Elite: General talk

17 Sep 2022, 10:57am
Yuna SakashiroFYI, I played Odyssey in Horizons 4.0 mode last night, and even in base game mode!

It's really simple to make this work. All you need is the app "Process Explorer" from the Sysinternals Suite (free download from the Microsoft Store), launch Odyssey as usual, and then look up the properties of the EliteDangerous64.exe process. The app will show you the current directory and the full command line that the Frontier launcher uses to launch Odyssey.

Next you open a command prompt, use "cd" to set the same current directory, then paste the entire command line and append the parameter "SeasonTwo" (or "SeasonOne" if you want base game mode). Now exit Odyssey and press enter in the command prompt window to launch the game again with the modified command line.

The first change you will notice is the intro cinematic: it's the old one from Horizons. In the game's main menu you will see either the Horizons logo or the original base game logo, depending on the mode you chose. Everything works as expected: Horizons will hide the Disembark button, base game mode will prevent you from landing on planets, etc.

Instancing with other players is possible if they use the same game mode. Last night I tried open mode in Horizons 4.0 and actually saw another player in Shinrarta Dezhra.

Bottom line: If you need base game mode only occasionally to get your SRV unstuck, this little hack does the trick. You can uninstall client 3.8 and use those 20 GB for something else.

Half baked development and poor strategy decisions. Frontier excels in both.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:23pm
17 Sep 2022, 2:18pm
Can anyone point me to the Inara Discord server? I've looked everywhere but I'm just not seeing it in the new site layout. lol
17 Sep 2022, 2:41pm
EpisparhHalf baked development and poor strategy decisions. Frontier excels in both.

Obviously the key difference between Frontier and Hello Games or CD Projekt Red is that the latter two had the mental capacity to realize when they had screwed up and did everything they could to restore goodwill. Frontier on the other hand is utterly tone deaf and detached from reality. It seems they really thought they could generate more sales by giving their most troubled product away as a "courtesy gift" while locking their most loyal customers out of it!

Now of course the exact opposite is happening. EDO and LEP owners are pissed off because of how they get treated, and Horizons owners now get first-hand experience of how bad Odyssey still is after more than a year of patching.

This company is so full of fail, I'm surprised they still have shareholders. Must be those shills we see in the forums.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:23pm
17 Sep 2022, 4:31pm
NightAngel151Can anyone point me to the Inara Discord server? I've looked everywhere but I'm just not seeing it in the new site layout. lol

Here, the link is in the bug reporting, etc. thread.
21 Sep 2022, 10:53am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhHalf baked development and poor strategy decisions. Frontier excels in both.

Obviously the key difference between Frontier and Hello Games or CD Projekt Red is that the latter two had the mental capacity to realize when they had screwed up and did everything they could to restore goodwill. Frontier on the other hand is utterly tone deaf and detached from reality. It seems they really thought they could generate more sales by giving their most troubled product away as a "courtesy gift" while locking their most loyal customers out of it!

Now of course the exact opposite is happening. EDO and LEP owners are pissed off because of how they get treated, and Horizons owners now get first-hand experience of how bad Odyssey still is after more than a year of patching.

This company is so full of fail, I'm surprised they still have shareholders. Must be those shills we see in the forums.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

No one forces you to stick around and support* a games company you clearly have had issues with for months.

*Before you come back with saying you're not supporting FDev you're playing their game

Good luck with the trolling of the forums I know it makes you really happy.
21 Sep 2022, 4:01pm
I could never wrap my head around the concept of "supporting a games company".

A sports team and such, sure. But a corporate entity? It's just so weird.
21 Sep 2022, 4:59pm
AvengerduttonWould you like some cheese with your whine?

No one forces you to stick around and support* a games company you clearly have had issues with for months.

*Before you come back with saying you're not supporting FDev you're playing their game

You don't support FDev by playing their current game. You support them by buying the next one. In the meantime you're not a supporter but a liability.

AvengerduttonGood luck with the trolling of the forums I know it makes you really happy.

Insisting on features that were promised at the time of sale now qualifies as trolling? Do you enjoy your invertebrate life style?

People like you are the reason why we can't have nice things.
21 Sep 2022, 5:18pm
You don't support FDev by playing their current game. You support them by buying the next one. In the meantime you're not a supporter but a liability.

I wasn't aware there is another Elite title on the way that you're refusing to buy.

To quote renowned thespian Charlie Sheen "I already got your money, dude"

Insisting on features that were promised at the time of sale now qualifies as trolling? Do you enjoy your invertebrate life style?

You've been barking up this same tree since you refunded then repurchased EDO during the alpha. If you still aint happy then perhaps its time to accept your 40 quid is a lost cause and move on.

People like you are the reason why we can't have nice things.

21 Sep 2022, 11:02pm
AvengerduttonI wasn't aware there is another Elite title on the way that you're refusing to buy.

To quote renowned thespian Charlie Sheen "I already got your money, dude"

Congratulations! Not only did you get my point, now you're even pretending it was yours all along. I feel flattered.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Sep 2022, 12:00am
22 Sep 2022, 12:01pm
Yuna Sakashiro
AvengerduttonI wasn't aware there is another Elite title on the way that you're refusing to buy.

To quote renowned thespian Charlie Sheen "I already got your money, dude"

Congratulations! Not only did you get my point, now you're even pretending it was yours all along. I feel flattered.

My pleasure I know you need the boost every now and again while you go through this trying time
22 Sep 2022, 3:35pm
Hey Avengerdutton,

Big Corporate man, could you hint how many paid influencers you have on this site?
22 Sep 2022, 10:02pm
Shg56Hey Avengerdutton,

Big Corporate man, could you hint how many paid influencers you have on this site?

You ok hun?
22 Sep 2022, 10:48pm
Shg56Hey Avengerdutton,
Big Corporate man, could you hint how many paid influencers you have on this site?

You ok hun?

I don't mind to get on your payroll and start posting fairy-tales how EDO is good. Let me know if any vacancies...
22 Sep 2022, 11:06pm
I don't mind to get on your payroll and start posting fairy-tales how EDO is good. Let me know if any vacancies...

Ah yes, the classic "anyone who says anything good about something I hate is a paid shill" retort.
You greatly overestimate the marketing budgets of some companies...
22 Sep 2022, 11:44pm
Shg56Hey Avengerdutton,
Big Corporate man, could you hint how many paid influencers you have on this site?

You ok hun?

I don't mind to get on your payroll and start posting fairy-tales how EDO is good. Let me know if any vacancies...

I don't recall saying anything good or bad about EDO I was just suggesting that if a game upsets you and you hold the company that makes it in contempt then nothing is lost in moving on.

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