Elite: General talk

29 Aug 2023, 12:09pm
They’re definitely still a thing. Some might say both gameplay loops have been enhanced by the presence of the carriers, depending on where you’re at. Carriers can allow you to look into systems outside conventional jump ranges, if you’re willing to take one out that far and maintain it. Otherwise, they only maintain a relatively sparse presence throughout the galaxy. Very unlikely to run into one randomly on your travels.

If you keep an eye out, you might even find opportunities to fight Thargoids in the Bubble. Some of those fighting zones will be with stations to conveniently dock and repair at on Thursday… unless there is a real sudden rush to prevent their appearance. Look for the unfriendly red symbols if they pop up - will indicate a port under attack.
29 Aug 2023, 12:18pm
o7 CMDRs

Having hauled a solar systems worth of gold I am now feeling a little flush (5.5 bill) have decided that I do not yet want FC as I am off game for months at a time - so why pay....

But I want to rank up my combat and FED/Empire ranks and now want to buy my first PVE battle Anaconda. TO kill stack pirate missions etc - can I have your builds and suggestions... for a worthy PVE battle conda (Burtha -will be her name)

29 Aug 2023, 5:16pm
Take a look to my vette build that's a good composure to deal with pirates, and in overall PVE Something similar with conda also works nicely and that's what i used back than on my battle conda build. But if you can afford a Fed vette i seriously suggest to buy one it's much better at combat role.

31 Aug 2023, 12:57am
Gold seems to be tapped out at all the easy to reach places. The rest are at stations that are 250K LS away from the star. Very time consuming.
31 Aug 2023, 6:39pm
August is fading away, while September steps into the Sun.

Who all got on that CG while it was booming!?

Hope all is well cmdrs!

06 Sep 2023, 3:25pm
hi mates. my ship is destroyed by "calcium smith" 3 times in a row inside RHEA system which is I am positive in it. I thought maybe for my cargos but last time there wasn't any cargo. what would bu the reason, what do you think?

when i checked it writes
global bounties (1) 1000 cr
global fines (2) 700 cr for this ship. :/

i clear my all my fines from an interstellar contact. then returned with empty cargo and again, 4th time.
ok, could it be related with that mission i accepted even if I didn't contribute anything?

mission is: "federal navy requires 63 units of basic medicines" (threat level 8)

thanks in advance.

Last edit: 06 Sep 2023, 5:49pm
06 Sep 2023, 6:16pm
utkuborgmission is: "federal navy requires 63 units of basic medicines" (threat level 8)
They've put something... More interesting into those aspirin packages.
06 Sep 2023, 6:31pm
utkuborgmission is: "federal navy requires 63 units of basic medicines" (threat level 8)

threat level 8 is the answer
06 Sep 2023, 6:31pm
utkuborgmission is: "federal navy requires 63 units of basic medicines" (threat level 8)

They've put something... More interesting into those aspirin packages.

That's why it's necessary to isolate separate check and recheck from zero everything. We never know...
The manifest is only good, if the cargo too.
14 Sep 2023, 5:38am
@utkuborg you has encountered cancer of the community. Play solo, learn to fight or build protected cargo ship able to flee from interdicting-instance back to supercruise. I have a heavy cutter for this tasks, works well.
Had a funny event when some Krait II 3 times tried to catch me, but cutter can each time laugh in boost speed, again in mass-lock ratio and once more in shields before low-waking again.
14 Sep 2023, 8:50am
A.G.Duran@utkuborg you has encountered cancer of the community. Play solo, learn to fight or build protected cargo ship able to flee from interdicting-instance back to supercruise. I have a heavy cutter for this tasks, works well.
Had a funny event when some Krait II 3 times tried to catch me, but cutter can each time laugh in boost speed, again in mass-lock ratio and once more in shields before low-waking again.

This "cancer" was by NPC spawned by mission
I know, that for some people it can be shocking news, but mission spawns don't want your cargo.
They want to kill you. Not all deaths are caused by this bad evil gankers (which live rent free in some minds, as I see)
Especially not all deaths of new players. Check his logs, because I see something like that:
"Destroyed by Calcium Smith [NPC] Rhea 06 Sep 2023, 5:38pm"

Last edit: 14 Sep 2023, 8:57am
14 Sep 2023, 9:17am
HeilriderNot all deaths are caused by this bad evil gankers
During my first week in ED, I've killed another player in noobzone CZ simply because they were 'red', playing for the opposing team. Those days, I've had no idea how to tell players from NPCs. Lol.
14 Sep 2023, 12:54pm
probably misread as real player, my bad
20 Sep 2023, 4:02am
Anyone staying in Colonia?

What sort of supply/equipment do you find hard to get there?

I could stock some stuff in my Carrier and make the trip if anything in demand is in short supply, from ships to suits, the only thing I wont trade is anything related to a Bar Tender, I won't have one.

Just let me know.
20 Sep 2023, 3:45pm
The only reason to go to Colonia Is to unlock weapons upgrade engineers As far as I can tell

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