Elite: General talk

29 Nov 2020, 6:34am
What a surprise...

But I was told ganking was a rare thing.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
29 Nov 2020, 6:58am
Aleksander MajjamWhat a surprise...

But I was told ganking was a rare thing.


If it was rare, it wouldn't be the number one topic in system chat wherever I go.

I do see few gank attempts on myself these days, but I guess that's because of the ship I fly. Chasing engineered Couriers must be quite frustrating.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
29 Nov 2020, 7:31am
The Atlaran Oversight Council sponsored a CQC like brawl.

I'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
29 Nov 2020, 7:58am
ZentzlbI'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

I don't hate PvP. I don't even mind ganking.

I just dislike baby seal clubbing. Is that really necessary?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
29 Nov 2020, 8:01am
It's not that I dislike PVP, I like a good challenge, I just think it's good for fellow CMDRs to be warned so new players aren't caught off guard and bounty hunters can get legal kills in for good pay due to Notoriety. I may not fight well, but it sure is fun to outsmart gankers.

I also wouldn't mind a tutorial on combat without flight assist; I'd call myself a decent pilot, but I've definitely got room for improvement, especially with FA off.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
29 Nov 2020, 9:25am
ZentzlbI'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

I don't hate PvP. I don't even mind ganking.

I just dislike baby seal clubbing. Is that really necessary?


i was watching ACOWFORALLSEASONS last night ganking at Farseer Corp, but when any one of his victims complained that they lost their Meta Alloy;  he was taking them to his FC and giving them one in return. Then letting them land at Farseer and hand in the Meta Alloy - but warning them they will ganked upon leaving.

A lot of the pilots went in on open and left in SOLO...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 9:39am
Guys, it slipped my mind too, but I think Artie wants to keep gank talk in General and not in Game.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 9:57am
Offtopic I get, but I have yet to figure out the distinction between game and general talk.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 10:03am
SakashiroOfftopic I get, but I have yet to figure out the distinction between game and general talk.

Iunno. I'm just here for the entertainment.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 10:07am
Aleksander MajjamI'm just here for the entertainment.

Feel free to entertain me any time.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 10:12am
Just to say:
Number of visits to Jameson Memorial - 2
Number of station fines for illegal docking - 2

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 10:19am
Sir Sprockett
ZentzlbI'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

I don't hate PvP. I don't even mind ganking.

I just dislike baby seal clubbing. Is that really necessary?


i was watching ACOWFORALLSEASONS last night ganking at Farseer Corp, but when any one of his victims complained that they lost their Meta Alloy; he was taking them to his FC and giving them one in return. Then letting them land at Farseer and hand in the Meta Alloy - but warning them they will ganked upon leaving.

A lot of the pilots went in on open and left in SOLO...

Might as well comment. Someone I had a small exchange with earlier mentioned that new pilots should stay away from where the gankers are, but at the same time said the ganking was to teach them that they should be getting better ships. Lol. How can newbies get better tech when they're being ganked at the places they need to go in order to get better ships!!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 11:17am
Igneel PrimeAnother thing is that Elite just isn't a mainly PvP game. In a lot of other games like EVE for example there is at least some focus on PvP. In Elite it is an option. There are a lot of other aspects of Elite that are definitely bigger selling points for the game. PvP is more of a side effect of how we interact with the world which other players are also a part of.

I think this is accurate. Except for that bit about EVE having "some" focus on PvP - nah, EVE is entirely focused on PvP. It's built from the ground up as a conflict-based game and there are very few activities that don't put you in competition with other players.

Elite is built as a PvE game, with PvP as a fun optional extra. I don't think either game would do so well if they strayed from their core principles.
29 Nov 2020, 12:28pm
I can only speak for myself, & maybe my point of view is relatively uncommon, rare, or although I doubt it, unique.

I came to E:D to experience what is to the best of my knowledge, the only space sim that is based on actual real-world current scientific data & as best within reasonable compromises in order to make it playable, physics.

I recall playing Microsoft Space Simulator (a MS-DOS game) & loaded into the machine with a stack of 3.5" floppies. Relatively crude & simplistic, surely.

Now, with all the recent advancements in discoveries & knowledge of the solar system, galaxy & universe, we have a game that thanks to the advancement of computer technology, allows us the means to enjoy them.
29 Nov 2020, 12:31pm
Descartes <snipped>

As for me? I swing both ways. . . in and out.

p.s. just going out now.

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