Elite: General talk

25 Jul 2021, 3:36am
Beagle Point journey progress report: Fatal crash on Lithobreaker!

Nah, just kidding.

Next stop: the bar in Jaques Station!
25 Jul 2021, 3:47am
SakashiroFatal crash

Anyway at first I thought that it's the game crashed due to bugs (and you had to make hundreds of jumps again).
25 Jul 2021, 4:04am
MeowersAnyway at first I thought that it's the game crashed due to bugs (and you had to make hundreds of jumps again).

Surprisingly Odyssey hasn't caused any major issues on this trip so far. You can see on approach to the planet there was some stuttering and textures popping in as usual, but nothing too bad.
25 Jul 2021, 6:37am
Such a bring landing. It is no way near spectacular as boosting down a cutter with fa off.
25 Jul 2021, 9:52am
EpisparhSuch a bring landing. It is no way near spectacular as boosting down a cutter with fa off.

Boring landings are the best. Ask any passenger of commercial airlines.

Also, I have a truckload of exploration data in my ship. This is not the time to test the Courier's shields.
25 Jul 2021, 12:58pm
The Far God will help all
26 Jul 2021, 8:30am
SakashiroSurprisingly Odyssey hasn't caused any major issues on this trip so far.

I've tried a sarcasm again. Seems unsuccessful. Dammit.
26 Jul 2021, 2:50pm
103 units of benitoite
27 Jul 2021, 9:28pm
I returned to Lithobreaker for some experiments. Here's what a ship recall in 11G looks like:

27 Jul 2021, 9:34pm
SakashiroI returned to Lithobreaker for some experiments. Here's what a ship recall in 11G looks like:

Yeah, you can sit in your cockpit, make sharp turns when flying, run the SRV, but... No disembarking? Gravity is too high?
28 Jul 2021, 5:25pm
SakashiroI returned to Lithobreaker for some experiments. Here's what a ship recall in 11G looks like:

Kek , what? It dropped like a canon ball but shields were not damaged.

You almost had heart attack, right?
28 Jul 2021, 9:33pm
EpisparhKek , what? It dropped like a canon ball but shields were not damaged.

You almost had heart attack, right?


Shields went down by 8 percent. And that's with a grade 5 engineered combat-ready setup including four boosters. A typical exploration cardboard ship might have popped. It doesn't help that the autopilot resets the pip config from 4-2-0 to 2-2-2 every time.

I knew the ship would drop like that, I saw it happen on other high-G worlds before. But I didn't know whether the shields would hold under 11G. That's why I went to sell the exploration data from the trip before trying this.
28 Jul 2021, 10:23pm
Just for the record:
Your shields are a joke. A taxi exploration level shields.
28 Jul 2021, 11:19pm
EpisparhJust for the record:
Your shields are a joke. A taxi exploration level shields.

Good enough to survive ganks though.

Btw, I switched from hi-cap D-rated to fast charging bi-weave a few weeks ago, and the power plant from class 4 to 3 to offset the weight difference. Now the shields are slightly weaker than before but recover much faster. No more extended timeouts in hazRES if shields go low during wing fights.

I dare say this Courier is now a perfectly balanced ship for the things I like to do in ED. The only thing missing is a copilot seat.
28 Jul 2021, 11:22pm
SakashiroI dare say this Courier is now a perfectly balanced ship for the things I like to do in ED.

Aw, that's really nice, can totally relate to that. An awesome thoughts to have about your ship.

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