Elite: General talk

24 Jan 2022, 7:52pm
Who are you looking at on your left
24 Jan 2022, 8:59pm
GryphnnWho are you looking at on your left

I'm looking at the stuff that I'm posting.
25 Jan 2022, 12:27am
Yuna Sakashiro
GryphnnWho are you looking at on your left

I'm looking at the stuff that I'm posting.

If you did that deliberately from the start, I'd have to say good job for subtle creativity.
26 Jan 2022, 2:11am
Yuna Sakashiro
GryphnnWho are you looking at on your left

I'm looking at the stuff that I'm posting.

Brilliant, I love it
26 Jan 2022, 11:35am
Yuna Sakashiro
GryphnnWho are you looking at on your left

I'm looking at the stuff that I'm posting.

Brilliant, I love it

Yeah, I particularly love her look of "Did I really just say this?"
26 Jan 2022, 11:57am
26 Jan 2022, 2:04pm
DescartesRE Pearl Harbour isn't a State sonny, he guffawed.
I said it was a state after the Japanese left it in 1940.

Daddy O
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre

Umm, I'm referring to the punchline saying the Japs left in '40 when the attack actually occurred in '41. (geez I thought Americans were bad at history...)

Don't give up your day job, you'll never make it as a comedian.


Bearing in mind that not everyone here has English (or even American!) as their first language, maybe someone should explain that the phrase "in a state" can be used in English to mean 'In a very bad condition' e.g. battered and bruised, wrecked etc.

I agree, though, it was a poor joke

He left out the word IN.
I just figured the joke sounds better with the Lucky Charms accent.
28 Jan 2022, 9:01pm
28 Jan 2022, 11:29pm
28 Jan 2022, 11:45pm
29 Jan 2022, 1:45pm
Horizons is currently selling at 80% discount. I'm thinking about grabbing an alt account and reliving the early game experience. Leaving the newbie zone in a Sidewinder, making the first million space bucks, buying a bigger ship, making more space bucks... No engineer grind, no Odyssey bug fest, just plain old Elite.

Anyone wanna join? We can make it a private group or something.
29 Jan 2022, 3:58pm
01 Feb 2022, 3:40am
Hey Guys! Its been a while since I've posted here.

My Carrier is heading out into the Black, I'm 4000LY out now. the Plan is to work into the core, then Up to the Galactic Ceiling. Send me a PM if you want to join up! Also if anyone can also transfer mining equipment to the carrier to reduce the downtime between refuels that would be muchly appreciated!

Let me know =)
01 Feb 2022, 3:10pm
CircilionHey Guys! Its been a while since I've posted here.

My Carrier is heading out into the Black, I'm 4000LY out now. the Plan is to work into the core, then Up to the Galactic Ceiling. Send me a PM if you want to join up! Also if anyone can also transfer mining equipment to the carrier to reduce the downtime between refuels that would be muchly appreciated!

Let me know =)

Have you thought about paying for a resupply carrier.

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