Elite: General talk

15 Oct 2021, 12:46am
LOCO ltgLooking for friends to play with it gets lonely out here in space just flying around bounty hunting and grinding guardian gear want to eventually go thargoyd hunting add me if you want some one to fly with or just cause you feel sorry for me either works I stoped paying and most of my people don’t play any more add me LOCO ltg .. that’s a lower case L in ltg

Man Im in the same boat, HMU!
15 Oct 2021, 8:54am
Fossiliinot sure, however i think yesterday i found some missile racks in my stored module and then i moved them to my fc

I like your avatar. ^_^

me?....if yes thank you
15 Oct 2021, 12:32pm
Light-HawkWhat's been the easiest way for you all to get your player avatar as your profile pic on here? Just screen shot and crop it?

Yep. Just need to wait 3 hours for that perfect frame/pose.


I was gonna get a new pic of my avatar in Odyssey, but something has happened with the face model (the eyes looks very wonky) and the lighting, so whichever way I turn and twist the camera, he looks... well, it was never good, except for that elusive single angle & pose, but now it's worse than before.
15 Oct 2021, 12:33pm
yeah, and also NPCs don't give a single cr*p about your efforts of camera positioning, they just push it aside while walking
15 Oct 2021, 3:10pm
Fossiliinot sure, however i think yesterday i found some missile racks in my stored module and then i moved them to my fc

I like your avatar. ^_^

me?....if yes thank you

Yes. ~_^

Your welcome!
16 Oct 2021, 9:52am

I like your avatar. ^_^

me?....if yes thank you

Yes. ~_^

Your welcome!

18 Oct 2021, 3:35pm
18 Oct 2021, 5:12pm
Here is quite comprehensive list of everything.
19 Oct 2021, 4:52pm
Is there a FAQ page where I can get an idea of the Inara badge requirements? Some things I'm not sure on, including the one where you get credit for 'settlements rebooted'.
19 Oct 2021, 5:10pm
Meridius DexIs there a FAQ page where I can get an idea of the Inara badge requirements? Some things I'm not sure on, including the one where you get credit for 'settlements rebooted'.

Only in Odyssey
On foot missions to restore power in settlements (required to do 10 times to unlock engineer)
Problem with Odyssey, it doesn't update codex entries in most cases, so Inara can't read it... Hope will soon be fixed in Frontier.
19 Oct 2021, 11:03pm
Are there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.
20 Oct 2021, 8:03am
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

Not many consolers . Most are PC . Im Xbox anyway so no help to you
20 Oct 2021, 3:06pm
Tim TJ20
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

Not many consolers . Most are PC . Im Xbox anyway so no help to you

I would assume after FDev saying they would indefinitely stall Odyssey for consoles, there was a decent exodus of console players. May was the last time I touched ED.
20 Oct 2021, 6:02pm
DookieDan_P_PAre there any playstation players out there in the black? I just got my friend to buy elite while it is on sale and I'm struggling with coming up with ways to keep him entertained.

Join elite red squad a few ps4 players on there
20 Oct 2021, 10:29pm
I found it again. So this is gateway to the thargoid home universe. Its gateway to the Raxxla truth.

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