Elite: General talk

23 Oct 2021, 10:17pm
Who the hell is NONE?
26 Oct 2021, 11:56am
SalmoneaWho the hell is NONE? [img=1360x764]https://inara.cz/data/gallery/173/173004x1139.jpg[/img]

independent maybe
26 Oct 2021, 12:11pm
npc= you will regret that *flies eagle*
me= *heavily shielded cutter with engineered guns* Multicannons go brrrrrrrr
26 Oct 2021, 12:52pm
Dirnivirnpc= you will regret that *flies eagle*
me= *heavily shielded cutter with engineered guns* Multicannons go brrrrrrrr

Me = have extremely overengineered shields, don't bother deploying hardpoints. Watch as AI decides to ram and explodes on impact. Shields don't even take a dent.
26 Oct 2021, 3:08pm
Dirnivirnpc= you will regret that *flies eagle*
me= *heavily shielded cutter with engineered guns* Multicannons go brrrrrrrr

Me = have extremely overengineered shields, don't bother deploying hardpoints. Watch as AI decides to ram and explodes on impact. Shields don't even take a dent.

Me = deploying fighter... she is elite in XG9 Lance
26 Oct 2021, 3:36pm
Dirnivirnpc= you will regret that *flies eagle*
me= *heavily shielded cutter with engineered guns* Multicannons go brrrrrrrr

Me = have extremely overengineered shields, don't bother deploying hardpoints. Watch as AI decides to ram and explodes on impact. Shields don't even take a dent.

-Be me
-has prismatics, just wait until the enemy runs out of ammo and fuel.
-Taunt and push into the nearest star
-fail bounty mission due to the star killing them before me
26 Oct 2021, 4:29pm
NPC: I see the rumours are true, Glad I found you first!
Me: In supercruise with no cargo
26 Oct 2021, 5:18pm
Combat Coordinator: Enemy spec ops inbound! Watch yer arse!

26 Oct 2021, 11:12pm
GryphnnNPC: I see the rumours are true, Glad I found you first!
Me: In supercruise with no cargo

And then there was the person who posted here when they encountered an NPC pirate out at Beagle Point.
27 Oct 2021, 12:23am
GryphnnNPC: I see the rumours are true, Glad I found you first!
Me: In supercruise with no cargo

NPC in Sidewinder, after I submit to interdiction: You have something I want!
Me in overengineered Krait MK II returning from CZ: … ???? …
27 Oct 2021, 8:42am
Anadromous#1229 NPC in Sidewinder, after I submit to interdiction: You have something I want!
Me in overengineered Krait MK II returning from CZ: … ???? …


On more serious note, I wish ED has something like Valhalla had: some NPCs going after you, because you killed their father/mother/brother/sister/etc.

And if anything, I don't know why NPC messages aren't more unique like having a pool of 50 unique texts that someone wants my cargo. The reason why there are no voices are also a mystery, because I loved NPC chatter in Freelancer. One of the major reasons why that game, despite the questionable astronomical realism - or lack of such - felt very alive.
27 Oct 2021, 9:04am
GryphnnNPC: I see the rumours are true, Glad I found you first!
Me: In supercruise with no cargo

Sooooooo many times...
27 Oct 2021, 1:56pm
GryphnnNPC: I see the rumours are true, Glad I found you first!
Me: In supercruise with no cargo

And then there was the person who posted here when they encountered an NPC pirate out at Beagle Point.

Notable that at Rackham's peak NPC's cannot hi wake to another system.
27 Oct 2021, 5:49pm
i absolutely love what i started.

and i absolutely love it when people crash into me and sometimes i just try and bonk people before i start shooting them. works well on clippers.
29 Oct 2021, 5:49pm
Looking for some fellow Dutch CMDRs who want to join me, hang out and do stuff in ED.

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