Elite: General talk

29 Nov 2020, 9:14pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

Well, no. The best way is to get gut and avoid pvp and leave them to their misery. Sorry but I am not interested in flying meta builds and spinning around for 20-30 min just to prove who's "stick" is longer.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 11:05pm
29 Nov 2020, 9:31pm
The Atlaran Oversight Council sponsored a CQC like brawl.

I'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 11:06pm
29 Nov 2020, 9:47pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

Well, no. The best way is to get gut and avoid pvp and leave them to their misery. Sorry but I am not interested in flying meta builds and spinning around for 20-30 min just to prove who's "stick" is longer.

I have to agree with Epi... if someone doesn't want to be a combat pilot then they don't have to be.

It's easier to learn to evade (or play in another mode) than to try and play the game as a trader/ explorer/ miner/ chauffeur in a fully engineered PvP combat ship just in case you're attacked.

Forced PvP is the only part of the game that really forces you to play the game how someone else wants you to play... hence there being ways to avoid it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 11:06pm
29 Nov 2020, 10:44pm
After all, PvP in ED is anything but hardcore. You die, you respawn in your ship, you lose 5% of your ship's value in credits. Big deal.

It's funny that some folks make such a big deal of it.
29 Nov 2020, 11:34pm
Kari Kerenski
After all, PvP in ED is anything but hardcore. You die, you respawn in your ship, you lose 5% of your ship's value in credits. Big deal.

It's funny that some folks make such a big deal of it.

Depends how one plays. I know players who earn 1 million a day, because a quick RES/CZ visit is all they have time for.

If anything, Open Mode should have a fair warning that the players you may meet may not be so friendly, as well as having more experience and better equipment. It's not just about the skill gap, but Engineering gap (mostly) - like I said in some post already - due to how severely time-consuming min-maxing of the PVP-proof ship can be. Myself I have maybe something under 3000 hours and I always found mining for more than three hours driving me to the point of madness - for example. Now imagine a guy who plays one hour a day and would need to spend a month, two, even three on doing every activity to achieve reasonable PVP Engineering just because he has no different pace to achieve that faster.

It is kinda like sitting several hundred hours in the very first area of Dark Souls: great idea at first to buff your character to one-shot your enemies, but on the long run you miss a lot of game content while burning out quickly.
30 Nov 2020, 12:49am
SakashiroLook who just tried to gank me...


Very nice. Did you offer him the customary friend request? If so, did he take you up on it?
30 Nov 2020, 12:55am
RotwhylrVery nice. Did you offer him the customary friend request? If so, did he take you up on it?

Yes, we're friends now.
30 Nov 2020, 6:10am
EpisparhThe first step should be made by Frontier by removing the ridiculous capping of bounties of players. CR lounry/transfer is far easier with FC...
I saw a reddit post today where one guy claims 124 mil of bounty by killing a ganker (names are excluded but you can easily find it on reddit). Of those 124mil, the bounty hunter got... 10mil. And how much kills the ganker made to accumulate such bounty?

PvP do not pay so people do not care or go for easy kill count by clubbing seals.

Removing the bounty cap results in PvPers making billions from killing each other after they have had their fun.

It is still possible to get good payouts for bounties on Commanders.

A while back myself and a couple of squad mates managed to destroy a notorious ganker. Using a KWS you can gain bounties from multiple jurisdictions at once. If I recall correctly we came out with bounties just over 100 Million credits each. You can only claim 2 million from a single bounty , this guy had around 50 bounties in range of the KWS Scan, It was a lucky score. I have no video but I have a screenshot of the bounties, I have included a play by play below.

P spots a Viper IV and initiates the tether for a kill warrant scan. Meanwhile,
A and R spot E and A begins the pull.
A and R drop in and immediately go on the offensive.
E starts his initial assault on R with a spray of fire and a ram, he sees R's shields hold well and turns to A.
A2 drops in and starts his assault
P breaks from the Viper IV and drops in to join the frey against E.
P attempts to pull A2 away from the fight and succeeds.
P's eagle eye notices A2 pulling his punches and breaks off refreshing his assault anew against E.
A's shields are getting low but he expertly dodges and weaves around keeping damage to a minimum, E pushes to try to drop them.
E's hull has also taken a beating and is now critical, he charges his FSD initiating his escape plan.
A, P and R pursue E to shut him down while he dodges and weaves awaiting his FSD spool, R let's off a triple burst of plasma from 2.5km away, (damn lucky shot) and his ship pops.
A2 turns his attention to the wounded A and closes for the kill.
P and R close behind throwing everything they have at him
A is struggling to hold on as his hull is cracking under the pressure, holding on for grim death.
A2's assault takes a serious turn, his hull has dropped to critical levels as he zeroes in on A in a desperate attempt to salvage a kill from the ill fated encounter, going all in to the assault with little chance of escape.
P swoops in with multi-cannons thundering, tearing the last remnants of hull from A2's ship as it splutters, crackles and explodes.
A's hull is sitting at 2% and he checks his systems for damage, after rebooting his systems to repair his badly damaged FSD he attempts to fire it up, Failed, P and R circle A to keep him safe while he reboots two or three more times until his FSD finally begins it's charge. P and R follow suit. A2 is the notorious ganker.

