Elite: General talk

09 Aug 2024, 12:30pm
Aunty Sledge

I have worked with art departments, including MMO software houses actually. Been doing software developement for over 30 years. I see things just fine.

But I don't need to quote my CV to point out what other companies are doing with just 17 staff. Hello Games have roll out updates every 3.5 month for NMS. 8 years, 27 meaty updates. If they can do it, so can others. Clearly they have the right tools, and the right talent.

FDev proprietary engine might be holding them back, lack of leadership or investment. I wonder if we'd ever get an E:D 2.0 on a more modern platform.

You finished where you should have started... I mentioned management for a good reason. It's obvious that introducing Odyssey was a change of direction and demanded a lot of time and development, Art and 3D are totally different things, I never needed an Artist to do my textures, I was doing Art Photography before 3D so I know, this aspect of the game seems to elude you completely.

Change of direction => Development on the NEW direction => Including stuff this particular team might not have touched before but they still achieved it with a reasonable amount of success including new Conceipts and Vehicles (this does f or all the variants of Targoids).

Not comparable to a small team with one fixed direction and no change in the management methods or staff.

FDev proprietary engine? That's pure assumption, the game is one of the smoothest and most visually achieved there is, if there was engines issues, we would be the first to know, with crashes, crawling graphics and the need to run it on high-end PCs, like was the case for DCS especially because graphics are so important in E.D.

It doesn't need much in terms of computing and graphic power to run smooth, many of you guys here couldn't run DCS at high settings for example, so at this level, the engine seems to be perfectly OK.

One of the reasons of the apparent slow development have been the lack of clear direction and staff and yet since Odyssey release in 19 May 2021 they managed to iron out most of its bugs (as I said if plays smooth compared to other games) with further development including the footie stuff which might not have been the forte of this particular team.

A little reminder for you.

Then, there is the little (and sensitive for some players it seems) matter of finances. This goes toward you as well @Minonian.

You don't run a business like this one with only selling expansion digital CDs, then giving away lot of the game's currency every week, you need a sustained income which is one reason I support Premium ships for this game.

NO revenues NO (or SLOW) development with reduced teams and capabilities, not surprising they had to recruit...

In short considering the mess in which they found themselves at some point, they're doing rather well, but one can still ask for more for free...

Elite Dangerous won "Best of E3" from The Escapist and games.cz in 2014. Elite Dangerous won the Game Developers Choice Award 2015 for best audience. During the 18th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences nominated Elite Dangerous for "Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay". It was ranked as the Best VR Game of 2016 from Game Revolution. It was nominated for Evolving Game by the British Academy Games Awards (BAFTA) in 2017. The game was also nominated for the "Still Playing" award at the 2019 Golden Joystick Awards. Elite Dangerous: Beyond was nominated for "Evolving Game" at the 2019 British Academy Games Awards.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2024, 12:46pm
09 Aug 2024, 12:43pm
I have moved a part of the discussion from Elite: Game talk here as it's a better place for it, so feel free to continue here if you wish so.

Just a note about the proprietary engine - it's no secret that Elite is using FDev's in-house engine Cobra (same as many other of their projects like PlanCo, JWE, Planet Zoo, etc.)

Last edit: 09 Aug 2024, 12:52pm
09 Aug 2024, 1:15pm
Vasil VasilescuI am disappointed no developer money has been spent putting cucumbers in the game.

YES! and a slice of cucumber over closed eyelids is a relief for tired eyes.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Aug 2024, 1:22pm
10 Aug 2024, 5:31am

Its a really good classic game, if you ever played it back in the day then you would appreciate the current space games a bit more I think.
10 Aug 2024, 1:02pm

Its a really good classic game, if you ever played it back in the day then you would appreciate the current space games a bit more I think.

I haven't but you got my curiosity. Sadly it looks like ugly Star Control 1 and 2 which were my favorite games of this type. This is why I enjoy now Starsector (formerly Starfarer).
11 Aug 2024, 11:28am
I got into ED from Oolite, which is open source remake of original Elite. There was one different thing though-you could actualy buy ships. My dad had Frontier and Frontier First Encouter, which he played way more than Frontier and then Oolite. With just keyboard and mouse. Then he began with flight-simming so joystick was needed. And after then I got into it too. Few years later (mainly after studying and Farm-simming) I discovered ED and following destination was clear.
11 Aug 2024, 9:51pm
Flight-simming . . . Cockpits, fighterrs, aircraft type controlers, all seems natural but . . There is no atmosphere to interact with in space and no gravity either. Flight is not really "flight". Its movement. Or not. As such I have found that a gaming track-ball better models a ship in space as a controler. The ball is the ship and with one finger I can position that ship in any position at any time. Moving or not. And if I don't touch it, It never drifts. Ever. Even with all dead-zones set to zero. And there are really no moving parts to wear out.
15 Aug 2024, 1:31pm
¡Saludos, Comandantes de Elite!

