Elite: General talk

15 Nov 2021, 12:57pm


non udentified signal source human thread level 7

Last edit: 15 Nov 2021, 1:11pm
16 Nov 2021, 6:40am
Silver Taffer
SergMxSorry not quite clear where to write, but I have lost the manual uploading of logs to the site ?

Best to post your question on the Updates, Bug Reports and Requests board here on Inara. I hadn’t noticed that the manual option had disappeared from the updates. Since running EDMC whenever I play, and linking that by api to Inara, EDSM etc, my profile here looks after itself. But the manual option is always reassuring as a backup.

Thank you for your reply.

But I am confused in the forum and could YOU tell me where it is better to ask about it?
And so could YOU check if YOU have such a button?

Thank you very much.
16 Nov 2021, 11:21am
hey everyone im looking at unlocking selene jean will it work if im part of a muiltcrew
16 Nov 2021, 1:56pm
I'm lookin some one who wants join to our squadron
16 Nov 2021, 3:23pm
SeraI'm lookin some one who wants join to our squadron

Your squadron name has a typo
16 Nov 2021, 4:18pm
SeraI'm lookin some one who wants join to our squadron

Your squadron name has a typo

this is done on purpose
16 Nov 2021, 5:31pm
That SQD name looks odd. You also could name it Dudes in space.

Wallactical gardeners
17 Nov 2021, 12:13pm
Silver Taffer
SergMxSorry not quite clear where to write, but I have lost the manual uploading of logs to the site ?

Best to post your question on the Updates, Bug Reports and Requests board here on Inara. I hadn’t noticed that the manual option had disappeared from the updates. Since running EDMC whenever I play, and linking that by api to Inara, EDSM etc, my profile here looks after itself. But the manual option is always reassuring as a backup.

Thank you for your reply.

But I am confused in the forum and could YOU tell me where it is better to ask about it?
And so could YOU check if YOU have such a button?

Thank you very much.

Any question regarding the site are best in the "Bugs and Updates" section and Artie will see it quicker and reply, unless another Cmdr has an answer first. As for the manual update option it seems to have disappeared from the Cmdr update box, so I don't have that either 07
17 Nov 2021, 7:15pm
Squadron recruitment is kinda hit or miss right now huh?
19 Nov 2021, 12:33pm
Did you know when you salute or wave on some NPC on settlement, he answer in same way?
19 Nov 2021, 11:21pm
SalmoneaDid you know when you salute or wave on some NPC on settlement, he answer in same way?

Yes... but I usually greet them with a plasma round. They then proceed to lay down and play dead. How rude.
20 Nov 2021, 8:52am
Greetings Commanders o7,

Captain Aaron Rogers speaking...

I'm looking for a squadron/wing that supports Aisling Duval. My current location is Nerthus. Hunting pirates and keeping safe miners for weeks. I need to find a way to reach Aisling Duval's territories. I have a contract with them but as a new combatant, some of the Imperial missions will be easier with trustworthy people.

(PS: I'm doing roleplay while playing and taking screen record for my YouTube series. Is there any wing/squadron that will accept me? I'm an active player but my time zone UTC+07:00)
20 Nov 2021, 9:14am
Aaron RogersGreetings Commanders o7,

Captain Aaron Rogers speaking...

I'm looking for a squadron/wing that supports Aisling Duval. My current location is Nerthus. Hunting pirates and keeping safe miners for weeks. I need to find a way to reach Aisling Duval's territories. I have a contract with them but as a new combatant, some of the Imperial missions will be easier with trustworthy people.

(PS: I'm doing roleplay while playing and taking screen record for my YouTube series. Is there any wing/squadron that will accept me? I'm an active player but my time zone UTC+07:00)

First of all, good on you for the RP man, that's some awesome dedication.

I believe there is a squadron called Aisling's Angels. Should be able to find them here on the site. As I recall they are multi platform and a very large squadron. I'm sure you could find some folk to play with. And if all else fails I might be able to help out. I've got myself a few imperial ships and I could fly with you. Message me if you want to link up.

Keep flying Commander,

26 Nov 2021, 9:57pm
I have to say this is a very lackluster Black Friday arx store sale. And the Midnight Black paintjobs are a lot more expensive than I remembered from last year (maybe they are the same idk). Either way, far fewer things are actually on sale at all. As I recall it was more or less store-wide 30% discount in previous years.
26 Nov 2021, 10:32pm
KurakilI have to say this is a very lackluster Black Friday arx store sale. And the Midnight Black paintjobs are a lot more expensive than I remembered from last year (maybe they are the same idk). Either way, far fewer things are actually on sale at all. As I recall it was more or less store-wide 30% discount in previous years.

Adjusted for inflation maybe? Also that was back when Frontier as a company was worth near double what it is now.

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