Elite: General talk

31 May 2022, 5:45pm
HeathenChild979LOL...learned a lesson the hard way yesterday. 25k ly out, Sag A 2 hops away, decided to land on some dinky moon for the night since its getting late. Carried shields but running with them off cause "I dont need no stinkin' shields!" (yes, I know). Was 50m off deck looking for landing spot in rough terrain, saw a good candidate, popped landing gear ----CRAP..that was BOOST!!!!!hit the deck twice but only bounced once.... Billion credits in explo data--gone, just like that. Dont mind the credit loss, but 600+ full system scans lost REALLY hurts I ALMOST dumped 80 mm credit Phantom to be back in Bubble. Oh well, live and learn.

I feel your pain, same thing happened to me when I got to Colonia for the first time, mapping all I could on the way, forgot to sell all my data and picked up a mission
got blown to pieces, silent running was my doom button that I hit by accident
boost button got me in trouble so many times that I decided to move it from my controller and put it on the keyboard
that way I dont hit it by accident in the moment of the brain fart
same goes for silent running,

ah, fun times...
31 May 2022, 5:52pm
Tomciopalecboost button got me in trouble so many times that I decided to move it from my controller and put it on the keyboard
In the Odyssey, you can bind the actions to be performed when you press and hold a button for a second, not instantly. That's an amazing option, so I prevent unwanted boosting that way as my boost is bound to 'hat up' and it could be activated accidentally.

Yeah, and also, you can combine your controls into intuitive sets. Like, I have boost on 'left pov up / hold' and pips to the engines on 'right pov up'. So, when I need to boost away and build up a distance (i.e. after destroying an Interceptor's heart), I just push both hats up with my thumbs.

Last edit: 31 May 2022, 7:23pm
31 May 2022, 6:28pm
Lol. Yeah, all good info that I SHOULD have been able to use. Just head in a$$ moment. Had already been to explorers Anchorage and did not sell my data, so i did not even get to go back to bubble and restart route! Can't fix stupid like that. So, price paid, lesson (hopefully) learned.
31 May 2022, 7:12pm
lol.. sometimes just shit happens.. to me too of course last week i had some ground action.. after the ground mission was finished i decided to fill my bags a bit and at one chest i hit the damm wrong key and instead of opening the chest i trought a grenade.. i ran away, the granade bounced at a wall and come back to me and boom, lol. unfortunately my shields was off at that moment.. yes, shit happens
31 May 2022, 7:26pm
Funny how these disasters are always the result of not just one but a whole chain of mistakes.

Maybe on a subconscious level you didn't really want to cash in on that data.
31 May 2022, 11:44pm
MeowersIn the Odyssey, you can bind the actions to be performed when you press and hold a button for a second, not instantly. That's an amazing option

Ok... that may be exactly what I'm looking for, where do I find that???
I just side graded to a X52 Pro by logitech this week and I can't seem to get my combo presses to work properly. On my T.Flight HOTAS One All of my buttons were setup with press-and-hold sub functions (combined with 'HAT' direction)... with the X52, all the functions happens together with a combo press... the initial press function... the secondary press function AND the function of the combo press. (Example I usually press and hold 'boost' button to set 50%, 75% speeds with the hat... Now when I try that, instead of just setting 50% throttle... I boost first, drop all my pips out of shields (cause 50% is 'Hat-right) then eventually end up at 50% throttle.... after I just boosted into something with no shields lol). It's getting frustrating to have to use the 3-map modes of the X52 or to try only find combos that can't affect each other. T.Flight Hotas just worked perfectly with everything ED including having a proper deadzone detent on the throttle for forward/reverse instead of this 'shifted 'reverse' button nonsense on the X52.
Sorry, I rambled.... So where do I find the setting that does what you mentioned?

(EDIT).... ok, so it's hold the button for a second when assigning... that was easy, but seemed impossible when I didn't know it was there to look for.... Thank you very much. Just might be the game-changer I needed with programming this X52 Pro. Time to re-map the whole thing... again lol.

Last edit: 01 Jun 2022, 12:53am
01 Jun 2022, 1:25am
Sure! Wanted to tell the same to you but was a bit busy to reply in time. Yeah, that's an awesome option. Playing with a pair of TMaster T16000Ms. And unwanted boosts are the best way to the graveyard, as much as any other severe mistakes in movements. But yep, combining 'press' and 'press-and-hold' binds on one button is still sloppy and I won't recommend doing that. The game responds on the 'press' event rather than on 'release'.
01 Jun 2022, 1:55am
MeowersBut yep, combining 'press' and 'press-and-hold' binds on one button is still sloppy and I won't recommend doing that.

