Elite: General talk

14 Aug 2021, 7:29pm
Descarteswell. finally arrived at citi gateway in oddessy, should be interestin i hope

Check if my Illustrious is still there.
16 Aug 2021, 12:02pm
Descarteswell. finally arrived at citi gateway in oddessy, should be interestin i hope

Check if my Illustrious is still there.

couldn't see it, but I have trouble finding my way around

what is it/ cutter?
17 Aug 2021, 3:56am
couldn't see it, but I have trouble finding my way around

what is it/ cutter?

It is a Clipper. I might visit the system over the weekend. To clean the dust and to explore local opportunities.
17 Aug 2021, 8:32am
i am now bored of being in the abyss i am going back to the bubble. might finish engineering my 3 fastest ships. viper, chieftain and cutter
my chieftain has a 6 slot but a 5A thrusters that it got from my ex mamba.
17 Aug 2021, 12:10pm
Boom diia galerinha espacial tudo bem com vocês?
17 Aug 2021, 3:39pm
You know, I've said it before but I think that ED's music selection is so short and bland. If ED had Stellaris' soundtrack it would be perfect. If you guys are going into a CZ I highly recommend you play this.

17 Aug 2021, 4:12pm
Aleksander MajjamYou know, I've said it before but I think that ED's music selection is so short and bland. If ED had Stellaris' soundtrack it would be perfect. If you guys are going into a CZ I highly recommend you play this.

Short? Yes? Bland? Hell no... just listen to the music in the bar areas. And if you don't have Odyssey: Try this...


If at all I wished Elite would take notes from the OST of Egosoft's X-series:

(I'm still convinced that this theme would make great background music for the Achenar system as asthetically the Protectorate from X and the Empire from Elite have a lot in common )
17 Aug 2021, 4:31pm
Amata Lirein
Aleksander MajjamYou know, I've said it before but I think that ED's music selection is so short and bland. If ED had Stellaris' soundtrack it would be perfect. If you guys are going into a CZ I highly recommend you play this.

Short? Yes? Bland? Hell no... just listen to the music in the bar areas. And if you don't have Odyssey: Try this...


If at all I wished Elite would take notes from the OST of Egosoft's X-series:

(I'm still convinced that this theme would make great background music for the Achenar system as asthetically the Protectorate from X and the Empire from Elite have a lot in common )

There first one, no thanks. The second is alright. Not really a fan of the overzealous chorus. It reminds me of too much Final Fantasy and fantasy MMO music rather than something something science fiction that should be in a space battle.

Even Star Wars Shadows of the Empite on the Nintendo 64 had a chrous tune in the final space battle that was superb and felt that you were actually space battling for your life.

17 Aug 2021, 4:44pm
I turned off ED's music months ago. There is some variety, but in supercruise it's always the same handful of tracks, and I got tired of them long ago. If I want music in the background, there's Spotify.

Bethesda games have the best soundtracks in my opinion. I'll never get tired of Skyrim's and Fallout 4's music.
17 Aug 2021, 4:51pm
This fucking track got me through the time grind of going from the bubble to Colonia. Had it on repeat the whole time. It just makes me want to go fast and just get to my destination, lol.

17 Aug 2021, 5:36pm
Aleksander MajjamThis fucking track got me through the time grind of going from the bubble to Colonia. Had it on repeat the whole time. It just makes me want to go fast and just get to my destination, lol.

Stellaris has a banger soundtrack, one of the best OST's I ever heard ngl, just behind UT99. This one is my favorite
17 Aug 2021, 8:14pm
Aleksander MajjamThis fucking track got me through the time grind of going from the bubble to Colonia. Had it on repeat the whole time. It just makes me want to go fast and just get to my destination, lol.

Stellaris has a banger soundtrack, one of the best OST's I ever heard ngl, just behind UT99. This one is my favorite

HELL YES!!! I played this when a large group of our squadron got together to meet a carrier for a long distance expedition. Chills.
18 Aug 2021, 9:36am
Aleksander MajjamYou know, I've said it before but I think that ED's music selection is so short and bland. If ED had Stellaris' soundtrack it would be perfect. If you guys are going into a CZ I highly recommend you play this.

Stellaris has good music? Really? If you say so…

(It doesn’t; it really doesn’t. It’s ok, but it’s not good. For one, the exploration tracks could use more low brass, and don’t get me started on the combat music…there’s no urgency to the combat music, no energy)
18 Aug 2021, 9:41am
SakashiroI turned off ED's music months ago.

Likewise. I started to use House of the Dying Sun (seriously, ED should take notes from it when it comes to muffled sound design - Life Support Off isn't the same) OST, which has heavy Battlestar Galactica vibes with taiko drums, every time I go into RES or CZ. Other kind of music is that of 70s and 80s or something cinematic.

Aleksander MajjamThis fucking track got me through the time grind of going from the bubble to Colonia. Had it on repeat the whole time. It just makes me want to go fast and just get to my destination, lol.

Ah yes, The Imperial Fleet... That track is the most powerful track (much more powerful than Creation And Beyond, which I also love for different reasons) that brings a lot of these nice shivers. That pause, that pause in this track, only to explode back again.
18 Aug 2021, 11:56am
Aleksander MajjamYou know, I've said it before but I think that ED's music selection is so short and bland. If ED had Stellaris' soundtrack it would be perfect. If you guys are going into a CZ I highly recommend you play this.

Stellaris has good music? Really? If you say so…

(It doesn’t; it really doesn’t. It’s ok, but it’s not good. For one, the exploration tracks could use more low brass, and don’t get me started on the combat music…there’s no urgency to the combat music, no energy)

The fact that Stellaris doesnt use that much low brass is the high point of the OST, it blends much more on the background and is not too much in your face. If the soundtrack was supposed to get front and center in the gameplay I could see the low brass being a issue because it would make the tracks too lightweight and not have the energy but the fact that is primarily a background track that is supposed to blend in with the gameplay the low brass being weaker is a lot better.

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