Elite: General talk

13 Jan 2022, 2:09pm
Yuna SakashiroMining CG inbound?

Great call Sakashiro
13 Jan 2022, 3:25pm
Yuna SakashiroMining CG inbound?

Unfortunately, you guessed it right.

Torval's megaship in fed system.

This CG's a pass for me. Mining modules 30% off (or whatever)? My mining cutter's rebuy would be reduced by 10k credits. Woop woop!
13 Jan 2022, 4:07pm
Same plus Bromellite can be sold for x1000% galactic average. That CG is a scam.

Hard pass.
13 Jan 2022, 4:15pm
The funny thing about these discount CGs is that you'll get the discounts anyway, even if you don't participate.
13 Jan 2022, 6:26pm
Yuna SakashiroThe funny thing about these discount CGs is that you'll get the discounts anyway, even if you don't participate.

I did not realize that. Nearly 2 years into this and learning new exploits gameplay techniques. And once again, just makes no sense.
13 Jan 2022, 6:40pm

Are you telling me you have missed all those cheap Cutters, Vettes , etc. ?

Go to the bar and by a drink for Yuna
13 Jan 2022, 7:36pm
Episparhall those cheap Cutters, Vettes , etc. ?

Cheap fleet carriers even!
13 Jan 2022, 8:04pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Cheap fleet carriers even!

Damn, I forgot about that. It is heaven for cheap CMDRs
13 Jan 2022, 8:16pm
Not cheap but lazy.
13 Jan 2022, 10:16pm

Are you telling me you have missed all those cheap Cutters, Vettes , etc. ?

Go to the bar and by a drink for Yuna

I missed out on all of them except the free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital. (and the damn mug too)
13 Jan 2022, 10:55pm
Because the game wasn't broken enough...

World first Hydra solo kill in a sidewinder.
Note: only possible due to a bug with Hammergauss premium synth damage, but still... the skill, patience and nerves this takes is truly incredible.
14 Jan 2022, 11:50am
I watched this yesterday. It is funny what kind of possibilities bugs gives.
At least this one is epic, not like the egg / slf combo.
14 Jan 2022, 2:37pm
Definitely that in frontiers they must arrange the trade in tritium in the Cologne region .... The market is not substantial.
14 Jan 2022, 4:23pm
Rafael880pDefinitely that in frontiers they must arrange the trade in tritium in the Cologne region .... The market is not substantial.

Market, supply and demand are function on population size. Some FCs make delivery from the Bubble but they charge premium price.

This is well known fact. You should make your research and planing before heading to somewhere unprepared.
15 Jan 2022, 8:51pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre

World first Hydra solo kill in a sidewinder.
Note: only possible due to a bug with Hammergauss premium synth damage, but still... the skill, patience and nerves this takes is truly incredible.

Is it purely how cold he is running that keeps the swarms from attacking him, or is there some other mechanic (like distance from the interceptor) here I'm not aware of? I was playing around trying to biopsy interceptors in Delphi yesterday. The main thing that killed me (over and over and over) was activation of the attack behaviour of the swarms. I was diligently keeping temperature below 20% (cold running DBX with heatsinks as I approached 15%), but there is no way I could have just flown through the centre of a swarm, like he does a couple of times.

I managed to sample Cyclops 3-4 times and a Basilisk once, then decided perhaps Ram Tah's second mission was going to be too much of a pain and went off to other things.

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