Elite: General talk

24 Dec 2021, 1:54pm
Happy Holidays everyone! Hope your year was good and you and yours enjoy a better one to come! Stay safe!
24 Dec 2021, 5:08pm

Interdict clean ships, fail to kill them, brag on Reddit about how you "ran off the gankers".
24 Dec 2021, 6:12pm

Interdict clean ships, fail to kill them, brag on Reddit about how you "ran off the gankers".

Yeah. Periodically been seeing videos on youtube of players claiming to be chasing off gankers when in reality they are the ones doing the ganking.
24 Dec 2021, 9:28pm
I did some ganking for xmas

24 Dec 2021, 9:38pm
Aaww. Those poor little nooblings just trying to get their Xmas stuff!

To quote Scrooge: "Christmas, bah, harvest time for the [gankers]"
24 Dec 2021, 9:45pm
I bought a Mamba when they first released with no real intention of flying her. I did it because she's easily the sexiest ship in Elite. But today, I got a wild hair and I took her out for the first time just to run around and I gave her some light (but good) armaments just in case of trouble...and trouble did indeed find me.

24 Dec 2021, 9:59pm
Mambas are almost as sexy as Couriers.
25 Dec 2021, 10:52am
Happy christmas INARA people.
I hope ya all have a tops day.
25 Dec 2021, 3:49pm
Merry Christmas
25 Dec 2021, 11:18pm
Merry Christmas!
26 Dec 2021, 3:16am
The Independent Light Wheel wish you Merry Christmas!

26 Dec 2021, 8:52pm
Merry Christmas guys and lasses
28 Dec 2021, 1:08am
ShinDez is the new Deciat.

28 Dec 2021, 3:27pm
SakashiroShinDez is the new Deciat.


gangsta paradise

Last edit: 28 Dec 2021, 3:36pm
28 Dec 2021, 3:48pm
SakashiroShinDez is the new Deciat.


Well, Deciat was the new Shin Dez back in the day so it all comes full circle I guess.

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