I'm trying the combo with only non-critical functions, (example; 'press' - headlights on/off.... 'hold' - night vision on/off....... Other combo's cargo scoop/Landing gear..... System/Galaxy map.... (maybe) high wake/Low wake (gankers might make me not want that combo)..... The X52 (like a couple of the other Hotas's) has a on the fly mode selection switch to give 3x2 switching (3 differnt hotas setups... plus pinky shifted ads 3 more modes for a total of 6 individual options for every button/dial/switch....) But that is a massive pain in the but to program all that... Also all six modes can have full Macro's for every button... and if that's still not confusing enough, you can activate a 'Clutch' function to load other saved mapping setups on the fly that ALSO can contain 3x2 6xmacro...... Yeah, it just gets stupid... So you just saved me a massive headache. I like simple.

The bigger thing is that the 'Hold' also seems to allow me to do combo 2 button actions without triggering all 3 actions to happen like before, but still testing that.... so far working well though.

Last edit: 01 Jun 2022, 2:03am
01 Jun 2022, 2:02am
Same here, I like my controls to be plain and simple, to perform my actions as fast as possible. So, all my combat and manoeuvring functions are right under my fingertips, I can be fast and keep my hands on the sticks to control the ship all the time. And for anything else I use a small keypad with 40-something keys, that I place between the sticks.
03 Jun 2022, 11:55pm
Speaking of combat, I like to keep a balance of kinetic and thermal at the same time, so that way I can destroy enemy shields and destroy hull easily. I did that with my vulture. But sometimes, that is impossible, like in my eagle MK 2. Tat ship was mostly thermal and, well, if I did not use a hardpoint slot, my eagle would be pretty much just a more maneuverable sidewinder.
04 Jun 2022, 12:08am
XaghruSpeaking of combat, I like to keep a balance of kinetic and thermal at the same time, so that way I can destroy enemy shields and destroy hull easily. I did that with my vulture. But sometimes, that is impossible, like in my eagle MK 2. Tat ship was mostly thermal and, well, if I did not use a hardpoint slot, my eagle would be pretty much just a more maneuverable sidewinder.

For PvE I always do a fairly balanced thermal/kinetic build, even on small ships. Maybe not "optimal" but I've never had any significant issues either.
04 Jun 2022, 11:22am
Can I ask for help and advice from all you helpful people.

How much of Horizons could be played purely by voice control.?

I'm guessing that a voice control addition would be a starting point, and maybe adding a few hotkeys.

Anyone able to suggest which voice control ap would be good/easy

Is it possible go upload the hotkey backup to a place that could be accessed by anyone

Last edit: 04 Jun 2022, 12:07pm
04 Jun 2022, 11:23am
"BRING IT ON YOU BASTARD!" = 'Deploy Hardpoints'
"DIE YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" = 'Fire Gauss Cannons'
"OOPS! SH*TSH*TSH*T" = 'Repair Limpet'z

Will be an excellent voiceover for videos.

Last edit: 04 Jun 2022, 12:28pm
04 Jun 2022, 12:34pm
Yum KaxHow much of Horizons could be played purely by voice control.?

1) Don't ask to ask.
2) If it can be bound to a key, it can be controlled by Voice Control software. Frankly any level of control is possible if you know enough or use the right software.
3) I use Voice Attack. Highly customizable and fairly easy to use. Inexpensive. Programming the keybinds may take a while unless you use a plugin or something that autodetects your game keybinds and matches them to your VA profile. I use HCS Voicepack for this.
4) Yes, custom profiles can be backed up to a file and shared like any other.
05 Jun 2022, 5:50am
XaghruSpeaking of combat, I like to keep a balance of kinetic and thermal at the same time, so that way I can destroy enemy shields and destroy hull easily. I did that with my vulture. But sometimes, that is impossible, like in my eagle MK 2. Tat ship was mostly thermal and, well, if I did not use a hardpoint slot, my eagle would be pretty much just a more maneuverable sidewinder.

For PvE I always do a fairly balanced thermal/kinetic build, even on small ships. Maybe not "optimal" but I've never had any significant issues either.

Really is dependant on what you are doing...

My fav ship for planet stuff: https://s.orbis.zone/jedr
For Running Systems: https://s.orbis.zone/jedt
For fun: https://s.orbis.zone/jedv

Get the idea I hope. Really is up to you.

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