Elite: General talk

21 Jul 2023, 6:31am
EpisparhActually the one who puts the cat in the box with cyanide and gamble with entropy makes the decision

The concept of the cat trapped in the box was part of the explanation of observer focused causality (the idea that something only IS once its observed ) which collapses the waveform into reality by observation

That is to say it is not Alive nor is it Dead until it is observed by the opener of the box
21 Jul 2023, 7:53am
Miseriif you mean Schrodinger's cat , then it is determined when an observer opens the box

Correct. The sphinx thunders.
25 Jul 2023, 10:07am
Miseriif you mean Schrodinger's cat , then it is determined when an observer opens the box

The cat can look down to see it's self, the universe is watching.

For Schrodinger's cat analogy the observer can be any other atom that is effected by said cat, but blaming the one who opens the box is a good idea when the university ethics committee come calling.
25 Jul 2023, 12:47pm
EpisparhActually the one who puts the cat in the box with cyanide and gamble with entropy makes the decision

The concept of the cat trapped in the box was part of the explanation of observer focused causality (the idea that something only IS once its observed ) which collapses the waveform into reality by observation

That is to say it is not Alive nor is it Dead until it is observed by the opener of the box

Exactly. The tricky bit here is that while the observation (opening the box) causes one outcome or the other, it does not kill or save the cat. The cat is either already dead or already hungry. Opening just decides which of those has happened.
I don't reckon Schrodinger ever actually proposed this as a real experiment as a much easier and less anti-cat experiment already existed with the light passing through slits both as wave and particle thing ('masked double slit experiment'). Only on observation is it possible to state which was already the case. In fact, Schrodinger probably suggested the cat in the box as a example of how people can come up with absurd and ridiculous conclusions such as cats being both dead and alive at the same time.
25 Jul 2023, 5:00pm
Miseri The concept of the cat trapped in the box was part of the explanation of observer focused causality (the idea that something only IS once its observed ) which collapses the waveform into reality by observation

I would like to note here that quite a number of modern physicists disagrees with the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (where observation causes the wave function collapse), and for good reasons. See the Wikipedia article for an overview of the various viewpoints, or this (quite passionate) LessWrong article for a list of the said good reasons. (IMHO the whole LessWrong sequence about quantum physics is worth a read.)
03 Aug 2023, 5:14am
Did anyone heard about NASA latest mess up?

03 Aug 2023, 2:25pm
Quillmonkey Exactly. The tricky bit here is that while the observation (opening the box) causes one outcome or the other, it does not kill or save the cat. The cat is either already dead or already hungry. Opening just decides which of those has happened.
I don't reckon Schrodinger ever actually proposed this as a real experiment as a much easier and less anti-cat experiment already existed with the light passing through slits both as wave and particle thing ('masked double slit experiment'). Only on observation is it possible to state which was already the case. In fact, Schrodinger probably suggested the cat in the box as a example of how people can come up with absurd and ridiculous conclusions such as cats being both dead and alive at the same time.

You got this part right, and this is exactly what some peoples on the other side fail to realize but only a few realizes what's this really about? Uncertainty. Whenever the cat state decided when the box opens or already decided, the point all the same. You cannot know for sure, until you do.

Nothing is certain you have to make sure. Nothing makes sense you have to make sense of it.
And actually? Although to think our beliefs can affect things at this level just dumb. But, here's a thing called chaotic systems.
Their power balance so delicate even the smallest impulse can tilt the scale. So, the basic idea behind it it's not that dumb either.
03 Aug 2023, 2:37pm
Your question was who decides if the cat lives. Schrodinger's Cat is a thought experiment AKA not real experiment - no cat actually dies.
If a cat lives or not is decided by the one who will actually put the poor animal in a box with cyanide. After that you can just observe the result of entropy or if the cat was bored/hungry/stressed and played with the flask.
03 Aug 2023, 4:17pm
And just to finish my train of thoughts?

Here's 2 thing, first of all no system is linear or perfectly isolated especially at quantum level which means all of it are chaotic system. Second? Information in the matter of fact, can affect things, not just matter or energy. And if anyone doubts this i suggest to him to take a closer look to the device on which (s)he's reading this post.

And there's a lot more of these loopholes i had uncovered at the recent years, after started to meditate on it.

About speaking such crap if i really want it i can decide the odds? Close call, but close calls don't cut it as long you keep pushing the wrong button...
08 Aug 2023, 1:37am
MinonianDid anyone heard about NASA latest mess up?

And thanks to the NASA Deep Space Antenna in Australia, they managed to re-establish contact and re align Voager2's antenna back on Earth.
13 Aug 2023, 2:03am
For things a humble clown with his bicycle horn just don't cut it...
(and waking up every single goid within 1000 LYRS.)

14 Aug 2023, 4:57am
Ребят помогите пожалуйста. Нужно 9 финансовых прогнозов, я их покупаю на носителе SULACO или скажите где их добыть с каких поселений в туристических не выпадает и так же в промышленных не попадались
18 Aug 2023, 4:52pm
Liking the new look update Artieeeeee.
21 Aug 2023, 7:21am
Not half bad for a change and most certainly useful, makes a lot easier to navigate in the menu.
29 Aug 2023, 7:22am
Just getting back into playing, been a hot couple of years but catching up quick. I am wondering, are there still fringe explorers / Thargoid hunters or with carriers being introduced is that a thing of the past?

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