Elite: General talk

04 Oct 2022, 7:53pm
Broken MessOn a separate note entirely ... just skipping through yesterday's stream, and there's one section with Derrin where they go through player submitted favourite locations screenshots.

The very first one hit right in the groin - Dav's Hope - the 3.8 version of course - obviously zero mention how that got butchered and moved into permanent darkness in the 4.0 client; and then the killing blow (though referring to the site's name) Derrin said "we rarely do things unintentionally". Oof.

It's at the 1:18 mark if anyone desires a bit of cringe for lunch.

i been to dav's hope on both versions, EDH and ed:o i don't seem to remeber that it was ever on the lighter side of the planet. Or thou i have notice a few less materials to gather on 4.0

if they have changed it reasonably then it probably to slow down the number of materials there and to slow down new players from farming it too quickly
06 Oct 2022, 7:00am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhShe criticized a volunteer moderator's post

He was indirectly accusing me of breaking the EULA or even the law. I couldn't let that slide.

A week has passed and I'm finally allowed to read the accusations against me. So here we go:

I have no clue what makes this post offensive. Is "to grow a pair" sexual content? A quick search shows this idiom being used on the forums all the time.
06 Oct 2022, 11:40am
Some mod lost his cool in the discussion.
I think the mod... We know who took the initiative and banned you for linking that mini launcher here on Inara. He just took your reply as confirmation of you doing it.

Which is puzzleing as the launcher is linked even on Frontier's forum.

Does this "report" button do something?

In any case Frontier and its White Knights do not deserve my attention.
06 Oct 2022, 12:59pm
It'll be interesting to see what FDev does with U14. Wouldn't surprise me if they snuck in a "fix" for the launcher on the sly. Or maybe they won't and just let it slide while acting all oblivous to the issue (which imo is not a good look but hey it's their perogative to continue nibble away on their reputation, and if people are willing to lap up any corp waffle such as the 'demo' excuse then I feel sorry for them being so gullible).

Forum is a lost cause. It seems almost impossible to not get brigaded by the usual handful of posters (it's not a lot to be fair, but they're certainly dedicated) - the "get better friends" suggestion took the biscuit earlier this week - certainly if you want to provide some critical feedback and/or discuss issues with others.
06 Oct 2022, 8:50pm
I'm not a fan of discussing one forum's moderation on another, and think that no good can come of it.

Yuna SakashiroIs "to grow a pair" sexual content?

It means to grow a pair of balls, and as such is vulgar and can be seen as offensive, yes.
06 Oct 2022, 11:45pm
People will always take offense if they see an opportunity to do so. "Benefit of the doubt" does not exist on the forums. Think of them as hyenas, making a lot of noise and feeding on scraps. I hope someone is offended by that statement.
07 Oct 2022, 3:48am
"Give me six lines written by the most honest man, and I will find something there to hang him."

Even if that idiom qualifies as vulgar rather than just informal, it is quite disturbing that my use of it leads to a week-long ban while others keep using it with impunity.

I've put Ozric on ignore and will do so with any other moderator who picks a side in a discussion. If they have the power to ban people they disagree with, I'm not interested in their opinions.

What I would like to know is who put these "volunteer moderators" in charge? Who vetted them? Who is overseeing them? Because therein lies the root of the problem.
07 Oct 2022, 6:10am
I do hate to side line the current topic with a random question but does it tell a fleet carrier owner who donates tritium to them
07 Oct 2022, 7:18am
AFAIK there's no reliable way to see who donated the tritium. You may guess it by checking who docked, if the EDDN picked up their logs.
07 Oct 2022, 7:45am
Yuna SakashiroAFAIK there's no reliable way to see who donated the tritium. You may guess it by checking who docked, if the EDDN picked up their logs.

haha no thats good, i just like to drop a little trit off to friends of mine once and a while , just because, was just curious
07 Oct 2022, 11:45am
MiseriI do hate to side line the current topic with a random question but does it tell a fleet carrier owner who donates tritium to them

Well, technically, I am tracking the tritium donations on the background for Inara (donated by Inara commanders only) as I thought it may be useful in the past. As nobody asked for this I then made no further work on that except the backend stuff, but I can make some output for it if needed.
08 Oct 2022, 8:02am
MiseriI do hate to side line the current topic with a random question but does it tell a fleet carrier owner who donates tritium to them

Well, technically, I am tracking the tritium donations on the background for Inara (donated by Inara commanders only) as I thought it may be useful in the past. As nobody asked for this I then made no further work on that except the backend stuff, but I can make some output for it if needed.

Oh no Artie thats too much I was just making sure if I randomly drop some tritium on my friends will they know it, i want to just secretly sometimes fill their carriers and vanish so they just come back and find a little more fuel in their hold
I was just not sure if the carriers track that kind of thing or not, since Im not rich enough to own one myself yet
im just being a sneaky sneak about it
08 Oct 2022, 3:48pm
I guess the cat is irrevocably out of the bag...

10 Oct 2022, 8:07am
Still reading that gatekeeping thread for my mild a/bemusement (almost 50 pages... amazing that something this simple could be debated for so long), it makes me a little bit sad how it's now preferable to outright defend anti-consumer behaviour as opposed to protest against it - and to double down, those who make certain purchasing decisions (such as not spending money on something they don't see value in, for whatever reason) get mocked or even insulted.

And how easily some people gobble up revisionist (demo lol - they're missing the fact that Odyssey remains an optional DLC, it's not the base game, Horizons still is, regardless of the client it runs on) marketing blubber without even pausing for a second and ask themselves who is taking who for a ride here.

The term 'useful idiots' springs to mind, as the alternative explanation of their behaviour is even less appealing.

Let's be real here, the only reason Frontier isn't selling HZN 4.0 (yet) is because it still performs much worse than 3.8. Let's also not forget that in order to play EDO, you first need to buy HZN (in the shape of 3.8). Aka a client that is essentially dead as it no longer gets future development.

Last edit: 10 Oct 2022, 8:12am
11 Oct 2022, 4:05am
Broken MessLet's be real here, the only reason Frontier isn't selling HZN 4.0 (yet) is because it still performs much worse than 3.8. Let's also not forget that in order to play EDO, you first need to buy HZN (in the shape of 3.8). Aka a client that is essentially dead as it no longer gets future development.

I think the "reasons" are simply Capitalism and/or greed, as this change forces new players to buy the DLC.
also why I kept telling long before this change that there will be no merging of sessions specifically for the capitalist reasons.

Now FDEV has the "excuse" to say that "sorry 3.8 users can't connect to 4.0 Users for technical reasons" but we all know this is not about technicals but about money and the next earnings report.

which is funny in itself, as there is a direct correlation between the Stock-price and the game releases they had over the years, and this says VERY clear that the only success they had was Elite Dangerous, with that in mind It seems more like that there is no real plan into the future, and more just to milk the project as long as possible.

the only hope we can have is when the stock price hits 7.44 and some of the Venture Capitalists may speak some more serious words to management.

Last edit: 11 Oct 2022, 4:12am

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