Elite: General talk

21 Sep 2023, 8:21pm
I would argue bringing certain types of modules(A rated in particular) to Colonia is more a matter of convenience than ‘price’.

I certainly could have done with a carrier selling A rated thrusters when I threw a quick and basic Python together to do my stuff over there. Had to settle on B rated from one of the local stations as it seemed they were all sold out on carriers(or bugged, the outfitting menu said ‘Incompatible slot’… when I was looking at the correct size).

It was still good enough, but I have a tendency to not like skimping on equipment, especially not something like thrusters for a ship [in Elite].
22 Sep 2023, 6:24pm
Kasumi GotoI would argue bringing certain types of modules(A rated in particular) to Colonia is more a matter of convenience than ‘price’.

I certainly could have done with a carrier selling A rated thrusters when I threw a quick and basic Python together to do my stuff over there. Had to settle on B rated from one of the local stations as it seemed they were all sold out on carriers(or bugged, the outfitting menu said ‘Incompatible slot’… when I was looking at the correct size).

It was still good enough, but I have a tendency to not like skimping on equipment, especially not something like thrusters for a ship [in Elite].

That's noted. I just stocked A rated Power modules, I think I can manage A rated thrusters with the remaining cargo space, the problem is the cost of the A rated stocks, I'm at Robigo Mines again trying to top up the Carrier's Credit Balance and even at an average of 20.000.000 per rotation, it takes a lot of time.

I was thinking about what I would upgrade first if I was to buy a new ship, and it would be an A rated Power Plant, so I went for it but it literally depleted my budget, the thruster stock costs 1.537.352.842 Cr, this will take me a week to get, actually more like two weeks...

So far when it comes to Core Internal A rated I have Power Plant and Power Distributor stocked...

Last edit: 22 Sep 2023, 7:04pm
22 Sep 2023, 7:48pm
I'm curious. How much does it cost to auto-ship a Vette from Colonia to the Bubble or vice versa?
22 Sep 2023, 7:59pm
Aleksander MajjamI'm curious. How much does it cost to auto-ship a Vette from Colonia to the Bubble or vice versa?

A lot of money...

I don't remember how much it was but once I tried to auto-ship my Anaconda from CEOS but it was astronomic.

In my humble opinion, you're better off traveling back to your Vette and look for a Carrier traveling back to Colonia, I think it might be possible to transport a player with a Fleet Carrier.

In fact in a couple of weeks when my trip is planned and organized (stock, Tritium complement to avoid "bingo fuel" in return trip), I could give a lift to a player, one or two ships makes no difference, IF it is possible, I think with a Shipyard-equiped Carrier it is possible.

I'm at Hauser's Reach in Robigo, I checked, to transfer my Corvette it would cost me 24.794.476 CR, that's 9 jumps with my Krait Phamtom at 69.72 Ly Max jump range.

Last edit: 22 Sep 2023, 8:34pm
22 Sep 2023, 8:02pm
Aleksander MajjamI'm curious. How much does it cost to auto-ship a Vette from Colonia to the Bubble or vice versa?

Based on what I just looked at for transferring a few of my ships, the price is about 1.3 times the ship's value and takes 60+ hours.

If I wanted to transfer one of my annacondas (about 334 million cr in value) from colonia to the bubble it will take 441 million credits to transfer.
22 Sep 2023, 10:10pm
Apparently, getting a ride on a Carrier is possible, if you're docked in one and it jumps, you go with it, in the case of an alternative to auto-shiping, it would require the player to come back to the bubble and come to an agreement with a Carrier owner.

The only thing I'm not sure of is in the case (if possible) the player have two ships on the Carrier.

Ideally there should be a topic with adverts from both Carrier owners and players looking for a ride...
22 Sep 2023, 10:12pm

Ideally there should be a topic with adverts from both Carrier owners and players looking for a ride...

You may want to look at the Fleet Carrier Owner’s Club reddit(or discord, FCOC short). There’s usually regular back and forth trips to Colonia, Rackham’s Peak and other points of interest throughout the galaxy in there.

(Not that I’ve ever frequented those myself or used the service, but it exists.)
22 Sep 2023, 10:46pm
Thanks for the info(s!).

I think it will be useful for those with short jump range ships who want to get somewhere, in retrospect, I could have used this solution myself a few times before I had my Carrier.

On the module trade front, I'm more than a billion away from getting the budget for thrusters stock but progressing slowly, about 17/18 rotation at <> 20 million a trip today, I calculated when I started chasing the Tier 3 Propulsion Outfitting Stock that I need 76 trips...

OK, it's done...

I registered with FCMS, I can advertise my scheduled departures.

Last edit: 22 Sep 2023, 10:59pm
22 Sep 2023, 11:58pm
It seems like the Playstation version of ED is still somewhat active, but definitely a lot less than its pre-Odyssey days

There's still Squadrons making billions of credits, but the fact that I currently have a Squadron that is legiterally just me right now and have been able to achieve over the top 100 mark for Trade in over 500 active-ish Squadrons in 3 days is a bit depressing
23 Sep 2023, 5:33am
So thanks to you guys, I learn a lot about the game...

The information are out there so I keep digging, here is something of interest for those who want a ride on a Carrier, all you have to do is to contact the owner, send an in-game Friend Request and PM...

Frontier Forums: Fleet Carriers - Content Reveal Recap

As Kasumi Goto was saying, there are ways to know if a Carrier is scheduled for departure, the Fleet Carrier Owner’s Club reddit(or discord, FCOC short) or FCMS.

And then... I clicked on the button and added yet another 100.000.000 CR to my Carrier account, 5 X Robigo Mines->Sothis = 100 million, I'm not even half way there, but eh, that's how I got my Carrier, I didn't remember how hard it was but I did it in even worse conditions with an Anaconda from CEOS for less money....

Last edit: 23 Sep 2023, 6:26am
23 Sep 2023, 5:50am
madamepestilenceIt seems like the Playstation version of ED is still somewhat active, but definitely a lot less than its pre-Odyssey days

There's still Squadrons making billions of credits, but the fact that I currently have a Squadron that is legiterally just me right now and have been able to achieve over the top 100 mark for Trade in over 500 active-ish Squadrons in 3 days is a bit depressing

I'm not sure if that's right but it could mean more jobs for you (???)...
23 Sep 2023, 11:10am
ThinderI'm not sure if that's right but it could mean more jobs for you (???)...

If you mean as in more Trade opportunities as higher profit Trade Loops aren't oversaturated and can be done indefinitely solo, pretty much yea, I found some good INARA Loops and I'm the only person out here.

Other than that, not sure what this could mean lol
23 Sep 2023, 8:06pm
ThinderI'm not sure if that's right but it could mean more jobs for you (???)...

If you mean as in more Trade opportunities as higher profit Trade Loops aren't oversaturated and can be done indefinitely solo, pretty much yea, I found some good INARA Loops and I'm the only person out here.

Other than that, not sure what this could mean lol

Yeah, that was what I meant, good going anyway, I wouldn't pay too much attention on what other players or Squadron achieve right now, better focusing on your own way.

I noticed you fly a T9 and upgraded it, it's a pity we can't sell our ships and modules to other players because I just sold mine (I don't really need a Type 9) and it was well equipped and engineered...

Last edit: 23 Sep 2023, 9:08pm
24 Sep 2023, 1:15am
Available: 1,012,375,564 Cr... It's going a bit faster than anticipated but still some grind...

With some benefits.

Last edit: 24 Sep 2023, 5:01am
24 Sep 2023, 5:34am

With some no benefits.

Fixed that for you.

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