kept their influence so minimal because the console-only factions are at the inability to do anything about the stations they cannot reach (except for poking allies from PC to do that for them). Draguan Nu has 10 new settlements none of which New Republic can influence or even see, except for the Galaxy Map (what is kinda infuriating when you scroll markets).

If they took a bigger role in BGS, you can see how screwed up it would be to counter 10 vs 3 places we can access without problem...

Last edit: 07 Jan 2022, 12:56pm
08 Jan 2022, 8:22am
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

HI, Im a ps4 solo player for many years.......there are tons of things you and your friend can do in the Bubble or in Colonia............however if you are out in deep space exploring there is not much you can do apart from exploration

There is hidden art in the Nebula discussed on Floor Eleven.

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