Elite: General talk

25 Mar 2022, 3:03pm
Eh, I'm not going to lick Alliance's arse even for the heatsinks I might need.
26 Mar 2022, 10:56am
Space 'Murica, selling its freedom one shiny gadget at a time.
26 Mar 2022, 11:10am
My former squadron is fighting for Reorte independence. They don't need heat sinks, they're cool all the time.
26 Mar 2022, 11:30am
Kegaira Ohayawhat about ganging up and attacking the pro-alliance megaship? if enough of us can group...?
it's indestructible
26 Mar 2022, 12:03pm
Kegaira Ohayawhat about ganging up and attacking the pro-alliance megaship? if enough of us can group...?

it's indestructible

Also, attempts to lock the system down will just be countered by PG and Solo Modes, because FDev.
26 Mar 2022, 8:10pm
Kegaira OhayaMegaships are indestructible but they can be disabled and forced to jump away. If it's disabled it will be disabled for all instances, no?

No, you're thinking of Capital Class Warships. Civilian Megaships do not have that mechanic in the game. They are essentially stations as far as we're concerned.
26 Mar 2022, 10:41pm
Burstar or something
Kegaira OhayaMegaships are indestructible but they can be disabled and forced to jump away. If it's disabled it will be disabled for all instances, no?

No, you're thinking of Capital Class Warships. Civilian Megaships do not have that mechanic in the game. They are essentially stations as far as we're concerned.

Imagine if that mechanic applied to civilian megaships. It would probably also apply to Fleet Carriers. Players would just be forcing megaships and fleet carriers out of systems all over the place.
27 Mar 2022, 10:05am
I'd like to raise a glass and invite you all to toast Cmdr BeerZ on achieving his ELITE status after 22 months toil in the most coveted game award.... CQC ELITE!

Cmdr BeerZ, have at ye!
27 Mar 2022, 7:16pm
Kirky007I'd like to raise a glass and invite you all to toast Cmdr BeerZ on achieving his ELITE status after 22 months toil in the most coveted game award.... CQC ELITE!

Cmdr BeerZ, have at ye!

07 Cmdr BeerZ
27 Mar 2022, 8:02pm
Good show BeerZ
29 Mar 2022, 11:05pm
I need a friend to play ed who was to be a friend
30 Mar 2022, 10:58am
Dragon GamingI need a friend to play ed who was to be a friend

Find and join a Squadron.
30 Mar 2022, 12:17pm
Dragon GamingI need a friend to play ed who was to be a friend

Find and join a Squadron.

Exactly this, plenty of friendly ones about, just need to find one that suits.
Most have something written in the squadron section, and discord to tell if you like them.
30 Mar 2022, 3:31pm
I have a squadron but they are not on a lot so
30 Mar 2022, 8:30pm
Well some Billy big balls, dunno if relevant to the powers, decided to start firing outside Mueller, storm in a teacup as they were in and out.. So, just as I'm launching my T9, the area started exploding, can't believe that mines had been laid.. Not any point of avoiding them cos. T9. Guess they flew in, dropped mines, then drove back out of dodge?

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...