Elite: General talk

19 Jun 2022, 10:27pm
Aleksander Majjam
Aleksander Majjam

Imagine buying an high-end PC for this POS, then realizing no matter how much i's, RAM, or XXXX GPU numbers you throw at it, it'll always be an unoptimized POS.

I dont think there are many people that buy a PC just for this game tbh. If anything, the main thing about PCs is their modularity, customizability, and market for games and components alike. You can go pretty cheap and have a library full of games easely. Consoles dont have that. The intital investment is vast yeah, but the investments after are not much more then what you spend on a cosole and its games over a 5y span for example. Also dont forget the optimisations and downgrades of game gfx and Ai are also kinda.. sub-optimal, but optimised. Personally i prefer PC over console, even if i have been a plastiation lover since i was a lil kid. The wide range of modularity and customisation is just way out of the console's league with PC gaming.

I'm not sure why diehard PC players continue to push the narrative that consoles (Xbox in my case), would even begin to pay as much as a PC player (especially in the 5 year span you suggested). You can get an Xbox Series S for $299, a Gamepass subscription for $15 to receive over 600+ games to include all Xbox first party games Day 1. What else do I really need to buy outside the one or two third party game a year. This is not even comparable to the PC I just priced to be able to play current gen, ray-traced games at a smooth 60-100 FPS. With consoles, after about 3-5 years, there will be a mid-gen hardware upgrade and I'll just sell my current Xbox to offset the price of the new one. Most console games come with graphics and performance options, just like PC and its the responsibility of the developer to optimize their game for all the platforms they release on. I'm an avid simmer on PC, but I've also switched to console since MSFS is quite stable for a console that supports mouse, keyboard, controller, hotas, and pedals (for not even a fraction of the sim peripherals I paid for PC). So yeah, let's not get into a $$$ war. You're not convincing someone that games on both platforms that gaming on PC is substantially cheaper. It's not.

Good luck with the price of that modularity and customization when you've got to upgrade pieces of your rig to maintain the status quo!

Having been involved with this specific argument since it was 386sx vs atari, I'd like to point out yall just making noise, not changing minds.
19 Jun 2022, 10:39pm
Aleksander Majjam

I dont think there are many people that buy a PC just for this game tbh. If anything, the main thing about PCs is their modularity, customizability, and market for games and components alike. You can go pretty cheap and have a library full of games easely. Consoles dont have that. The intital investment is vast yeah, but the investments after are not much more then what you spend on a cosole and its games over a 5y span for example. Also dont forget the optimisations and downgrades of game gfx and Ai are also kinda.. sub-optimal, but optimised. Personally i prefer PC over console, even if i have been a plastiation lover since i was a lil kid. The wide range of modularity and customisation is just way out of the console's league with PC gaming.

I'm not sure why diehard PC players continue to push the narrative that consoles (Xbox in my case), would even begin to pay as much as a PC player (especially in the 5 year span you suggested). You can get an Xbox Series S for $299, a Gamepass subscription for $15 to receive over 600+ games to include all Xbox first party games Day 1. What else do I really need to buy outside the one or two third party game a year. This is not even comparable to the PC I just priced to be able to play current gen, ray-traced games at a smooth 60-100 FPS. With consoles, after about 3-5 years, there will be a mid-gen hardware upgrade and I'll just sell my current Xbox to offset the price of the new one. Most console games come with graphics and performance options, just like PC and its the responsibility of the developer to optimize their game for all the platforms they release on. I'm an avid simmer on PC, but I've also switched to console since MSFS is quite stable for a console that supports mouse, keyboard, controller, hotas, and pedals (for not even a fraction of the sim peripherals I paid for PC). So yeah, let's not get into a $$$ war. You're not convincing someone that games on both platforms that gaming on PC is substantially cheaper. It's not.

Good luck with the price of that modularity and customization when you've got to upgrade pieces of your rig to maintain the status quo!

Having been involved with this specific argument since it was 386sx vs atari, I'd like to point out yall just making noise, not changing minds.

I think the only thing trying to make noise right now is my 5 year old rig trying to run DCS at a stable 60 FPS while overclocked. Pretty sure my wallet's going to change when my ass modulates to an upgraded mobo, GPU, and RAM.

Whose mind am I trying to change again?
21 Jun 2022, 7:31pm
Newbie question.. I'm currently doing the SUPPORT THE SIRIUS-ALLIANCE DEFENSE PACT How do I keep track of what I have delivered in quantity other than manually calculating, and how do I know if I've made top 75% 50 % etc... I have delivered approx 5000 units but Inara is showing unknown.. Thanks in advance
21 Jun 2022, 7:37pm
try to import datas manual via your cmd profile.. just hit the ´import frontier datas´ button upper right and in the uppopping window too, should help..

edit: import is working with a little ingame time delay of a few minutes, not real time
22 Jun 2022, 2:24pm
Thanks Did that Still no numbers or trace of what I transported and sold...Hmmmm Anybody ??
22 Jun 2022, 2:27pm
Maybe you didn't sign up for the CG.
22 Jun 2022, 3:42pm
SpidytekThanks Did that Still no numbers or trace of what I transported and sold...Hmmmm Anybody ??

SakashiroMaybe you didn't sign up for the CG.

Seems likely, there are no CG-related events in your journal at all. Please check you are actually signed into the respective community goal(s) in the game.
22 Jun 2022, 5:57pm
Far as I know I've signed into correctly. no Data or logs. I'm puzzled .
22 Jun 2022, 6:11pm
The CG should appear as an active mission in your transactions tab.
22 Jun 2022, 6:39pm
I realize it should be there, and it was there prior. Just not now . Thanks
22 Jun 2022, 7:17pm
Pro alliance wupping our tail out there in this CG but we will get them in the 4th quarter just you watch

Im kidding, we lost this one huh
26 Jun 2022, 10:17am
One question I have about fc. How exactly does decommissioning on fc work? I know what it does, but my main question is will I be able to reactive or will I have to buy a new one?
26 Jun 2022, 10:24am
26 Jun 2022, 11:24am
second link, I found the answer there. Thanks
01 Jul 2022, 1:13am
Hi guys
I'm new but not to Elite... my psn is geoff64reed and I'm looking for a group,wing squad to help me get better at the game as well make money to get better ships so I to can help out... I've not unlocked much as I'm still learning but any help would be so helpful to me and my friends that play as well.. hope to here from someone soon, like today as I'm home from work already

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