Aprovecho este estado para invitar a todos los comandantes que apoyamos a las facciones menores a unirnos y crear un espacio donde podamos conocernos y coordinar nuestras acciones en el BGS. Juntos, podemos hacer una diferencia significativa y fortalecer nuestras facciones. ¡Vamos a demostrar el poder de la colaboración y la estrategia!

¡Nos vemos en las estrellas!
28 Aug 2024, 9:23am
Fleet Carriers with spin gravity: I was writing up some ideas (and calculations) how you can have spin gravity in a Nautilus-Class Fleet Carrier over on Reddit. Basically, you could have a rotating ring in the top sphere (like in the 2001-Discovery) and make the two cylinders behind the sphere also rotating. The sphere is flattened top and bottom, so the diameter of the ring is a bit shorter from pole to pole as compared to the sphere's equator, roughly 220m (btw if anyone has a good blueprint of an FC with precise measurements, send it my way!). The cylinders have a diameter of roughly 150m. If we stick to 2rpm to avoid nauseating Coriolis effects, we get 0.429g for the ring and 0.335g for the cylinders.

While the top sphere can be envisioned as a main concourse, the two cylinder could house both crew quarters but also manufacturing and repair when some gravity is needed. Also the cylinders could be a great place for laboratories.

So there you have it: your Nautilus FC with spin gravity for long trips or deep-space placements, that won’t eat away your bones
28 Aug 2024, 1:38pm
Rawnu So there you have it: your Nautilus FC with spin gravity for long trips or deep-space placements, that won’t eat away your bones

Yeah, the affects on the human body when spending long periods in micro gravity are conveniently ignored in the game. For all of the hate the Imperial Interdictor gets for being pretty and not a bruiser like the Fed battlecruiser, it does address this problem with its rotating ring
28 Aug 2024, 2:30pm
There was something in the lore, about receiving some kind of medical treatment, on schedule, to deal with negative effects of zero G on human body. Obviously it didn't make it into the game, yet I remember some texts about it.
28 Aug 2024, 2:31pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Rawnu So there you have it: your Nautilus FC with spin gravity for long trips or deep-space placements, that won’t eat away your bones

Yeah, the affects on the human body when spending long periods in micro gravity are conveniently ignored in the game. For all of the hate the Imperial Interdictor gets for being pretty and not a bruiser like the Fed battlecruiser, it does address this problem with its rotating ring

Yup, the Imperial Interdictor attempts to acknowledge the issue. However I was always wondering why the ring was along the acceleration axis and not perpendicular to it. It would make for weird and potentially dangerous changes in the g vector, even if the rotation was halted. The only reason I can think of is: aesthetics. And a big f u to all practical considerations
28 Aug 2024, 2:33pm
MeowersThere was something in the lore, about receiving some kind of medical treatment, on schedule, to deal with negative effects of zero G on human body. Obviously it didn't make it into the game, yet I remember some texts about it.

I'm fine with zero G meds for shorter flight durations. But FCs are intended to be "out there" permanently, and often they remain a long time in the same system. Also, without a gravitational force, medical treatment can get tricky, especially if you are bleeding. There's a great episode of The Expanse dealing with that issue. In either case, I just thought it would be neat to provide some practical headcanon for some Cmdrs
28 Aug 2024, 2:51pm
The timeline of The Expanse is placed much closer to our real time, and in the case of Elite we talk about thirteen centuries of technological advances. Explaining how Elite stuff works to a modern day human might look like explaining atoms, computers and what 'cringe' is to a medieval peasant. Gives some leeway for those handwavish sci-fi elements. Like, stations have rotational gravity because they were meant to host lots of people living there, mostly people who don't fly all the time, making short commuting trips or whatsoever, or simply residing there permanently. So I guess there is some element of zero G adaptation (and high-G, judging by how you don't turn into meat pulp on boosts) but it's insignificant for a videogame. We have a 63G planet you can land on anyway. :p
28 Aug 2024, 2:57pm
Meowers Gives some leeway for those handwavish sci-fi elements. Like, stations have rotational gravity because they were meant to host lots of people living there, mostly people who don't fly all the time, making short commuting trips or whatsoever, or simply residing there permanently. So I guess there is some element of zero G adaptation (and high-G, judging by how you don't turn into meat pulp on boosts) but it's insignificant for a videogame. We have a 63G planet you can land on anyway. :p

Oh I'm totally fine with some handwavium, that's ok and doesn't minimise my enjoyment of the game. I was just looking at this Nautilus and thought "hm, I'd rotate that!"

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