Elite: General talk

10 Apr 2022, 8:53pm
Zero0magiCAlmost looks like 2 eyes

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Did you name him squishy? He looks like a squishy.
11 Apr 2022, 3:38am
Zero0magiCWho of you actualy searched for Raxxla?

You mean R_xxla? Only the heathens and hunters call it Raxxla.

Perhaps you want to know more... perhaps you want to dispute or add your own story? Article in a month celebrating the one year anniversary of finding R_xxla.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Apr 2022, 9:16am
11 Apr 2022, 4:05am
BluecrashPerhaps you want to know more

I just startet my journey, but i already found the order of twelve and read the docs. I was in Karadjari and traveled to HD 23257. I still have to read a few thing before i could share a story.
12 Apr 2022, 6:06am
...is potato.
12 Apr 2022, 4:51pm

What I find interesting is that when you fly into a station you see exactly that

reminds me of this

and if you go close to the top you can hear a signal

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Apr 2022, 11:19am
13 Apr 2022, 1:35am

What I find interesting is that when you fly into a station you see exactly that

reminds me of this

and if you go close to the top you can hear a signal

mark of mycoid virus is more similar

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Apr 2022, 11:19am
14 Apr 2022, 3:27am
Does anyone know what the dimensions of profile banners are intended to be in the Frontier Forums? It seems it is 250 height and an unspecified width when I "inspect", but when I try to apply an image it is always blurry and somewhat zoomed in regardless of the actual image resolution.
14 Apr 2022, 5:23pm
Anyone keen to come do some haz rez bounty hunting with me in Gliese 868?
14 Apr 2022, 11:25pm
KurakilDoes anyone know what the dimensions of profile banners are intended to be in the Frontier Forums? It seems it is 250 height and an unspecified width when I "inspect", but when I try to apply an image it is always blurry and somewhat zoomed in regardless of the actual image resolution.

Apparently it scales any smaller images up to 1280 width. When using a 1280x720 image there was no additional scaling applied unless the browser window was made incredibly small.
18 Apr 2022, 1:43pm
Good Morning Commanders,
I have been playing Elite Dangerous Horizons in VR for a few years now. Originally thru Oculus' platform (Rift S) now on Steam (HP Reverb).

I purchased and installed Odyssey over the weekend thru Frontier Games, and am having an unusual issue with my HOTAS. I have a Thrustmaster Warthog and it works perfectly in Horizons (Oculus or Steam) however when I launch Odyssey (Steam or thru launcher) my HOTAS shows up in controller options, and shows as it is mapped the same as it is in Horizons, however there is no response in game from HOTAS commands, only the mouse is working.

Just wondering if anyone has run into this issue and may have a fix.

Artie, if this is the incorrect forum for this post please move it.
18 Apr 2022, 11:56pm
PahlGood Morning Commanders,
I have been playing Elite Dangerous Horizons in VR for a few years now. Originally thru Oculus' platform (Rift S) now on Steam (HP Reverb).

I purchased and installed Odyssey over the weekend thru Frontier Games, and am having an unusual issue with my HOTAS. I have a Thrustmaster Warthog and it works perfectly in Horizons (Oculus or Steam) however when I launch Odyssey (Steam or thru launcher) my HOTAS shows up in controller options, and shows as it is mapped the same as it is in Horizons, however there is no response in game from HOTAS commands, only the mouse is working.

Just wondering if anyone has run into this issue and may have a fix.

Artie, if this is the incorrect forum for this post please move it.

Well...... just went in and tried resetting all of my keybinds and now it's all good again. Made copies of bindings for both Horizons and Odyssey and renamed them as such, just in case this old man screws them up again.
19 Apr 2022, 12:34am
PahlMade copies of bindings for both Horizons and Odyssey and renamed them as such, just in case this old man screws them up again.
That's a wise move, because That Old Man and His Crew quite like to screw things up. Sadly, Horizons can't recognise the 'hold button' action, and some of my crucial binds are dependant on it.
19 Apr 2022, 12:56am
Pahl Well...... just went in and tried resetting all of my keybinds and now it's all good again. Made copies of bindings for both Horizons and Odyssey and renamed them as such, just in case this old man screws them up again.

That is the smart move. Always have backups in a separate folder since who knows when the FDev update/bug monster will strike next.
One of my buttons always provides a dual-input and cycles through 3 different sets each time the button is pressed, so I had to manually remove the secondary inputs in the file itself so the game reads it as the same input each time.
19 Apr 2022, 1:31am
PahlMade copies of bindings for both Horizons and Odyssey and renamed them as such, just in case this old man screws them up again.

That's a wise move, because That Old Man and His Crew quite like to screw things up. Sadly, Horizons can't recognise the 'hold button' action, and some of my crucial binds are dependant on it.

I'm sorry Meowers, I'm not certain I understand the "hold" function you are referring to. Is it for instance how you would want the cargo bay to stay open after pressing the button momentarily? Or do you mean one short press vs a sustained press?
19 Apr 2022, 1:34am
Pahl Well...... just went in and tried resetting all of my keybinds and now it's all good again. Made copies of bindings for both Horizons and Odyssey and renamed them as such, just in case this old man screws them up again.

That is the smart move. Always have backups in a separate folder since who knows when the FDev update/bug monster will strike next.
One of my buttons always provides a dual-input and cycles through 3 different sets each time the button is pressed, so I had to manually remove the secondary inputs in the file itself so the game reads it as the same input each time.

One button press for dual inputs, that sounds very usefull Kurikil. If you don't mind me asking, what do you have bound to the same button?

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