Elite: General talk

13 Aug 2022, 1:08pm
A.G.DuranIt is absolute different look. You're like browsing different project. No idei, will it cause troubles for me or not, but they already dropping old style with autoswitch to new one.

I don't own a "Smartphone", but . .
if I turn my laptop sideways and mess with the display orientation the new format works fine, but no finger swipe -

@ Artie - still could not play without you -
13 Aug 2022, 5:42pm
why on earth there is new inara,which is not as cool as the old one?
13 Aug 2022, 6:48pm
What he said.
13 Aug 2022, 6:49pm
I like the new site! Everything still there and easier to navigate.
Nice one.
13 Aug 2022, 6:58pm
I am an old fart and everything new which mixes my routines are devastating events.
13 Aug 2022, 7:46pm
PikkuMikaI am an old fart and everything new which mixes my routines are devastating events.

ha! fair enough
13 Aug 2022, 8:06pm
hey, there is a new predator movie out, ´prey´ it´s called - part 5 (prequel). watching it on disney+ right now just for the scifi action fans..
13 Aug 2022, 8:27pm
Well i always love predator movies,but since i am a tundra nomad. The behauviour of wolf and bear were to my eyes so unreal, wolves and bears are cautious animals,they flee very easily to some distance and especially wolves wont take charges toward unseen or unfamiliar opponents. Bears are more straightforward,but they also tend to flee if situation isnt favorable.
14 Aug 2022, 8:09pm

15 Aug 2022, 1:59am

Guardian medical "serum" commodity in 3... 2...
15 Aug 2022, 3:29am
Just curious but Is Wych Hunt going to cease hostilities against AB now that we can almost be 99% certain Caleb is dead
15 Aug 2022, 12:34pm
MiseriJust curious but Is Wych Hunt going to cease hostilities against AB now that we can almost be 99% certain Caleb is dead

According to Cmdr Psykit on the Wych Hunt Discord they have reduced Asimuth to base level in BGS terms, so OWH is on standby mode for now. There is a war in T Tauri where you can fight against Asimuth, but they seem to be Lore locked there apparently.

In short, hostilities against AB are not over, just a pause pending future events it seems.
15 Aug 2022, 12:52pm
Silver Taffer
MiseriJust curious but Is Wych Hunt going to cease hostilities against AB now that we can almost be 99% certain Caleb is dead

According to Cmdr Psykit on the Wych Hunt Discord they have reduced Asimuth to base level in BGS terms, so OWH is on standby mode for now. There is a war in T Tauri where you can fight against Asimuth, but they seem to be Lore locked there apparently.

In short, hostilities against AB are not over, just a pause pending future events it seems.

Excuse me but are you a talking space gorilla

also , you guys should all like, mosey on out of T Tauri, there is nothing to see there anymore
Azimuth is totally gone up in smoke, Caleb Wycherly is dead along with his deep held grudge against the Thargoids
Yep you guys sure can move on along now that you have accomplished your goals
15 Aug 2022, 1:05pm
Miseriyou guys should all like, mosey on out of T Tauri, there is nothing to see there anymore
Azimuth is totally gone up in smoke, Caleb Wycherly is dead along with his deep held grudge against the Thargoids
Yep you guys sure can move on along now that you have accomplished your goals

So what I'm hearing is that there should be no problem if we decide to expand into that area. After all there is nothing to see there anymore. No one should mind if we decide to do something with it!
15 Aug 2022, 1:09pm
Light-Hawk So what I'm hearing is that there should be no problem if we decide to expand into that area. After all there is nothing to see there anymore. No one should mind if we decide to do something with it!

Honestly If anyone COULD make an expansion down this far, id actually be kind of impressed

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