Elite: General talk

29 Feb 2024, 4:56pm
One more thing. The new design of Faulcon DeLacy will be spliced to other new ships. So, my 1st guess might prove right and we will be seeing a faster Anaconda mk2 soon.
02 Mar 2024, 1:38pm
A fair warning, it is said that the Titan Taranis is on detonation and that this is the first major victory for humanity on the Thargoids. I was there at Taranis 10 minutes ago to save survivors (not found) and yes, spectaculair explosions and emissions of (unusable) materials and energy at the surface. However, Thargoid ships are still being launched from Taranis. Apparently the basis is still (partially) operational and not destroyed.

Are we not too optimistic about the state of affairs?
02 Mar 2024, 1:50pm
Well, the thing looks absolutely roasted. Maybe, because of it being that big, it doesn't explode or melt down immediately. Imagine a big slowly sinking ship, with some parts of it still being operational, crew are evacuating, someone's still manning the guns and trying to return fire, damage control teams still putting out fires to make the evacuation less dangerous, escorts still being active, to protect the evacuees, etc., but the ship itself is certainly doomed.
02 Mar 2024, 3:48pm
Warpig_NLI was there at Taranis 10 minutes ago to save survivors (not found)

If you were in open you might try solo instead; I figure all the chambers in the open instances have been emptied already.
02 Mar 2024, 4:44pm
Warpig_NLAre we not too optimistic about the state of affairs?

We are definitely not, the whole thing’s either going to be seriously crippled when its reactor goes past the critical stage/point of no return and blows up or melts down(the latter would be less devastating, though probably still leave it non-functional) and the Thargoids are literally just outright abandoning it. Usually, there is a certain delay between when it has its ‘ports’ open for Thargoids to exit and enter the ship.

Right now? They’re almost constantly open(unless some donkey thinks it’s a great idea to pick a fight with 20+ Thargoids and gets absolutely shredded, which makes the ships stay and the game not let more out to avoid overloading the instance) and only have Thargoid ships leaving. Which is effectively just the Titan remaining or keeping itself functional for long enough to ensure at least partial, possibly near-complete evacuation(or total within a day, if the Thargoids are organized well enough with their hivemind tricks).

Unfortunately, that will just further seal its fate because those membranes seem to produce a ridiculous amount of heat and them being ‘open’ generally would coincide with the heat vents opening. Which are now largely defunct and emit what looks like charred particles of the Titan’s interior, or black smoke(but smoke is unlikely because it’s a vacuum and it would dissipate basically immediately).

If Aegis had a cleaner way of defeating a Titan than sentencing it to literally be cooked alive, they should just not say it at this point.
02 Mar 2024, 7:33pm
Glory to mankind o7 One down, seven to go.
02 Mar 2024, 7:45pm
Rayman.Glory to mankind o7 One down, seven to go.
Yeah, let's show those bloated bastards what real hell looks like!
02 Mar 2024, 7:53pm
Yeah, let's show those bloated bastards what real hell looks like!

I hope you were there to watch.

And please try to not go around shouting like that while I’m watching, or listening.

(My non-RP answer is, that was one hell of a visually impressive event. Also nice of Taranis to knock us out of its perimeter so nobody ended up vaporized.)
02 Mar 2024, 7:57pm

Im just a freelancer/ adventurer, doing bgs for squadron nowdays because I have nothing better to do, everything i have unlocked. Let's hope powerplay 2.0 will give us something for end game players, python mk2 which I'm waiting for and other new ships
02 Mar 2024, 11:55pm
Still no idea about those new ships. It would be sad to know that I'm barred from a new slice of gameplay by hard-coded stuff, something I can't find a workaround for, rather than simply facing an 'inconvenience' because of using a ship that isn't 'meta' for that activity.
03 Mar 2024, 12:10am
I’d find it extremely lame if that Titan wreckage field was gatekept behind that dumb “Double Python”. I don’t even like the Python anymore.
03 Mar 2024, 7:58am
The Titan dying sounds like me waking up for work in the morning,
04 Mar 2024, 12:45am
Is there a way to see what minor factions you are friendly or allied with? I feel like I've been flying around doing missions and have lots of allies out there but i just don't know where they are.
04 Mar 2024, 12:58am
they awakened the catbeast
06 Mar 2024, 11:14pm
Here's to leisurely approaching a ground station in a cutter, realizing at 3km above the surface that you have not yet requested landing clearance, and accidentally hitting the boost instead of contacting the station.

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