Elite: General talk

17 Aug 2022, 7:46am
Ok ill just assume I am hitting the good stuff too much, No fear of impending doom for Asylum and the rest of the system, just jumpy I guess
17 Aug 2022, 7:56am
MiseriOk ill just assume I am hitting the good stuff too much, No fear of impending doom for Asylum and the rest of the system, just jumpy I guess

Hey I could be wrong you know. Maybe a dimensional rift is about to open up that leads directly to Raxxla and misbehaving billboards are a precursor.
18 Aug 2022, 11:05am
SarusoidI'm not sure if this belongs in this thread specifically, but- Is there an option on Inara to remember the Old Layout? Whenever after some time I reopen Inara, it goes back to the new layout :/

Yes, under "My profile". If you are clearing the browser cookies at the session end or so, it may not remember the settings (a cookie is used for that).

That's still not it :| After making sure the browser never clears cookies for Inara, and resetting them again so everything is fresh clean. After some time it still rolls back to the new UI... :c
18 Aug 2022, 11:52am
That's still not it :| After making sure the browser never clears cookies for Inara, and resetting them again so everything is fresh clean. After some time it still rolls back to the new UI... :c

No idea then, the cookie has set one year expiry, so there is no reason why it should get "lost" unless something is removing it. The only thing is that the login form is forwarded to the current site version and then you are put back to the old version, after login. Other than that, it should stick.
25 Aug 2022, 8:55am
what is "misc"? it says i have 1bil in asset worth for "misc". what items in-game fall under misc? (this is from under assets value)
25 Aug 2022, 9:11am
X Skyquestion
what is "misc"? it says i have 1bil in asset worth for "misc". what items in-game fall under misc? (this is from under assets value)

The personal equipment value is the biggest part of it. But as I have no way how to determine the exact value of the equipment, it's under Misc with everything other that may be there (like current cargo value). And yes, the engineered personal equipment is absurdly expensive. Other option may be that some of the ship isn't properly updated, so its value difference is there.
25 Aug 2022, 3:34pm
im Hosting Fleet Carrier trip to the Raw Material Sites 26-28 Aug Your All Welcome Aboard for details Send Me a PM Or Use This Link https://inara.cz/squadron-mission/8345/15823/ hope to see as many CMDRs as possible o7
25 Aug 2022, 5:41pm
X Sky what is "misc"?

It's short for miscellaneous: various.
26 Aug 2022, 3:59am
X Skyquestion
what is "misc"? it says i have 1bil in asset worth for "misc". what items in-game fall under misc? (this is from under assets value)

In the assets values section here on inara, looking at the breakdown cash would be by far the biggest part of miscellaneous, though It doesn't seem to sink up exactly with cash, ground gear and ship cargo. It may add in fines as a negative as well but I suspect that the data being pulled from frontier is a bit dodgy too (it is sad that I immediately assume the developer is at fault and not the third party software).
In the transaction log it seems to include ship repairs, ground gear, and something else.
Anyway a billion is lots, drinks are on you!

PS anyone who comes here to say that a billion is not much can go boil their ship in a star.
26 Aug 2022, 4:16am
Mr SloppyAnyone who comes here to say that a billion is not much can go boil their ship in a star.

A billion is a lot... unless you have nothing to spend it on. In which case it becomes completely irrelevant. But until then, you can never have enough!
26 Aug 2022, 4:32am
A billion these game days I think is a lot.

A billion during the great LTD rush of 2020 was absolute chump change.
27 Aug 2022, 1:41am
Why does one of my ships have [hot] in the Name space?

I don't think I stole it.
27 Aug 2022, 2:00am
You know I have actually been enjoying this game, exploring, and finaly getting pass to the sol system. I had put everything I had into my ship. I get there and some one interdicts me then rams my ship to death, and I have lost everything, for what, I had no cargo, no credits, nothing. I have just now been getting into the open play and hoping to meet other players, and this is my first encounter. This game is just as bad as grand theft auto.
27 Aug 2022, 2:16am
PauthosYou know I have actually been enjoying this game, exploring, and finaly getting pass to the sol system. I had put everything I had into my ship. I get there and some one interdicts me then rams my ship to death, and I have lost everything, for what, I had no cargo, no credits, nothing. I have just now been getting into the open play and hoping to meet other players, and this is my first encounter. This game is just as bad as grand theft auto.

If you made it as far as getting the Sol permit with out learning the first lesson of this game im very shocked but in the spirit of the game


on a side note, yes many popular systems such as Sol and Engineering home spots are trafficked largely by Gankers who will spill your blood all over the void for no other reason then you are there, sorry you lost your ship
27 Aug 2022, 2:28am
In my experience there are 2 kinds of ED players:
1) Really nice and helpful.
2) Complete jerks.

There is not much of a middle ground from what I have seen.

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