Elite: General talk

06 Dec 2020, 6:14pm
Do I even want to read the rest of the conversation? I don't think so
06 Dec 2020, 6:18pm
Igneel PrimeDo I even want to read the rest of the conversation? I don't think so

Hey, it's a proven method. If your ship or boyfriend don't do what you want properly, just give their PP a good kick.
06 Dec 2020, 6:25pm
06 Dec 2020, 9:55pm
Aleksander Majjam15592 kills and 25 deaths for that one CMDR who ganks and just avoids getting into a real fight himself. Haha.

Case in point: Here's CMDR Tony Curtis, baby seal clubber extraordinaire, complaining about "silly PvPers" and their "meta builds" after the odds turned against him and he had to run, lol. Turns out he himself is the saltiest of all carebears.


"I want some of that friction."

Yeah, right...

Friction Labs is actually very good, Tony seems to have been fooled by the "competent" combat ranking.
07 Dec 2020, 3:12am
I started to watch but don't have >4 hours to waste watching someone else, regardless.
07 Dec 2020, 5:02am
Igneel PrimePvP serves no purpose


Aleksander MajjamLol. Who should be surprised by this? PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game.

Also rubbish.
07 Dec 2020, 5:06am
Vinh KruczekLike I already stated somewhere: balanced PVP on Elite: Dangerous isn't and won't be a thing thanks to Engineering.

everyone has the potential for access to the same tools. It is balanced as much as most other PvP games.

Actually even more so because every build has a counter build.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2020, 5:26am
07 Dec 2020, 7:22am
Synthya WylderI started to watch but don't have >4 hours to waste watching someone else, regardless.

The link is timestamped and should skip right to the juicy part.
07 Dec 2020, 1:37pm
Igneel PrimePvP serves no purpose


Aleksander MajjamLol. Who should be surprised by this? PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game.

Also rubbish.

Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game
07 Dec 2020, 1:56pm
Igneel Prime
Igneel PrimePvP serves no purpose


Aleksander MajjamLol. Who should be surprised by this? PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game.

Also rubbish.

Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

IMO, PvP does have a place in the game: Pew-Pew between different players. That's it. Its single purpose.

AFAIK, it doesn't have any other effect on BGS or anything else. Hence, I suspect, the continuation of the calls to require BGS activities be played in Open, where those who relish the PvP aspect (notably, the 'gankers') would have more chance of it, & those activities would give actual meaning beyond the mere Pew-Pew.
07 Dec 2020, 2:14pm
Igneel Prime
Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

It's like SRV racing or exploratory expeditions - it's fun. No other purpose is needed, really.
07 Dec 2020, 3:42pm
I think once we stop dancing 'round and 'round here and realize that the people against ganking aren't against PvP, then maybe we can get some meaningful points coming across other than PvP is useless. PvP is fun. Those in favor of PvP seem to resent those against against it far greater than even the gankers, while it's the gankers themselves that cause the most threat to a more well-rounded PvP ED game, as well as a more populous PvP.
07 Dec 2020, 4:18pm
Aleksander MajjamI think once we stop dancing 'round and 'round here and realize that the people against ganking aren't against PvP, then maybe we can get some meaningful points coming across other than PvP is useless.

What's the point?

No one will ever convince you otherwise.

Aleksander Majjam
PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

07 Dec 2020, 4:19pm
Igneel Prime

Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

CQC tournament is PvP by design. In all other cases PvP is optional, primary for fun or proving who is better.
07 Dec 2020, 4:23pm
Igneel Prime

Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

CQC tournament is PvP by design. In all other cases PvP is optional, primary for fun or proving who is better.

correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a completely different and separate game mode and thus pretty irrelevant to the rest of the game?

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