Elite: General talk

21 Oct 2023, 3:50am
:D Sorry, but while we are talking i'm keep farming for ground equipment upgrades. And it's a myth all right just for real. Look after it.

Speaking about different matters, someone mentioned earlier paintjobs and such things. What surprises me, Fdev passed an oblivious milking cow such as ground weapon fire colors, and here's the issue with engine and weapon colors not to mention the fiasco with the glowing fungi. At here the problem is not brightness, but transparency hue and saturation, since all colors has a different perceived brightness it has to be tweaked manually per color and weapon and it cannot be uniformized. Even better if its varies based on the environment brightness. yet again, perceived brightness. (and this was the photoshop expert talking out from me.) And what annoys me a lot of paintjobs cannot be bought to a lot of vessels such as fusion and pulse. I like that a much. Yeah, the usual sloppiness... So much about that, what they need is a slave driver and an organizer.
21 Oct 2023, 4:05am
MinonianDid you peoples know what's the bird really is, on the elite badge?

I have noticed that Discord trips it as forbidden; I think it thinks it's a Nazi eagle, and I can see the resemblance. (Context: I made some images of various Elite symbols by hand, and noticed that I was unable to post them into public Discord art channels.)
21 Oct 2023, 4:39am
madamepestilence I have noticed that Discord trips it as forbidden; I think it thinks it's a Nazi eagle, and I can see the resemblance. (Context: I made some images of various Elite symbols by hand, and noticed that I was unable to post them into public Discord art channels.)

Technically anything that looks like a stylized eagle looks sort of like the Nazi eagle.

Crest of Hyrule
WH40K Imperial Eagle
The Roman Eagle atop the SPQR banners
Native America Thunderbird
Eagle on the Egyptian flag.

Sometimes censors can go too far in an effort to protect peoples' sensibilities. I recall reading somewhere that the Union Jack was once flagged (pun intended) as inappropriate because it vaguely resembled the American Confederate battle flag in shape and colors.
22 Oct 2023, 11:30am
Just for the info: recent 2-3 pages of the discussion were moved to the Offtopic.
26 Oct 2023, 12:09pm
Man, I forgot how fun it is making Squadron logos
26 Oct 2023, 4:13pm

Oh, yea. This looks much better now.

Had to make a small modification to it
29 Oct 2023, 4:25am


I cant find a way to connect my Inari account to my ED account?
29 Oct 2023, 9:12am
Red SnapperNewbie
I cant find a way to connect my Inari account to my ED account?

Go to your commander page and use the big "Import game data" button there. To be precise, it connects your ED account to Inara (not the other way).
22 Nov 2023, 8:02pm
Hello some newbie questions,

Do you see any ameliorations to this mk2 build ? As you can see I like direct control, from pulse and rail gun ( accelarated pulse is here because I dont have always time to move the ship target correctly ). Dunno if it can be seen directly so i'll post here coriolis. https://s.orbis.zone/na85. I do mostly pve, and bounty hunter 7+, and it's becoming difficult before I get to the hull. There is no limit to engeneering, money or ship ( I don't like slow one as anakonda, but I'll try the concumber soon ).
My anaconda I think I'll either sell it or repurpose it for thargoids farm.

Another question is I'm blocked at master rank, but my companion ship got time to get to elite. Is there any trick ?
24 Nov 2023, 5:34pm
interesting build
it is 30% harder to get to any next level/rank.
combat being the toughest. it takes time and lots of kills usually.

i think each cmdr has his own style so without a lot of debate on why this or that..
i never sell a ship
i love the conda, it is pretty good at almost everything.

i would d rate life support
i would replace the power distributor with same but use charge enhanced with cluster caps
if you enjoy a slow and fast weapon combo , fine. but
long range is fast bullets for mc's and good if you are fighting tiny targets aka the small ships are usually the fastest
otherwise dps matters.
I use the conda, t-10, gunship, vette for my combat..sometimes the cutter. and or fdl
i do so because I like a ship that can stay in an area for a long time and kill
again dps matters
the time it takes any plasma to fire, hit, re-fire I can fire at least 2 or more volleys of hammers or regular rails.
makes a really bad combo imo because you probably are barely using the rails thanks to having the plasma there.

I would replace them with rails or hammers and maybe keep one mc or 1 beam..
most of my medium ships like this are all hammers but 1. 1 is usually an mc or a beam
the ships I spend the most time in is 7 rails 1 mc. or 5 hammers 2 small rails 1 huge mc
any ship that can take 3 hammers or 3 class 2 rails can be sirius deadly
npc's fly your speed and they fly to you

a nice combo kills fastest
like a size 2 or 3 long range mc
a deadly class 4 beam
a couple or a few rails or hammers

A lot depends on what you are killing and where and how.
Then how is your time on target at various ranges?

a haz res is good for all sizes, so then its nice to be able to take on anything with a nice combo that can do that.
but for assassinate missions or my own variation of massacre - I make them come to me so I only get anacondas or vettes.
Then I am using my Hammer conda which obliterates things in seconds

You might need to try and find they style first so you can better see what you really need for the job.

I am a bounty hunter.
used to kill between 100 and 300 npc's a day
This was due to BGS needs..
now kill about 30 to 100 a day , mostly due to game changes and having to find better ways.
still the same BGS needs..

krait is nice but does not have the ability to stay as long as another ship with more hardpoints. without synthesis.
skill makes a huge difference and the way to get it is by flying everything you want to.
no-one can tell you what will work best for you.
tbh i only fly my small or my medium ships for going to outposts or for fun.
the toughest npc imo in the game not counting thargoids is the fdl in the wing assassin missions. it is super easy with the right ship.
and his 3 wingmates are meaningless
24 Nov 2023, 5:47pm
if you did not already know, roll is your friend. roll to aim.
only saying because the phrase 'dont have always time to move the ship target'
roll a lot to get under control when gravity or boost is too intense
roll just right to knock out the headlights with precision.heh

I can roll a vette, cutter, clipper, t-9, t-10 so that i can hit the target with each weapons, if I have to. or just keep the target in the right range. but rolling to shoot is fun and vital.
25 Nov 2023, 3:24pm
Thank you Ill try yo follow your advices !
27 Nov 2023, 9:15am
A lot depends on what you are killing and where and how.
Then how is your time on target at various ranges?

It's about 1, 2 seconds all shilds on a fdl or conda at 1k distance or less ( with ramming as a bonus ).
witch ship is vetta please ?
And yeah I've seen destroing thargoids with conda from the one who write almost all guides here. With insta kill or almost, but it's seems to me a little boring

for thargoids, my current ships can't do nothing, only 1 kill.
27 Nov 2023, 9:19am
I would replace them with rails or hammers and maybe keep one mc or 1 beam..
yeah I did the contrairy replaced beam with plasma, I'll do another ship with beam and mc to try it better
28 Nov 2023, 5:20pm

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