PvP can be very fun and very fulfilling.

Each to their own.

It's not about measuring things, it's about having fun.

Last edit: 30 Nov 2020, 6:56am
30 Nov 2020, 6:26am
JB ThreepwoodForced PvP is the only part of the game that really forces you to play the game how someone else wants you to play... hence there being ways to avoid it.

This is False, I have to gather and grind for materials to engineer my ships, in some cases that grind is hefty, if I was to play my way the grind would not be quite so time consuming on some materials rather than others of the same rarity. I am forced to do this in game. I also have to defend myself against unwanted Bounty hunting NPC's. In the early game this can be quite the ordeal if you are not yet ready for a fight against a more powerful opponent of you haven't had to run from anything before.

Your logic here is just silly. A commander is not forced to defend themselves against commanders unless they choose open, which clearly states they may encounter others commanders.

By choosing this option you are playing how you want, with the opportunity to encounter other commanders.

Last edit: 30 Nov 2020, 7:04am
30 Nov 2020, 7:08am
SakashiroLook who just tried to gank me...

Yooooo, Ive been wanting to get ganked by him for ages!
30 Nov 2020, 7:23am
Vinh Kruczek
If anything, Open Mode should have a fair warning that the players you may meet may not be so friendly, as well as having more experience and better equipment.

Then it'll need a positive point about Open to balance the warning, something like "players you meet may be friendly and help you with their experience and better equipment." But then, it's getting a bit clunky isn't it? Alternatively, something neutral like "you may encounter other players" would do. Like it already does.

Vinh Kruczek
It's not just about the skill gap, but Engineering gap (mostly) - like I said in some post already - due to how severely time-consuming min-maxing of the PVP-proof ship can be. Myself I have maybe something under 3000 hours and I always found mining for more than three hours driving me to the point of madness - for example. Now imagine a guy who plays one hour a day and would need to spend a month, two, even three on doing every activity to achieve reasonable PVP Engineering just because he has no different pace to achieve that faster.

Yep, there's a lot of investment if you want to dedicate your gameplay to PvP. I'd suggest that those who don't find any fun in it should remember that it's just an optional element to the game, and there's no requirement or pressure to do so.
30 Nov 2020, 8:47am

Removing the bounty cap results in PvPers making billions from killing each other after they have had their fun.

It is still possible to get good payouts for bounties on Commanders.

A while back myself and a couple of squad mates managed to destroy a notorious ganker. Using a KWS you can gain bounties from multiple jurisdictions at once. If I recall correctly we came out with bounties just over 100 Million credits each. You can only claim 2 million from a single bounty , this guy had around 50 bounties in range of the KWS Scan, It was a lucky score. I have no video but I have a screenshot of the bounties, I have included a play by play below.

I haven't thought about this. It makes sense, but what should motivate bounty hunter to risk hunting players then?


PvP can be very fun and very fulfilling.

Each to their own.

It's not about measuring things, it's about having fun.

I think I've said that later - if PvP is someones' thing - absolutely, go and have fun. Else a CMDR just need to learn how to evade and build proper ships. I do disagree though with the PvP provocations - if you do not like it come and get us. I really do not get who will fall for that but whatever.
30 Nov 2020, 9:00am
EpisparhI haven't thought about this. It makes sense, but what should motivate bounty hunter to risk hunting players then?

I will think on my response to this. I have some ideas, I will extrapolate and reply soon.

EpisparhI think I've said that later - if PvP is someones' thing - absolutely, go and have fun. Else a CMDR just need to learn how to evade and build proper ships. I do disagree though with the PvP provocations - if you do not like it come and get us. I really do not get who will fall for that but whatever.

I don't recall provoking anyone to come and get me.

However, if you would like to spar I am certainly willing. I know you are not the type but the offer stands regardless.

Last edit: 30 Nov 2020, 9:10am
30 Nov 2020, 9:27am
ZentzlbYooooo, Ive been wanting to get ganked by him for ages!

He flies FA/off with KBAM like a boss!

Love his voice and cute German accent.

I apologize for excessive fangirling. But evading that gank really made my day!
30 Nov 2020, 10:05am
I don't recall provoking anyone to come and get me.

However, if you would like to spar I am certainly willing. I know you are not the type but the offer stands regardless.

I haven't meant you but the guys that were asking others to gear up and go pvp.

I do some pvp from time to time with some random guys. Needless to say I am bellow decent opponent. I will surely ping you if I feel the need. But then we are in far different time zones. I usually play around 16:00 - 22:00 server time.
... I even had a problem instancing with Smaloo in a private group to walk him around guardian sites.

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